MovieChat Forums > Politics > Christ is King.

Christ is King.

That is all.

Happy Easter!!!

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome



Happy Easter!!!


In California and other states in the west we have "In-N-Out Burger" drive through burger chain (most of them also have inside tables.) It's family-owned. For years they've printed Bible passages on their soda/shake cups (just the citation, not the full verse.)

Yesterday I walked into one (the drive-though line was absurd) and as I walking out the door I saw a poster saying "Happy Resurrection Day!" I don't remember seeing a cross on it, maybe I'll check it out today.

Of course they're well within their rights to do this, but it left a bad taste in my mouth. I like to keep my cheeseburgers and fries separate from my religion.

And it's called Easter.


How and why did it leave a bad taste in your mouth?


I'll bet you've never uttered "Happy Resurrection Day."

Are you at war with Easter?


No, that would not be the way I do it. I have said, "happy easter" or "have a nice Easter", stuff like that.

Soooo, it's just the wording? Not a deep anti-Christian feelings?


Would you have a bad taste in your mouth if you walked into McDonald's and saw a poster of Jesus with his arms around Grimace and Hamburglar? Is there really a difference?

I'm guessing Chik-Fil-A doesn't say "Happy Resurrection Day."

Davey And Goliath Easter Special


Jesus can hang with literally anyone, that's why he is The Muthafuckin' Messiah!!

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


If there is no difference, then why did you change what actually happened?

The poster was NOT of a Jesus hugging a cartoon figure, but simply a poster wishing you a happy easter.

I mean, this country is majority Christian. There will be some public displays of that for you to put up with.

If I moved to a Muslim country I would expect to have to put up with various expressions of the Muslim faith, like that dumb Call to Prayer screaming thing they do.


I don't expect you to go to Saudi Arabia and preach the Good News Of The Risen Christ. It's illegal there.,Status%20of%20religious%20freedom,spreading%20the%20religion%20is%20illegal.

Saudi Arabia is an Islamic theocracy and the government has declared the Qur'an and the Sunnah (tradition) of Muhammad to be the country's Constitution. Freedom of religion is not illegal, but spreading the religion is illegal.

They didn't exactly roll out the red carpet for the Apostles, either...

"Talking" Jesus is easy, "Walking" Jesus not so much.

Maybe you can trade in your shiny F-150 for a used Chevy Sprint...


Nothing in my post was abotu me preaching christianity in saudi arabia.

The way that you need to play stupid to avoid clear discussion?

That is you realizing that you are on the wrong side and that you cannot defend the shit you say.

This is a Christian majority country. Having a couple of Christian themed posters here and there is not oppressing you.

Your desire to be free of having to put up with public displays of the Christian faith?

That is you wanting to crush the religious freedom of people you hate.



There's really only one way to find out if any of us is "Christian." I hope you find out before I do.


LOL. Whether either of us is Christian is irrelevant to this thread.

This thread is about YOU whining about seeing a public display of Christianity.

I support religious freedom and you do not.

This is typical of the right vs left divide. The right supports freedom the left wants oppression and to take away people's rights.


chilidoggg says "A Rectangle is a Quadrilateral with four right angles."

Corbell replies "This is typical of the right vs left divide. The right supports freedom the left wants oppression and to take away people's rights."

Retards can't go to Hell, so ya got that goin' for ya.


You are unhappy to see Christians expressing their faith in public.

What is the answer you want? For them to not be allowed to do that. Perhaps not becasue of LAW, but becasue of fear of cancel culture or the mob.

That is clearly where you people are going.


Wow, did you just say "I Hope You Die" to Corbell?

Saying the quiet parts out loud now, huh?

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


Most progressives are deeply enamored with death. Naturally, however, they all labor under the delusion that they'll go last. It's part and parcel of their belief system, that the ever-elusive utopia they demand is right around the corner, if they could just get a few more million to kick off. They never fear the destructive political and racial ideologies they push, because they always believe they'll be eaten last. It's a bizarre consequence that comes of the feeble minded believing they're the smartest ones in the room.

It would appear that this belief gets installed during one of the initial firmware updates after they submit to their master, Old Scratch.


We're all going to die, Mary.


dems love posting death threats on MC, its nothing new.


Don't eat there anymore? 🤷‍♂️ That's the best part about are free to eat where you like!

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


That is all?

Not even a "'Hallelujah?''

What are you saving it for?


Yes, that is all.

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


The Greatest Man in History.

He had no servants, yet they called him master.
He had no degree, yet they called him teacher.
He had no medicines, yet they called him healer.
He had no army, yet Kings feared him.
He won no military battles, yet he conquered the world.
He committed no crime, yet they crucified him.
He was buried in a tomb, yet he lives today.
His name is Jesus and he is the King of the world.



Our Lord and Savior!

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


Do you really feel this way or are you joking around and being sarcastic and patronizing for those who are religious?


Trump > Christ

Christ sits on his ass and does shit and only intervenes when it feels like it. Trump on the other hand is the true King and soon Emperor/King of the US just like it was prophesied. Here, have some of my kool-aid, it'll connect you closer to the true sat- err savior DJT.



Um, I'm a supporter of the man and all and I'll vote for him in Nov, but no one is bigger than Jesus Christ


You almost sound like an apostate.


78% of slaveowners were Jewish.
Imagine the Chutzpah of blaming someone else for that which you do yourself.
There is a clinical term for that:
- Psychopacy
The 85% Jewish controlled educational system and Hollywood spend a lot of time and focus on fomenting racial hatred between black and non-Jewish white people.
Et voila once again based on massive in your face lies!
It is all part of the non stop Frankfurt School aka Cultural Marxist ideologi that has been instrumental in destroying Christianity, the family unit, our culture and traditions.

Christ is King.



Amen, Brother!

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


Amen, Brother!


Nothing to argue with there. "Let's you and him fight (while we profit)!" has been the modus operandi for many centuries.


If I recall, Easter is a pagan holiday.


It's origins, just like Christmas are really irrelevant. They are commemorations/celebrations of Jesus' birth and resurrection. No one knows the actual dates.




