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They are trying to set up Trump

Trump may not be 100% innocent, but the DemoKKrats are exaggerating and using his flaws as an excuse to incriminate him. He doesn't deserve this. They see him as a threat standing in their way of taking over America.


Witch hunt.

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A witch hunt that's caught lots of witches. Especially the fat orange witch.


The guilty ones aren't witches. Do you even know the metaphorical definition of witch hunt?

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Trump doesn't need anybody to set him up, believe me


The indictment involves cheating which helped him squeak by with a win in the electoral college. There's nothing minor about these crimes.


Who's to say if full disclosure about the affair would have made a difference? The Access Hollywood tape didn't hinder Trump's victory. Yes there was Russia putting its thumb on the scale through targeted ads on Facebook, Twitter, etc. Enough people still chose to vote for Trump knowing all that. Were many of them duped rubes? Yes. He was the grievance candidate and he won. It was a fluke. The people who sat out '16, now wracked with guilt, won't make that mistake again.


"Yes there was Russia putting its thumb on the scale through targeted ads on Facebook, Twitter, etc."

Funny how those who are cry babies about that are the same ones that have no problem when America manipulates elections in other countries or help to take part in coups or murders of their leaders.


Coming from the Dems in '16 it felt like sour grapes.


Yeah... but... but... Trump! Orange man baaaaaaaddddddd!


Still with the cheating? lol Trump won fair and square. Mueller confirmed it.


No he didn’t, lackey Barr did


Russia putting a thumb on the scale in '16 doesn't mean Trump cheated. Bloomberg put his thumb on the scale (donating $100 million) in the 2020 Florida election and Trump still won, Republicans did well in the house. It was Trump's moment in history to win. Things had to be just right and he shot the moon. A bitter lesson for those who chose not to vote in '16 due to apathy.


If Biden won fair and square, then Trump did too...

Or, you admit our elections are fucked, and we need a full American People Backed audit of our entire election process...yes?

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