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Even Senate Republicans are calling out Tucker Carlson for misleading take on Jan.6

But wait, lemme guess, they're all RINOs now, aren't they?


Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Tuesday issued a rare rebuke of Fox News after one of its hosts downplayed the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol.

Speaking to reporters on Capitol Hill, McConnell said his party’s favorite cable network erred in its airing of Capitol security footage from that day on conservative host Tucker Carlson’s program Monday night. Carlson claimed the violent attack on the Capitol was overhyped, pointing to cherry-picked footage of Donald Trump supporters calmly walking through the Capitol.

“It was a mistake for Fox News to depict this in a way that’s completely at variance with what our chief law enforcement official here at the Capitol thinks,” McConnell said Tuesday, holding up a letter from the head of the Capitol Police that he said “correctly” summed up the events.

Capitol Police Chief Tom Manger’s letter to his department said the Fox News report was “filled with offensive and misleading conclusions” about the attack, in which more than 140 police officers were injured after a mob of Trump supporters stormed the Capitol in an attempt to prevent the certification of the 2020 presidential election.

“I want to associate myself entirely with the opinion of the chief of the Capitol Police about what happened on Jan. 6,” McConnell said Tuesday.

It is very rare for McConnell to bring up, unprompted, anything having to do with Trump and the Jan. 6 insurrection. It’s even more unusual for him to criticize a GOP-friendly network on which he often appears.

Other GOP senators also ripped Carlson on Tuesday after he attempted to whitewash the Jan. 6 riot. Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) called it “bullshit”; Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.) said the event “was clearly more than a peaceful protest of some rowdy boy scouts”; and Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) called the events of Jan. 6 “an abomination.”

McConnell’s decision to call out Fox News stands in sharp contrast to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), who gave Carlson exclusive access to the Capitol security footage. The speaker has yet to address Fox News’ use of the footage.

Last week, McCarthy defended his decision to grant Carlson access to the footage. “It almost seems like the press is jealous,” he told The Washington Post.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), meanwhile, called on Fox News chief Rupert Murdoch to stop Carlson from airing more falsehoods about the Jan. 6 attack on Tuesday evening.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen an anchor treat the American people, and American democracy, with such disdain,” Schumer said of Carlson. “And he’s going to come back tonight with another segment. Fox News should tell him not to. Fox News — Rupert Murdoch — tell Mr. Carlson not to run a second segment of lies. You know it’s a lie. You’ve admitted it’s a lie.”


There were plenty of loud and chaotic moments that we saw on left wing MSM and now the right wing MSM is showing the quiet ones.


LOL! There is no leftwing MSM!


No left wing? Tell me you're retarded without using the word retarded.


He's correct. You have to go to independent media to get left wing content.


CNN, and all the major networks.
They are not progressive but they do lean left in comparison to FOX.


Leaning left in comparison to Fox does left not make.


Watch and see how many times CNN criticized Trump vs Biden.
How many times Fox criticized Trump vs Biden.
That will show you which one leans left.


Biden ain't left. Trying to define the political center as the left is how you try to shift the Overton window toward the right, but intelligent people see what you're up to.


What to you does left wing mean?
If CNN and Biden are not left wing liberal to you then what are they to you?


Satanic Filth?


CNN and Biden are centrist corporatists.


You seriously believe that?

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OK if that is what they are to you, that is what they are to you.
To me they are left leaning conservative pro war corporate democrats.



I don’t take very much issue with your definition there, that’s basically what I said.


You are 100% delusional and that is part of the problem. I know Fox is slanted but you shits believe CNN is the unabashed truth. We were sick of left wing bias in the media 30yrs ago. Outlets like CNN and MSNBC literally created the market for Fox.


I can't remember the last time I watched CNN, or any other cable network for that matter.


Wait, so you are making claims about News channels and networks you don't even watch?


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Got rid of cable years ago, but prior to that I got my fair share of corporate media, for sure. I also, you know, live in the world.


CNN, and all the major networks.
They are not progressive but they do lean left in comparison to FOX.


They may come closer to reporting actual news compared to Fox, but they don't lean left.


Lol CNN is nothing more than a propaganda outlet for the DemoKKKrat party. They aren’t news. If you are going to say Fox leans right whatever but to say CNN is neutral is objectively wrong



I dunno why or how these morons can be in denial of the left leanings of CNN.


What makes you think that CNN and other MSM networks do not lean left?


Most mainstream media has had liberal bias for decades. In the last several years they've devolved into purely democrat propaganda. Nothing but lies 24/7. Now we know why you believe all that shit that's untrue.


Everybody leans left in comparison to FOX, because FOX makes shit up to satisfy their rabid viewer base.

Simply broadcasting what FOX believes isn't right wing enough. The ratings are in the lies. That throws the whole spectrum out of whack.


".....because CNN makes shit up to satisfy their rabid viewer base."


CNN believes their shit though.

Only FOX says shit they don't believe. We have the texts as proof.


No they don't, they know they're lying. The Nick Sandmann case proves that.

As I said, we know Fox is biased. If it weren't for the blatant bias which has turned CNN and MSNBC into pure propaganda, there wouldn't be any market for Fox News. I don't want my news slanted at all but if the choice is one or the other, I'll choose the one less nauseating. Real journalism is dead.


No you are confused with MSDNC and Fake News CNN who repeatedly lied that:

A) Trump colluded with Russia to hack the 2016 election
B) Nick Sandmann was a white supremacist
C) The Supreme Court made abortion illegal
D) Kyle Rittenhouse went to the BLM riot because he wanted to kill people
E) Trump said that white supremacists were “fine people”
F) Trump said that covid was a hoax
G) Trump used tear gas to clear out a peaceful protest so he could have a photo op
H) The 2020 BLM riots were “peaceful protests”

The left wing news lies repeatedly, if you think Fox leans right, well there may be some truth to that but if you seriously think CNN is reliable and objective then you’re a fucking idiot. CNN is nothing but propaganda for the DemoKKKrat death cult.

I’m glad that the truth has come out that the J6 commission was a lie. Everyone who was on that committee and lied to us for 2 straight years should be prosecuted and yes that includes Liz Cheney.


Probably because they are all working together? What's it like licking the assholes of your "betters"?

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Even if true, it's only fair. We've been listening to nothing but lies for two years.


Are you hearing yourself?


No because you dont hear messages on a forum you see them



I hear the clicks as I peck my keyboard, that count?

Two solid years of democrats frothing at the mouth about "insurrection". Two years of outright lies about what happened.


Two faced liar Tuckers J6 footage means nothing.
We all saw live on TV what happened on J6


We saw selectively cherrypicked footage, now we are seeing the full picture and the footage that Pelosi hid from us. The entire J6 committee should be prosecuted


This is something else I agree with you on.

It's not that Tucker is denying there was footage of showing chaos going on, which there was.
Just that there was also much peaceful and calm things going on which the Dems and the MSM do not want us to know about.
They want to keep on pushing the narrative only that there was nothing but anger and chaos during every second the protesters were in there.
That is why they object to Tucker in showing us the truth.


Not the full picture as we are getting now.

We did not see police escorting protesters around in the capitol.
If they were such a threat, as the MSM claims and wants you to believe, then why were they not getting arrested on the spot?
They were not all as big of a threat as they brainwashed you into thinking they are.


The only picture is the one that millions viewed live on TV on J6 which was thousands if MAGA zombies battling and breaching the Capital.


It was not all as bad as they want you to think it was.


I dunno, Looked real bad to me


Then watch the footage Tucker released.


They are not going to watch it because they don’t give a shit about “the truth”. The Democrats and RINOs are accusing Tucker of what “they” are guilty of, and now that it has been exposed, they are scattering like fucking cockroaches with more lies, deceptions, and denials.


At least no one was threatened , injured or killed.The gallows meant nothing I suppose


I know that whenever I've visited the capital for a tour, I've seen several tourists beating police with flag poles and guys with zip ties trying to kidnap Nancy Pelosi. It basicslly happens all the time.


Were the gallows still set up last time you went?


Definitely gallows with nooses hanging, etc. And they always allow skanky-looking tourist to break into congressional offices, wander around, steal and break things. Also, many times I've seen Josh Hawley running away from the tourists in fear. Just typical, every day occurrences.


Was the bear spray/ flagpole spears concession stand still set up?


They normally try to keep this all hush, hush to the general public. They don't want to scare away school children coming from all over the country to visit the nation's capital. It just wouldn't be good for tourism.


How about the human excrement murals? We’re they still on display?


They have to hose down the building several times per day, as per city health codes.




"Damn that unaltered footage for showing the real truth!!"

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Tucker promised additional footage on last night's show, but it never materialized. Probably because Fox doesn't want to deal with another massive lawsuit for telling falsehoods over and over.


Sorry that your little insurrection never happened. It'll be okay. You'll be fine. The sun will come up tomorrow. Summer will be here in a few months...

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The insurrection never happened. And another good thing to know is that tRump actually died of COVID years ago and was been replaced by a lookalike.


Not only did Trump beat covid like a boss, I'm sure he didn't even take his own (failed)Vaccine!

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