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Overstaffing the IRS

Why is it so important to democrats tax the American people into debt?

In FY 2022, the IRS used 79,070 full-time equivalent employees
Joe wants 87,000 new IRS employees

166,000 IRS agents


Tell me how one can tax the American people into debt.

What is wrong with making sure that people pay the taxes that they should - and that includes helping them not pay more than they should.


democrats are even more of puppets than republicans are, and the super-rich do not want to pay taxes. overstaffing the IRS ensures that they can only go after regular people with small incomes and investments. The rich will continue to lie cheat and do whatever they want. its a hierarchical social mechanism of control.


No increase in audits if people making less than $400,000/yr


you do know that the government lies?


With 150,000 new IRS agents they can target Republican's and make sure they pay more than their fair share of taxes. The rich get richer in Bidens new america.


That's about 3x the number of employees planned. The real number includes IT staff updating systems as well as people answering the phones. Wait times are already going down.


We both know that will never happen.

87,000 new employees with an average salary of $75,000 a year.



If Trump wanted this you and all the dems would be against it. As I have said before we are living in Bizarro World. Dems just do the opposite of whatever the Republicans do.


10 years, genius.


1. Hike up taxes to send more laundering money to Ukraine
2. Shakedown middle-class

Eliminating middle-class is part of a Marxist/Communist agenda.

The Gestapo IRS is the most dangerous agency within the DS since the taxpayers are considered the enemy that gets no due process. They can take your personal property, investment accounts, bank account, cars, and garnish your wages without the sign-off of a judge.

The IRS has been known to be wrong between 50-60% of the time and they are never required to make amendments/reparations financially because they screwed up.

Welcome to Obama’s/Biden’s 21st-century Fascism.


He also wants IRS agents to start carrying guns that's the scary part.


That 87,000 is over the next decade and is to replace the 60,000 expected losses in that time frame. But don't let seemingly reasonable manpower management get in the way of taking numbers out of context in order to push your political agenda!


Because it makes it more difficult for people to be financially independent. The ultimate goal is to make everyone dependent on government. So the Democrats will save us all.

No amount of taxes will ever address the massive debt the Democrats overspending has created.


"the massive debt the Democrats overspending has created."

149 Republicans in the House voted to raise the debt ceiling. Roughly 75%.


As usual the Republicans save the day and avoid a default.


165 Democrats voted for it. Are you going to give them a trophy?


McCarthy made the deal. Dems only voted for it because they will be getting a kick back.


Most democrats work for the government or get resources from the government. They don't like non-leeches.


Who DOESN'T get resources from the government? I'm sure Trump doesn't want to dismantle the FAA so his private jet doesn't collide with some dipshit flying in a balloon in his lawn chair.


dems want to keep the corruption to themselves.
