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Canadian Parliament Gives Standing Ovation to Former Nazi Soldier

You can't make this up.

For anyone keeping track at home, in Canada we now have a prime minister who has worn blackface (he can't remember how many times) and has given a standing ovation to a Nazi.

But the Canadian truckers were the bad people.

Oh brother.


Nazis and Dictators convincing the idiots that they are the good guys...where have I heard this before? lol.


I think this is proof we live in a simulation and the programmer has a sense of humour.

Not long ago, when defending his government activated the War Measures Act (aka The Emergencies Act) Trudeau Jr was saying "Conservative Party members can stand with people who wave swastikas. They can stand with people who wave the Confederate flag."

I guess what he meant was, standing wasn't enough, you gotta give 'em a standing ovation.

Sad day for Canada.


"You can't make this up."

Yet here you are!


So you're in favour of giving standing ovations to Nazis?



What a tool.


He didn't say no!

"When fascism comes to America, it will come in the name of 'Liberalism'."
-President Ronald Reagan

Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Fascism+Hypocrisy.


I guess it was implied.

The slow creep to tolerance for the intolerable starts with folks like that.



Many Ukrainians allied with the German Nazis during WW2 with the intention of gaining freedom from the Soviet Union and Poland. After signing the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, The Soviet Union was allied with the Nazis until the Nazis decided to invade the USSR.

It may not be accurate to call the man a Nazi soldier because he fought against Soviet soldiers with assistance from Nazi Germany. The article below covers the debate over the WW2 soldiers. Bandera was another Ukrainian nationalist who worked with the Nazis and fought against Poles and Soviets.


Canada didn't fight in WW2 so it doesn't matter that they like being their buddies.


Yes they did.


From Veterans Affairs Canada:

More than one million Canadians and Newfoundlanders served in uniform, both here at home and around the world. Over 45,000 of our brave men and women in uniform gave their lives and another 55,000 were wounded. The Second World War was a pivotal chapter in our country's history.

This is what elcamino wrote in case, coward that she is, she tries to delete it:
"Canada didn't fight in WW2 so it doesn't matter that they like being their buddies."


The PM apologized, they didn't know he was a Nazi at the time.


The Speaker said he fought the Russians before the standing ovations.

Spoiler alert, the Russians fought the Nazis.


It is what it is. They fucked up and apologized. Move on.



You don't give a Nazi two standing ovations at the highest level of government and get to say, sorry, my bad.


Russia is going to use that against Canada's support of Ukraine.


He still deserves the criticism considering his denunciation of Jewish parliament member during the trucker’s protest for “standing with people who wave swastikas.” He was a complete liar during that episode and knew full well that she was Jewish and that the protest signs with swastikas were a way of mocking his administration’s totalitarianism. So he smears Canadian protesters as Nazis last year and now his own party invites a ex-Nazi - Waffen SS no less - to parliament for a standing ovation. The optics were terrible in light of this history and he deserves what karma has given him.


I'm not Canadian but sounds like he did deserve the blow back.


Well said


Considering the lack of information available to an Ukrainian in 1941, I don't think it is fair to count an Ukrainian who fought against the russians a "nazi".


There should be more nuance to this labelling. First off, did he commit atrocities with his SS unit? Then we can go from there. Him siding with the Nazis due to Soviet oppression won't really make him a Nazi per se unless he did something horrific (eg: genocide/massacre/rape).

And yea, Truckers were bad people, they held the city up for more than 3-weeks and blocked roads, which the hypocrites on the right would love to complain about if the left did such a thing.


It’s a reasonable point you’re making to look at this 98 year old man’s individual conduct in the war before condemning anyone. It’s amazing that none of these politicians turned up his blogs about volunteering for the Waffen SS which was the combat extension of the Nazi party based entirely on Hitler’s racist ideology. The SS has an unequivocal record for atrocities and war crimes.

His specific unit, the 14th Waffen SS Grenadier Division, was not formed until 1943 when racial purity standards were relaxed and ethnic Ukrainians were permitted to join. But the unit has their own discrediting history involving atrocities against Polish civilians which is easily found on Wikipedia and elsewhere. Now a Polish government official is making threats to initiate extradition proceedings against the guy.

It’s just unimaginable that a first world Western legislative body would shower accolades and a huge applause scene on a Nazi SS veteran without understanding the situation. What annoys me most is that Trudeau threw the Nazi appellation around pretty indiscriminately against his own countrymen during the trucker protest so it’s difficult to heed caution for nuance in his favor here.


Related note, University of Calgary apparently likes to take money and not ask any serious questions...

"The University of Alberta is apologizing for having an endowment fund provided by Yaroslav Hunka, the Nazi veteran recognized in Parliament last week.

The Hunka family gave $30,000 to the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies at the school in 2019 for the Yaroslav and Margaret Hunka Ukrainian Research Endowment Fund.

In a statement to CTV News on Wednesday night, the U of A said it had decided to close the endowment."
