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McCarthy wants to take on the Chinese Communist Party, but...

he can barely take on the American Republican Party.
What a clown


Newly-elected House Speaker Kevin McCarthy thanked former President Donald Trump for helping him get the votes, telling reporters: "I don’t think anybody should doubt his influence."

"He was with me from the beginning — somebody wrote the doubt of whether he was there — and he was all in. He would call me and he would call others. And he really was — I was just talking to him tonight — helping get those final votes."

The Trump does it again.


All Trump does is continue to be the laughingstock of America. You should be embarrassed by supporting him.


Is that why you're so scared shitless of him, because he's a laughing stock?


Why would I be frightened of Trump? What a stupid thing to say. Does Biden frighten you?


Congratulations! Trump helped ensure the same outcome that could have occurred four days ago without the GOP looking like a clown show... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


What is McCarthy planning to do about the rise of the Chinese Communist Party?

First, does he realize they rise to power 75 years ago?

Second: Will he give away as much to them as he gave to Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert? He doesn't have any more nut sacks to give away, that's for sure.


If he takes down the Chinese communist party, that leaves the tRump family with just commie Russia to do business with.


I give him 6 months then he's out.


The key is in 9 months. The only thing the house is really needed for at this point is to raise the debt ceiling. If KM is still there he'll be ousted for even bringing it to the floor.


And Rs in swing districts have reportedly made promises to help Ds in that situation.


That would be great, but the world economy will have collapsed by the next election if the US defaults


He's goy to get rid of the American Fascist Communist Party 1st ---- Commonly called the Democratic Party


Republicans are the ones cosying up tp fascist dictators like Putin and Orban, and with American fascists and traitors like the Proudboys and Oathkeepers.


You poor, poor misguided fool.


You sound like a comic book character talking about their arch-nemesis. Are you a 75 year old LARPing as an edgy teen like that other dude?


I can understand your comparing the Republican Party to cartoon characters. It's uncanny, isn't it.


Oh, so MAGA are Antifa? LOL


With a name like "Kevin McCarthy" you can bet he's goy.


WHY would that be important??


Mazel tov!


Yeah sure he does. What a laugher. They already control big tech and the democrat party/media. I’m sure McCarthy will put forth a plan to defeat them.

How about going after chronic liar and law breaker Adam Schiff for perjury. Or anyone involved with Epstein island. Or Bidens disastrous foreign policy blunders in Afghanistan and Ukraine.


What about China's big investments in the Trump family? Have you forgotten about those?

You liked Trump's tough talk about China but they knew that was just bluster


TDS asshat in the house.

Trumps been out for 2 years bozo.

And it was “the Russians” and “Putin” remember?


He's running for president, again, mongo.

Trump loves all dictators: Putin, Xi, Kim, Orbán


mccarthy and company simply know that's one of the kinds of dog-whistles their maga constituent voters want to hear, and, that those same maga constituent voters have proven themselves incapable of understanding that the type of government they want for America VERY closely resembles that of the Chinese Communist Party.

The entire scenario has become the maga-constituent tail wagging the maga-GOP dog, because the maga-consituent tail is all the maga-GOP dog has as far as homeland support.

The behind-the-scenes support of the maga-GOP dog by China and Russia is simply another thing the maga-constituent tail has proven itself incapable of understanding because it's been gaslighted into believing that it's Democrats that have behind-the-scenes affiliations with China and Russia.

After all, the trump-russia connection was proven by The Mueller Report, and it's now been proven that trump had bank accounts in China WHILE he was president. Sad.


"After all, the trump-russia connection was proven by The Mueller Report"

We need to see the undacted report. IIRC, the report could not conclude there was a connection because the Trump administrating obstructed the investigation, which itself should have led to an impeachment. Burr, really threw some interference there. He's a criminal, too


The Mueller Report listed all of the ways that trump obstructed the investigation regarding basically ALL russia related matters.

As trump himself was always heard accusing Democrats of alleged wrong-doing, "If they've done nothing wrong, they have nothing to be afraid of", there should have nothing for him to be trying to hide. The fact that he DID actively try to hide all of the russia-related information The Mueller Investigation sought out IS the proof, unredacted or not.
