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125 degree heat kills hundreds

UPDATE: 1,000+ died

Westerners assume their air conditioning will save them from the climate crisis, but what happens when it stops working during a blackout?

Too hot for Hajj pilgrims trip to Mecca.

Two unnamed Arab diplomats told the Agence France-Presse news service that 323 people from Egypt alone had died, most because of heat-related illnesses. Egypt has not yet shared an official count, but other countries whose citizens flocked to the holy city of Mecca have been reporting tolls: at least 138 from Indonesia, 41 from Jordan and 35 from Tunisia.


it's 72 here and I'm sipping a coke, it's quite refreshing. When the sun dips down a little later I might get a blanket, it gets chilly at night. I might have some hot chocolate too that will warm me up.


Funny thing about Climate deniers, tell them to not use any AC and then say there is no climate change, that this weather is natural so why try to beat it with tech.


Great point! A/C was extremely rare a few decades ago when it was cooler during the summers.


Golly, it couldn't have had anything to do with cost and technology, could it? AC was rarer still in the 1930s, when summers were even hotter. So what?


Cultists tend to conflate everything even when there's no correlation.


Summers were not hotter in the 30s. Why does your cult insists on lying?


Lying? You mean like retroactively "adjusting" (read: faking) temperature records to cool the past and warm the present?

Meanwhile, those who look at temperature trends that haven't been altered by globalists can see the truth. Throw in a spate of contemporaneous accounts from the 1930s and you'll see the panic was always there. There's nothing new under the sun, particularly the trend of pansies wetting themselves over what's natural weather.


Crap blog with zero credibility:

Factual Reporting: LOW
Traffic/Popularity: Minimal Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY

Quackery level pseudoscience website as well as a moderate conspiracy website based on promoting that the solutions for climate change lead to communism. We also rate them Low for factual reporting due to failed fact checks and a complete rejection of the consensus of science regarding human-influenced climate change.

Most of the information published on this blog is not derived from peer-reviewed research; in fact, Mr. Heller explains why peer-reviewed studies in climate change are “worthless” Why Climate Science Peer Review Is Worthless. In general, Real Climate Science is opposed to Real Climate Science."


Oooh, the fact checkers have spoken! Bully for them. I see they rate Heller low for "rejecting the consensus". In other words, these are the same people who would have rejected people in the past for rejecting geocentric models of the solar system, rejecting the theory of miasmas, rejecting the idea of healing patients through bleeding, rejecting voodoo, etc., etc.

Now, do you care to address the evidence he presented or would that be too humiliating?

Here's Tony using NOAA's own data to demonstrate that this past week's warm weather - along with the recent two decades - doesn't measure up to the heat in the 1930s or even 1988.


He's a kook. Why do you hate real science?


So no answer to his evidence. Gotcha.

And if you want to talk about science deniers, let's start with persons who reject evolution and human biodiversity.


Last night it got down in the 40's I was so cold I had 3 blankets on. I had to grab a scarf and a hot water bottle to regulate my temperature. my teeth were chattering so hard it sounded like machine gun fire. I had to drink about a gallon of hot chocolate when I woke up this morning. High in the 60's today and my core temperature is way below normal. Hopefully it doesnt get as cold tonight. I'll keep you posted. Peace out.


MBFC has zero credibility, using that source to confirm the credibility of other sources is a contradiction.


Why is that funny? Do alarmist retards like you wear shorts and t-shirts during the winter to "prove" that the earth is boiling?


Thousands of people cramped together in close proximity will raise the ambient temperature (heat in crowded spaces).

They should change their annual ritual to the winter/cold season or when the temps are in the 60s or 70s.
