MovieChat Forums > Politics > Biden is a repugnant worthless piece of ...

Biden is a repugnant worthless piece of trash that nobody wanted.

Except maybe 50 or 60 million sad souls who voted for him - nearly all of whom went into the November 3 2020 voting booths expecting defeat. And they went to bed that night fully expecting defeat.

But sadly, a lot of sick weird people rigged the electronic machines, and they also printed out at least 3 million fake paper ballots, in order to avoid being beaten *yet again* by someone who they called a "orange idiot" etc. Because you refuse to accept you, are in fact, the idiots, and have been for a long time.

All Biden's supporters on here, and on Twitter, and everywhere else, are all sick twisted freaks who own probably billions of fleshlights and you frequently jack off to videos of ISIS soldiers raping toddlers. You're probably doing it right now.

Just wanted to remind you all - thanks.


Biden is disgusting


Is and always has been, and empty suit with no character of his own, the reason why people hate politicians, he smells like nothing but senior diapers, he's not relatable to anyone but other psychopaths making a living out of the tax payer and party affiliation


You're still whining about your cult leader losing an election.


They never stop.


People are going crazy you are supporting the guy with worse statistics.

Usually you vote for the candidate that offered lower gas prices, lower inflation rates, lower crime rates, lower border crossings.

You dont vote for the guy allowing people on the terror watch list pour over the border.
Because of Democrat policy backed by Democrat voters a terror attack is imminent.


Biden is rotten, barely alive, being dragged through the days by his team of voltures. He'll be on his death bed still trying to figure out what's going on and how to wield political power, how to be accepted by anyone and everyone except the ones close to him.


Except all those people who voted for him because not enough people wanted Trump.


But sadly, a lot of sick weird people rigged the electronic machines, and they also printed out at least 3 million fake paper ballots

hahahahahahahahaha hahahaha haahahahah ahahahahahaah ahahahahaaha haahah ahaahah

thats some funny shit.

I wonder how many HP ink cartridges they had to buy .
perhaps thats the evidence you've been looking for that never turned up.
why dont you go audit all the printing outlets and see who did a massive order on election day


But a geriatric with dementia, campaigning from his basement, somehow got more votes than any other president in history……….hahaha

Now that is the funniest shit of the 21st century.


That is merely a measure of how much people do not want Trump .

Thats another thing he can brag about: he got Boden more votes than any other president in history……….hahahahahahahahaha ....


Only the dumbest and most gullible with TDS believes that nonsense.


Trump's Delusional Supporters! You are dumb and gullible. That's a fact!


Nah, I don’t vote for republicans because I’m just not really all that worried about rich people. I expect they’ll be just fine.


While I don't really like conspiracy theories and whatnot, I have to admit, it's hard to believe that Joe Biden, of all people, got over 80 million votes. But whatever...
