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The number of voters registering without a photo ID is SKYROCKETING in 3 key swing states

H O L Y S H I T, Joe Biden is killing it! He is VERY popular. He will win agian as we all love him that much.

The number of voters registering without a photo ID is SKYROCKETING in 3 key swing states:

Arizona, Texas, and Pennsylvania.

Since the start of 2024:

TX: 1,250,710
PA: 580,513
AZ: 220,731

HAVV allows voters to register with a Social Security Number (4 digits).

Illegals are not able to get licenses there. But they can get Social Security Cards (for work authorization permits).

Data is publicly available:


Disinformation. Texas requires a photo ID, as do all the repressive Southern states (i.e., all of them).


IDs aren't oppressive, and you're a racist for thinking minorities are incapable without help from racist white liberals...

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


Why do you consider a driving license as repressive?


Why do you ask stupid questions?Why does your name imply progressive? You're just a desparate troll. Ignored.


That's not an answer, leftist.


A driving license is a very well established photo ID across the USA and other countries why do do consider it repressive?


This election will be even more fortified than 2020, so if you're a Trump fan you'd better gird your loins for all manner of chicanery. They're simply not going to let this man be President again and they've been very up front about this.

Even if he somehow did gain the office again, what difference would it make? It's the system that's thoroughly corrupted and a peacock like Trump (with (((Javanka))) at his side) isn't capable of doing what needs to be done. We're not going to vote our way out of this.


I truly hope Democrats will do everything to win elections. Trumpists are traitors and too dangerous to let them anywhere near power.


I truly hope Democrats will do everything to win elections."

Even if that means cheat like the 2020 Election, right??


I truly hope Democrats will do everything to win elections. Trumpists are traitors and too dangerous to let them anywhere near power.


Which means cheat, right?? You don't have to post the same shit twice to get that point across dumbass.. I'm pretty intuitive


This is why they hate Voter ID and resort to bigotry to make sure we don't have secure elections. Complicit.

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


Some people really don't understand how dangerous "trumpism" is. Many democracies were destroyed once dictator came to power through fair elections and then absorbed all of it.

When first time Trump was in power - Republican party was still sane and they and democrats did not allow him to become dictator and absorb power. All his crazy ideas were blocked in Senate and Congress. And when he threw tantrums after losing elections - that was "dictator wannabe" who didn't get his way.

Now, as wee see in Congress - republican party of losers completely surrendered to him and are doing everything he orders, He ordered to block congress because russia ordered him to block aid to Ukraine - and republican rat do that. And will do everything else he will order them once in power. And then it will be late. So those "dictator wannabees" should be stopped at any cost and not let into power.

putin came to power in fair elections. They all voted him willingly. Back then russia had opposition, free media, democracy. They could elect governors, mayors. Once he took over - he started destroying free press, put opposition in prisons, then cancelled elections of governors and mayors and now russia is like a kingdom with mad king. Absolute power and no one can question anything. They would go to prison for 10 years for simply liking some opposition or anti-war posts.

Same with belarus and luckashenko.


Biden have been trying to put Trump in prison for years now! Free press in the US - hahahaha!


And have failed miserably. The man is simply not going to prison. The sooner you all accept this, the better off your sanity will be


He's not going to prison before the election. Only voters can stop tfg.


That's because Trump is criminal and traitor. That fact that not only he is not arrested but is allowed to be elected again - shows who broken American law system is that serves rich and celebrities. And allow them to commit crimes.

You don't know what is "censorship". If things would be "like in russia" in USA then you would now sit in prison for simply writing here anything against Biden and election. For like 7 years.


Ok... so Trump may be a criminal and traitor... You do realize that they are exaggerating it by focusing on nothing his potential crimes and personality flaws? They are doing the same thing Trump is doing to Biden and encouraging everyone to go against him. That seems to be a politician's game plan in moderns times, to make their opponent look worse than they really are. Nobody is innocent here.


TX isn't a swing state.



Southern states roll out stringent voter ID and absentee ballot laws, stirring echoes of historical suppression.

These measures, set to influence the 2024 elections, are sparking controversy over their impact on democracy and minority voting rights.

