MovieChat Forums > Politics > Hundreds of Trump protesters in New York...

Hundreds of Trump protesters in New York will receive $51,500 each

New York City has agreed to pay more than $21,000 each to hundreds of protesters who were surrounded, arrested and subjected to excessive force by police during a George Floyd protest in 2020, according to court documents.

A proposed settlement filed in federal court late Tuesday said the city would compensate about 320 people who participated in the protest June 4, 2020, in the Mott Haven neighborhood of the Bronx borough.

In the filing, the city agreed to pay eligible class-action members $21,500 each, as well as another $2,500 to each person who received a desk appearance ticket. The two named plaintiffs in the case would receive another $21,500 "service award," according to the proposed settlement, which must be reviewed and approved by the court before taking effect.

“The settlement, in our view, reflects an acknowledgment by the city that the NYPD’s actions in Mott Haven on June 4 were tragically wrong," Joshua Moskovitz, an attorney for the protesters, said Wednesday.

A spokesperson for the New York City Police Department said in statement that the 2020 protests were a “challenging moment for the department as officers who themselves were suffering under the strains of a global pandemic did their utmost to help facilitate people’s rights to peaceful expression all while addressing acts of lawlessness including wide-scale rioting, mass chaos, violence, and destruction.”

Stupid is as stupid does.


I read they are spending 5 million a day to take care of the illegal immigrants there. So, this really isn't nothing.


This is the negotiated bonus for the outside paid protesters . With inflation and high gas prices, professional rioting is getting more expensive.


Professional rioting is getting more expensive? I think it's getting more lucrative. Damn I might be tempted to become a professional rioter or protester if it gets me 20 plus grand.


Call 1-800-Democrat and I am sure they can find a place for you to riot.


Will do. Thanks!


You mean there's no future in professional rioting?


I just dont know how they can afford that unless NY is still getting free money from the Gov.


Oh me oh me! I want my Biden money


Free Biden money ya'll, you just have to sell your soul to Nancy Pelosi and she will let you in.


Such a disgrace...break curfew, block public roads, attack police.

Here is 20,000

Democrat just paying their loser base....they will never work, this is how they get money.
Its never through honest hard work


But you have to admit the money will be used in town buying drugs and stuff to help the economy.


Their spending decisions are insanely comical...


Let's be fucking real here — it'd be a hell of a lot better if some of that money went towards helping out the homeless and building affordable housing. Then, we wouldn't have to see those poor sons of bitches struggling to survive on the streets, strung out on Fentanyl and sleeping in tents. Can you really blame them, though? If I were in their fucking shoes, I'd probably be doing the same thing just to cope.


That and/or the money that is being wasted on weapons to Ukraine.

Sad that our country puts the death and destruction of war first over helping and healing those who could use it here at home.
I don't get it how they can throw billions at bombs but not homes, food, and medical aid for us.


Absolutely. Aside from the fact that we are just wasting money on a war that Ukraine can't win, we are choosing to send it to them instead of helping people who need it at home. This is what happens when you are ruled by greedy psychopaths.


I think we should have blm style protests for Trump and cause over 2 billion in damages. Then you can get money for protesting.

Trump protesters in New York will receive $51,500 each


Except the MAGA zombies will give their proceeds back to Trump


No one should have a problem with this if their rights of free speech, assembly and peaceful protest were violated.
