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Infowars States the Vaccine Has Killed 20 Million People

5.5 billion have been vaxed so that's one death for every 275 people. Do you believe it?


Infowars is a joke.


Yes, I hope so.


Scum Alex Jones didn't learn his lesson after losing numerous lawsuits from trafficking conspiracy theories about 6-year-old murder victims.


Yeah I'm really choked at these outlandish theories. I'm a paranoid person and infowars has caused me a great deal of distress. Which I imagine is the case for many people. I'm still nervous about the vaccines even though I've pretty much concluded AJ's either a fraud or completely nuts.


"I'm a paranoid person and infowars has caused me a great deal of distress. "

Why waste time listening to him at all? He's a pariah.


Yeah... I have stopped for the most part. I do check out their headlines from time to time. I like where they stand on some political issues but yeah... it's pretty much like tabloids for the internet at this point.


They're still stuck on the vaccine? Might as well start dusting off Benghazi or Solyndra. No one cares about that aside from the hardcore MAGA base and fake lefties.


Im sure we will chuckle about how crazy that sounds and then in 5 months it will just be a fact that the news doesn't cover but everyone knows.


like this joke ally of yours who claims vaccines raised miscarriage rates to 75%? you guys hate facts


They did... Most women that were trying to discuss their pregnancy issues were banned off Twitter, Reddit, and Facebook. The screen caps were all over the place.

Way to be purposefully obtuse.

"When fascism comes to America, it will come in the name of 'Liberalism'."
-President Ronald Reagan

Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Fascism+Hypocrisy.


miscarriage rates rose to 75%?!?!?!?!?!? are you smoking crack?



You are making that claim not me. I simply said the women were being silenced. They were.

"When fascism comes to America, it will come in the name of 'Liberalism'."
-President Ronald Reagan

Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Fascism+Hypocrisy.


no no no. its literally the opposite of sophistry this is facts vs your opinion

i said "this guy claims miscarriage rates have rose to 75%"

you said "they did"

HE IS MAKING THE CLAIM, i simply presented it, and you are agreeing.

we know the average miscarriage rate is 15-20% or 1 in 5. hes claiming they rose to 75% or 3 in 4. and you agreed.

again i have to ask about your drug usage. whether or not women are being "silenced" is irrelvant. you are saying miscarriage rates have rose 4X and are now at 75%??? 3 in 4 pregnancies are now miscarriages? you actually believe this nonsense?


What facts?

"When fascism comes to America, it will come in the name of 'Liberalism'."
-President Ronald Reagan

Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Fascism+Hypocrisy.


1.the facts that multiple countries have monitored miscariage rates for decades.
2.and that most western countries due to modern medicine have miscarriage rates a 15-20%
3. the fact that no miscarriage rates didnt skyrocket from 15% to 75%.

do you even know the implications of that? how obvious it would be? how everyone would know its happening? how suddenly only occasionally people you know have a miscarriage. to now 75%?? how it would be impossible to hide. i know multiple people who have gotten pregnant and are well along their pregnancies. no miscarriages since vaccination.

My anecdote aside no FACTUALLY miscarriage rates havent jumped from 15% to 75% and if anyone believes that they have serious mental issues and will believe anything

Thats the facts


No, the actual facts...not just you talking about them.

Again, the 75% claim is from you, not me.

"When fascism comes to America, it will come in the name of 'Liberalism'."
-President Ronald Reagan

Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Fascism+Hypocrisy.


You dont know what the word facts is.

no the 75% claim is from the idiot in the link. but nice try!


You wont get very far with batfleck, he used to be that Skavau character and will just keep responding with questions without answering the questions you ask him.


They are not; Skavau is a Brit while Batfleck is a Canuck.

The Brit is 10x more coy than the Canuck and almost never ignored a reply, while the Canuck does.

The Brit had several opportunities to add me to his “ignore” list and never did, while the Canuck added me to his ignore list after a couple of days and threatening to do so twice.

The Brit’s offensive mechanism is mostly coyness, while the Canuck is to constantly insult/berate with contempt in a competitive and juvenile manner.

The Canuck repeatedly used certain keyword(s) that were never used by the Brit.

I could go into further details about other differences; however, I believe it is obvious enough.

The Canuck is definitely a sock or had a previous account due to his obvious “familiarity” which I noticed during his first reply to me in the Trump board.


i looked into Skavau after you posted that. Skavau is still on here posting... i suggest mental help for your paranoid dellusions


Are you posting as Skavau?


how often were you dropped as a child?


Skavau was kind of weird, I think it was a Russian bot.


yaa you were dropped or your head kicked in.

you are barely functioning and paranoid


Skavau was Putin's puppet.


ive been told so far im 5 different accounts sock/puppet.

it seems like its all you conservatives can do when i humiliate you. change the topic and scream im a sock.

you were dropped weren't you?


I said Skavau was Putin's puppet. What does conservatives calling you a sock account have to do with that?

As far as I know I was never dropped, but humans cannot remember their infancy.


did the paretns pick you up and do it again for good measure? or was one enough to create the sad outcome that is now your brain?


"I said Skavau was Putin's puppet. What does conservatives calling you a sock account have to do with that?"

"he used to be that Skavau character and will just keep responding with questions without answering the questions you ask him."

no you didnt. you said i was. you've already forgotten what you wrote 12 hours ago. the brain damage must be severe


Skavs once told me he believed in nymphs and fairies but not in leprechauns because "they were silly mick superstitions."


""I said Skavau was Putin's puppet."

"he used to be that Skavau character and will just keep responding with questions without answering the questions you ask him."

little chicken dodging


Ok, I think the way he referred to irishmen as "micks" was way out of line. it's only appropriate if the Irish guy is named mickey.


Just like the fact that the virus was a lab leak. No one really cares now.


"That's not happening!!"
"That's not happening!!"
"That's not happening!!"
"That's not happening!!"

"Okay it happened, but it was a good thing because it was all racist Trumptwats!"

They are secretly happy, and just disgustingly using the deaths to maintain their hate for conservatives.

"When fascism comes to America, it will come in the name of 'Liberalism'."
-President Ronald Reagan

Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Fascism+Hypocrisy.


Can't Alex just put out Putin progaganda like Ollie Stone? How about Area 51 and those Hitler clones!


Sounds about right. I know a lot people that got fucked up from the vax, and zero that had any side effects from getting covid.

The fact is that excess mortality for all causes has risen to "catastrophic levels" since mid-2021 so it's not out of the realm of possibility that the mRNA poison has indirectly caused 20+ million deaths.

Yes, that is totally plausible.

"When fascism comes to America, it will come in the name of 'Liberalism'."
-President Ronald Reagan

Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Fascism+Hypocrisy.


That’s a conservative estimate too. Good luck getting the truth from big medicine who kills 500k people a year “by mistake”.


Well I guess if they count everybody who drops dead of a heart attack. Heart attacks existed before the pandemic you know.


They were very uncommon in those under 65...before the pandemic's failed "solution".

"Died Suddenly" wasn't a thing until 2021...

"When fascism comes to America, it will come in the name of 'Liberalism'."
-President Ronald Reagan

Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Fascism+Hypocrisy.


Certainly isn't the case in my life. I have friends who died suddenly in 2011 aged 43... and 2017 also in his 40s. I know no one who's died suddenly since the pandemic. Local obituaries are no more active than they've ever been. There's the odd case in sports where players have dropped. But apart from that football player who actually went into cardiac arrest becuase of blunt force trauma and maybe a few lacrosse and soccer players half a world away, it hasn't been too frequent. Athlete's heart has always been a thing... the only sport I can speak on with full knowledge is hockey and again... Sergei Zholtok, Jiri Fisher, Rich Peverly... all those incedents were before the pandemic. There was a bit of a spike in cardiac events with the Delta variant because it wreaked havoc on cardiac system due to inflammation. I talked to my doctor about that because I was paranoid. I also don't think celebrity deaths are much more frequent than they've ever been, the last celebrity under 50 to die that was prominant enough to be featured on USA today was back in March! That's probably some kind of record.


The data doesn't lie. The (up to) 20% excess death rates, since 2021, from countries around the world tell the tale.

Occam's Razor.

"When fascism comes to America, it will come in the name of 'Liberalism'."
-President Ronald Reagan

Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Fascism+Hypocrisy.


Isn't it awesome the 3rd leading cause of death is Medical Negligence?

"When fascism comes to America, it will come in the name of 'Liberalism'."
-President Ronald Reagan

Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Fascism Hypocrisy.


Made up numbers, just like Trump's numbers for fake votes in the '20 election.
