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Ukraine war is escalating...

NATO and some of its allies allowing use of their weapons to strike inside of Russia if they pose a threat or is a military target that attacked Ukraine from their homebase.


Good. Finally.


Yes, let's keep poking a nuclear power over a conflict that doesn't involve us at all. Great idea.


stop being coward. Ending nazi russia involves everyone. Like everyone had to deal with hitler.
USA abstained for few years before going into war with nazi Germany. Because hitler need to be killed or he would destroy everything.

russia must be destroyed.


You're fucked in the head.


sure Ivan


Let them get mauled by their Hug-Bears in the woods.


Not possible due to North Korea, Iran, and most of all, CHYNA keeping them afloat. Population wise Russia would outlast Ukraine (38m vs 143m). Russia doesn't care for their troops and rule by fear so the meat grinder can keep on going. It's also notable that the Russian economy has shifted into wartime mode while the rest of the West hasn't hence the limited amount of ammo they can send and produce at the same time.

Unless Ukraine can minimize loses, the long game is in Russia's favor unless somehow a magical revolution happens there to bring down Putin which isn't likely anytime soon.

PS: Russia lost more troops than in Afghanistan yet still no collapse or revolt or basically anything else. They're definitely not of the Soviets from before.


Russia's death toll in Ukraine is well over what they lost fighting for 10 yrs in Afghanistan. Where'd you hear this Russian official numbers?



Oh I misread your comment. I don't believe they've lost 500k that seems way too high. Maybe if that was counting all casualties (dead & wounded). I think it's closer to 50-100k dead. Idk if that includes mercs or not.

I've read reports that Russia can't afford to keep fighting this war past 2026. That's why Putin switched up leadership hiring that economist recently.

Putin can't seem to take Ukraine even after 6 months of delayed congressional aid.


Yes, dead AND wounded.

I actually take back my statement on the situation on Ukraine. It seems the West IS ramping up production now and modernizing its production lies.


Ukraine counts dead & wounded russian in their numbers. 500 k is dead & wounded.

Their losses are colossal. But they don't care about their own life. Because their life in russia is so shitty.


Almighty USSR was sitting in Afghanistan for 10 years. And then they admitted their defeat, packed their things and got out.

Almighty USSR was empire of evil. And then one day it collapsed under its own weight and economic pressure.

Same will happen to nazi russia. They can't lose and lose money and soldiers forever.


[–] emori (3205) 4 hours ago
stop being coward.

So you prefer a WW3 than to be labeled a coward?

No wonder you don't dare think for yourself, you're afraid of being labeled a conspiracy theorist. lol


WW3 already stared in 2014 when nazi russia invaded Ukraine. World ignored it and it only made russia make full invasion. If not stopped - russia will attack other countries after Ukraine. And then China and Iran will attack their targets. North Korea will attack South.

Everyone apart cowardice trumpists understand it. Yet trumpists think if they will ignore it - it will somehow go away. It wont.


When WW3 starts, you will know it.


I agree. The alternative is just let Russia walk over Ukraine. Russia is using NK & Iranian weapons to attack Ukraine, Ukraine can use ours to attack Russia.

Otherwise, just throw in the towel.


let Russia walk over Ukraine

Let's say this happened. How do you think that would affect your daily life?


I think it would trigger an EVEN BIGGER arms race, embolden China to encroach/invade Taiwan, destablize Europe - all of which would have knock-on effects economically, culturally, diplomatically - our heft in the world would decrease dramatically - we're already taking a huge hit on hitching ourselves to the genocide in Gaza - caving to Russian aggression would just be another indication of weakness/dysfunction/ineffectuality to our present or prospective allies.

Having Russia on Poland's border, now with the added punch of a modernized Ukraine military as part of the empire, would not be a good eventuality.

Being in the world, I don't consider that I am insulated from it.


China would’ve invaded Taiwan decades ago except they have 100 miles of ocean separating them which makes any invasion pretty unfeasible.

The logical solution is to broker peace and let Russia have the eastern side of Ukraine with an assurance that the West won’t join NATO, like was originally promised.


When did Ukraine promise to give up Eastern Ukraine ?

Ukraine offered to take NATO off the table, but Putin wasn't ready to settle for that.

I get that YOU think Russia should have been green-lit to bite off a big and resource-rich chunk of another UN member state, but THE UKRAINIANS don't appear to be.

China, when they get ready, will simply start blockading Taiwan.


- back in 1990 there was a deal to not continue with eastward NATO expansion

- lol why would NATO admit a member in the midst of a war? They don’t want to get article-fived

- Yeah that’s pretty rich since the US has been biting chunks out of UN member states for decades now

- A blockade is useless unless there’s force to back it up, which would just make China look weak. China blockading anything will result in oil and gas imports being halted which would probably cripple them


>- back in 1990 there was a deal to not continue with eastward NATO expansion

There was no such "deal". It's basically a Kremlin urban legend.

Also a full video on Putin/Kremlin's problems with NATO:

>- Yeah that’s pretty rich since the US has been biting chunks out of UN member states for decades now

Have they? Who has the US been annexing?


Why does a cold war relic like NATO still exist if not to antagonize the ancient enemy, Russia?


Why would NATO which was a built-up common defence pact be disbanded? Recent actions by Russia have made it clear why it is necessary.


They are really getting desperate for that WW3.


Its already started. And West either win it or terrorist will take over the world. Do you want to live under China and russia occupation? Then move to those countries.


A few weeks ago, I saw a TV interview criticizing Biden's policy of not allowing Ukraine to strike inside Russia as stupid and hampering Ukraine's ability to win. He said who ever heard of a war in which one side doesn't attack the other.

Apparently, Biden decided to take the interviewer's advice.


Biden probably has a stiff one in his pants at the mere thought of this war escalating considering he's always been a war monger.. Funny how we never had any new wars under 4 years of Trump?? 🤔
