MovieChat Forums > Politics > Biden is a repugnant worthless piece of ...

Biden is a repugnant worthless piece of trash that nobody wanted.

Except maybe 50 or 60 million sad souls who voted for him - nearly all of whom went into the November 3 2020 voting booths expecting defeat. And they went to bed that night fully expecting defeat.

But sadly, a lot of sick weird people rigged the electronic machines, and they also printed out at least 3 million fake paper ballots, in order to avoid being beaten *yet again* by someone who they called a "orange idiot" etc. Because you refuse to accept you, are in fact, the idiots, and have been for a long time.

All Biden's supporters on here, and on Twitter, and everywhere else, are all sick twisted freaks who own probably billions of fleshlights and you frequently jack off to videos of ISIS soldiers raping toddlers. You're probably doing it right now.

Just wanted to remind you all - thanks.


Cry harder, sore loser.




...and the whole world knows it.


Yup, even the Big Guy and Big Mike know it.


Trump knew since early 2018 that the DS and the (D)s were going to try rigging/stealing the election since they spent four years yelling and screaming on how they were going to do it and the fake report they created to frame him.

Their desperation of maintaining power/control was too obvious.

This is why he prepared for it by passing two EOs and creating the DoD-SF platform in 2019.


He didn't know shit. He cried foul because he knew he was going to lose for mishandling Covid.

Signed, million man.



Most of that is actually your side. But hey, they both have their loons.

Signed, million man.


How do you properly handle Covid when the people feeding you information are lying about it because they created it to cause mass hysteria?


That is probably about the right number, if you look at the previous elections the numbers fluctuate between 125-129 million votes. So if trump got 75 million real votes "none of the wonky shit after the election ever went in Trumps favor" then there were only 54 million votes to pick up, certainly not 81 million for a candidate who didn't campaign.


The DoD-SF, Trump's independent source, and we the people have "The Receipts." 😁

Despite the MSM lies that 60+ election challenges found no evidence of wrongdoing, there were actually 92 cases, with only 30 decided on the merits, and of those 30, Trump and/or the GOP plaintiff prevailed in 22 of them.


What case did Trump win on the merits?


The same amount of cases that were allowed to be tried on the merits.


Name one. TVfan said there were 30.


You forget about a massive effort to get people to vote by mail, which really pushed up vote totals. Legitimately, I may add. Meanwhile, Trump and republicans stupidly discouraged people from voting by mail which led to a massive tilt toward Democrats in the mail in vote.

Mail in voting increases participation in the democratic process, which is something that the Republican party fears more than anything. They know they are a minority and can only win by disenfranchising people and by relying on the huge structural bias toward small states in the EC and in the Senate.


60 court cases suggest otherwise. Care to share any evidence? Not from Youtube or Telegram, please.


The same could be applied to how many people felt about Trump and voted for Biden instead. Unfortunately, they realized how wrong they were about things getting better under Biden.


Yes well those people are lefties and they have the highest percentage of mental illness so who cares what they think and who raped them as kids. What's done is done and they have to pay for it.


According to you the Democrats outsmarted all you Republicans by rigging the 2020 election involving thousands if not millions of co-conspirators across state lines without getting caught. Republicans haven't produced one shred of evidence to prove the election was stolen. Funny, you call Democrats stupid.

Show your proof that the 2020 election was stolen because no one else has.


I had a difficult time trying to imagine that stumbling, stammering, pathological liar bearing the mantle of Commander in Chief when he was campaigning to be POTUS. When I saw and heard his feeble, whispering, supposed warning to Iran of " careful", my intuition was shouting, "I told you so!"


