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New Rule: Quiet on Set | Real Time with Bill Maher

Starts with that documentary and shifts to Drag Queen Story Hour, Queer activism, Pedos and DeSantis was right about Disney. Can't wait for the Queer/Tranny outrage. Cancel Maher!

Bill be the darling of Right Wing News for a week or so!

The explosive documentary about the toxic and abusive environment inside '90s kids' TV didn’t just expose a dangerous workplace, it also exposed Hollywood hypocrisy.


What are people's obsession with this guy?

He's a failed comedian that doesn't read up on the events/topics he covers. He's a fucking idiot that shouldn't have attention paid to him(let alone TV shows), regardless of who he is pandering to on any given day.


Maher has to go down as the most conflicted self proclaimed liberal I've ever seen.. It's like he really wants to agree with the Biden Administration and everything they've done in 4 years, but is having a difficult time doing so while not agreeing with anything Trump related so he doesn't lose his audience


Be had never been a liberal. He is a Libertarian


What exactly is a libertarian in practice? I mean really.

The concept is nice and all but it really doesn't work in the real world. I think it's a cop-out...just call yourself a centrist and stay informed. That's Maher's biggest issue...he is consistently 6-24 months behind any current day issue, and that's what makes his takes so eyeroll inducing.


At least we agree on something.


His show is on 6 months out of the year. He doesn't have a weekly show every week. It's like sayin why does John Oliver talk about stuff on Sunday when it happened last Monday.

Signed, million man


Then there's no point of his show. Shit moves too fast for his format to matter.


Libertarianism is astrology for suburban white boys. If you had a civilization of 120 IQ, high trust Europeans, it would muck along for a while, but that's not the world we live in. And even if this fictional world was built, all it would take would be one usurper and the entire project would fall apart under the weight of its own contradictions.

As an ideology, it's just as antithetical to human nature as is Communism/collectivism.


You are retarded, this video is current day.


The video is, but the topics are not. He could have ranted about them years ago.


Cool it with the ableism.


Bill has never been Libertarian except the bit about free speech. Ignores free markets and open borders.


Why don't just watch the video, dipshit! Real time has a research team.


Dipshit? 🤣


He's not wrong. You are a dipshit who cries when you let an anonymous user here upset so much. How's your tissue supply?


But isn't the exposing of sexual abuse by powerful men and instituting things like "intimacy coordinators" part of what is ridiculed and called "wokism" by rightists?


Nobody calls "exposing of sexual abuse by powerful men" woke!


Sure they do. Every time since actress says she was pressured to do sex scenes that made her uncomfortable the righties day things like "you took the paycheck" or something like that.


Can I laugh and agree with some things Bill Maher says? Sure, but he'll still vote for Biden which will bring about America's demise so he's part of the problem.


Bill has been afflicted with TDS since 2016.


Bill's a little squeamish when his Hollywood buddies are being so careless with the kiddie diddling but he goes out of his way to signal that he's still on board with most of the rest of the degeneracy. He doesn't want to get uninvited to the right parties, after all. He might have thought this through a little bit more and realized that, while evil has and always will exist, we sure didn't have the same amounts of sexual degeneracy when there was social pressure to adhere to normal sexual expression.

Yes, even in the buttoned down Code-era of Hollywood, there were freaks and pedos - the character of Jack Wolz in The Godfather is no accident - but men had unwritten rules about how open one could be with this filth. Victorian England was another time and place where a masculine society governed itself appropriately. One hardly has to read between the lines of Dickens to see that exploitation existed, but only the sickest individuals of the time would have believed that turning the public square into a sexual free-for-all was prudent. There's a very good reason why Oscar Wilde had to be so coy. This sort of self-policing helped to limit the amount of children damaged and destroyed by predatory adults, i.e. what we today call groomers.

But tough-talking Bill Maher's too much of a pussy to recommend taking care of the actual problem. He's like the alcoholic who thinks he can control his drinking through moderation.


What "degeneracy" are you on about? Are you refer to backroom culture of hollywood, or are you complaining about the content of modern media being... what, highly sexualised?


Well said.

I've seen a good deal of Maher recently. It is clear that he is having prolems with how far and how quickly the left has gone far left,

but he has always been a lefty. And still is. He just isn't quite as...utterly soulless as most lefties today.

Fuck, Ana Kasparian! has started having issues with how fucking bat shit crazy the left is becoming.

If you have made HER the voice of reason in the room, it is time for you to be in a padded cell eating your mush with a soft spoon.


Fuck Bill Maher, he is a piece if shit fake ass pothead that wouldn't quit the drug for Steve-O. Any real addict to the drug would respect another's sobriety, Bill is just smerking for show
