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USA Officially 3rd World Nation

We now arrest political opponents.

This is a sad day for America.

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R u kidding!?
It should be a national holiday!


If you're happy and proud to be a citizen of a 3rd world nation...sure.

I'm not. I don't like Hillary Clinton, but I knew she'd never go to jail because we don't do that here. But sure, have at it.

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Aw, your hiney hurts


So you're happy at 3rd World Status?

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Please,,, no hyperboles


Dude, jailing your political opposition is the tool of DICTATORS.

I ask you again...does this make you happy?

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And I'll tell you...., you're INSANE!


Lol, you can't evenb answer a yes/no I'll take that as a yes.

You're a proud Banana Republican.

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Its parents probably come from one. We should've built a wall and locked up the borders decades ago.


Mexico can pay for it


If civil war does break out...I really hope we meet on the battlefield.




Yatzo, would you like a fucking picture of that means?!




The Justice Department employee Huber spent two years investigating Hillary Clinton and didn't find anything and he handed some of it off to Special Counsel John Durham. Durham has been investigating the Russia investigation for close to FOUR years and he only has one conviction of an FBI lawyer who altered an e-mail. The other lawyer connected to Clinton was acquitted.

Nobody is above the law. LOCK HIM UP! There will be more indictments since there are several other ongoing cases against Trump.


If you think this is actually good for our country you are an idiot.


This is no surprise. We are headed into a banana republic or a communist democracy.


The Biden Communist Party started on Jan 21, 2021. Its doubtful a Republican ever wins the presidency again.


Probably the darkest day in American history. 😞


He did it to himself, you or I would be in jail for the shit he's pulled


No, the Deep State did that.

Bill/Hillary Clinton, Obama, and Joe/Hunter Biden among others, have a criminal history of which they have never been charged or indicted; therefore, “they” are the ones who are actually above the law since the Deep State has been in control for decades with the assistance of the treasonous RINO’s.


There is no deep state you FOX news idiot!


Denying it does not change the fact that there is a Deep State.


[–] tvfan (1008) 16 hours ago
No, the Deep State did that.

Bill/Hillary Clinton, Obama, and Joe/Hunter Biden among others, have a criminal history of which they have never been charged or indicted; therefore, “they” are the ones who are actually above the law since the Deep State has been in control for decades with the assistance of the treasonous RINO’s.

You picked the wrong group. It is NOT the Deep State just the Stone-Cutters: ttps://


Politicians should not be immune to prosecution. No way they arrest a former president without being able to prove his guilt ten times over!

The Trump era will go down as an absolute stain on the American political system and his cult like supporters should be ashamed!


The people that voted for Diaper Joe should be ashamed.

“My name is Joe Biden. I’m Dr. Jill Biden’s husband,” the 80-year-old president began his remarks at an East Room gathering of women-owned businesses.

“And I eat Jeni’s ice cream — chocolate chip. I came down because I heard there was chocolate chip ice cream,” he said.

“By the way, I have a whole refrigerator full upstairs,” Biden added at his only scheduled public appearance of the day. “You think I’m kidding? I’m not.”

Netizens were appalled at Biden's insensitive statement following the Nashville elementary school shooting. They called him evil and pathetic for making a mockery of those who died.

While many remarked that the speech was highly inappropriate, some pointed out that the people heard applauding and laughing at the jokes were equally "sick" and "insensitive."

As usual no one cares.


If the Democrats continue to lead the country I can easily see "disappearances" of American citizens with Conservative beliefs starting up in about ten years. We're about two steps away from being El Salvador North right now.


"My cult leader should be able to commit whatever crimes he wants and get away with it! It's not fair he's accountable for anything! WAH! WAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!"


That "Cult Leader" just gained a metric FUCK TON of more supporters. This isn't ending how you think it's ending...

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How much money did you get grifted for this time?


As much as you did.

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And we are now conformed! Yay! We technically aren't even a Banana Republic because we make NOTHING!!

Yet, somehow, people are happy about this.

Well, when you have a witch to burn...

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