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Doctor who tweeted COVID for 2-years has son who finally got COVID

My son, who lives in SF, is generally healthy but overweight, placing him in a moderately high-risk group. He’s been quite careful since March 2020, & has received 3 Modernas. He used to wear a 2-ply cloth mask; since Omi, he’s switched to an KN95 (with my “encouragement”).

He works in downtown SF in customer service, so he has a lot of people contact. I’ve worried that he’d get it from work, or from the bus. But that’s not how it happened. Instead, one of the few friends he sometimes sees in person – another fully vaxxed young person who has also been quite careful, came over Monday night to watch a movie. She felt fine, as did he.

Wednesday am (~36 hours later), he woke up & felt awful. Sore throat, dry cough, muscle aches, chills. No taste/smell abnormalities.

There are 4 main treatment options for a symptomatic outpatient:
1. monoclonal antibodies. But the only one that works against Omicron, (I’m assuming he has Omicron, because it’s now dominant in the U.S. and because the lightning-fast incubation is an Omicron tell) Sotrovimab, is in exceptionally short supply – last wk, UCSF had none in stock. So that’s out.

2. My fave, the Pfizer pill Paxlovid, which ⬇the chance of hospitalization by ~90%, is also hard to find. Only use it in severely immuno-suppressed folks.

3. Remdesivir, an IV drug that we’ve long used in hospital, but recently shown to ⬇hospital & death rates by 87% in hi-risk outpatients.

4. Merck’s Molnupiravir. Like Paxlovid, it's a 5-day pill. It’s less effective (~30% benefit) than Paxlovid, but more available.

All that precaution with 2 shots + booster, N95 and all that still couldn't keep him safe. I guess one has to gauge do they get it now or get it eventually?

When will they admit that vaccines only half-work (death resistance)? This particular vaccine is more a resistance than a prevention. Since there are new variants popping up every year, treat it like the flu vaccine by modifying it to deal with new strains of the virus.


I’m anxiously waiting for replies from the die hard vaxxers. Hmm? 🤔


Where was it ever claimed that the vaccine is full proof against the virus?


only thing the vax is full proof about is giving u mysteries side effects in the future. big pharma is already working on drugs to alleviate all the new conditions soon to be found in the once young and healthy public


Sorry I do not believe in what people like you say online. Either get the vaccine or do not. I do not care either way.


u must not be familiar with big pharma, they want everyone sick and miserable so they can extort the most money possible from the sheep


As I said before either get the vaccine or do not, your choice. I will not discuss the vaccine issue any further with you.


Copy Pasta incoming....

The BIG LIE is “they never said vaccines prevent Covid”

COVID vaccines in the US are authorized to PREVENT COVID 19. They are not approved for "reducing severity of symptoms or death."

Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine was meant to “prevent” COVID-19.

FDA approved product insert says it is to be used to prevent Covid.

Feb 23, 2021 “Vaccines are 100% effective at preventing Covid-19 Hospitalizations and Deaths”

Feb 28, 2021 “All three vaccines have proven 100 per cent effective at preventing deaths. The risk of hospitalisation also plummets to virtually zero for people who receive the vaccine”

March 30, 2021 - CDC reports the vaccinated don’t carry or spread the virus

April 2021 - Pfizer CEO says vaccine is 100% effective at preventing Covid.

Pfizer CEO/Chairman tweeted that his company’s mRNA vaccine was 100% effective in preventing COVID infection.

Dr. Anthony Fauci told young people to be vaccinated because if not, "you can get infected" and transmit the virus asymptomatically?

Which implied, work with me here, that vaccinations meant you couldn't...
“You’re not gonna get COVID if you have these vaccinations” - Joe Biden

“When people get vaccinated, they can feel safe that they’re not gonna get infected” -Fauci

“Vaccinated people do not carry the virus and don’t get sick” - CDC Director Walensky


I don't know anything about this case but the overweight is a bit scary. I hope he gets over it quick.

He works in customer service, why haven't the media patted these heroes on the back?
Truck drivers. Cashiers. etc.


I didn’t know Dr Who was on twitter?


LOL! Leave it up to Wan King to find humor! And a wee bit of mischief if need be. 😉


“Doctor who tweeted COVID….”

This is why punctuation is so important.


“Doctor, who tweeted about COVID for 2-years,…”

I also added “about”.

At first I thought he meant “treated”. It’s early so I’ll give him a break. My brain is still fogged.


"All that precaution..."

Nope, he let his guard down.

The doc's son spent hours without a mask in close proximity (no kissing?) to another person without a mask indoors likely with closed windows during a major pandemic surge and is surprised he's sick?

BTW, the doc didn't say when his son was boosted. It takes a few weeks to kick in. Nor does he say if the friend was boosted - only fully vaxxed which is different.


3 shots literally means you're boosted, what are you talking about? 2 weeks at most but even so I would think he got it after the recommendation from lord Fauci and coaxing from his dad which would be in December. As for his friend, that could also mean she's fully protected if it was recent instead of in the waning stages.


No. More government confusion. Fully vaxxed meant 2 shots even though Omicron made it less effective. Then, they switched plans and said booster will mean fully vaxxed. Then, they walked that back and said 2 shots.

It takes a few weeks for the immune system to fully respond. I'm bringing it up because I know someone who thought they were fully protected one day after their booster.

The doc's tweets are vague and I suspect the son was playing kissyface with his "friend".


The vaccine prevents serious illness and hospitalization - it doesn't prevent you from contracting the virus itself. I thought this was crystal clear at this point...


Go watch video footage of your gods saying it prevents contracting, getting sick and spreading the virus. Then consider the possibility that the bureaucrats you are worshiping are always wrong.


Copy Pasta incoming....

The BIG LIE is “they never said vaccines prevent Covid”

COVID vaccines in the US are authorized to PREVENT COVID 19. They are not approved for "reducing severity of symptoms or death."

Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine was meant to “prevent” COVID-19.

FDA approved product insert says it is to be used to prevent Covid.

Feb 23, 2021 “Vaccines are 100% effective at preventing Covid-19 Hospitalizations and Deaths”

Feb 28, 2021 “All three vaccines have proven 100 per cent effective at preventing deaths. The risk of hospitalisation also plummets to virtually zero for people who receive the vaccine”

March 30, 2021 - CDC reports the vaccinated don’t carry or spread the virus

April 2021 - Pfizer CEO says vaccine is 100% effective at preventing Covid.

Pfizer CEO/Chairman tweeted that his company’s mRNA vaccine was 100% effective in preventing COVID infection.

Dr. Anthony Fauci told young people to be vaccinated because if not, "you can get infected" and transmit the virus asymptomatically?

Which implied, work with me here, that vaccinations meant you couldn't...
“You’re not gonna get COVID if you have these vaccinations” - Joe Biden

“When people get vaccinated, they can feel safe that they’re not gonna get infected” -Fauci

“Vaccinated people do not carry the virus and don’t get sick” - CDC Director Walensky


Pretty sure we've spoken on this subject before, so again, don't get it if you don't want to, I don't think anyone should be forced, but it seems like a pretty foolish decision when it could possibly save your life. Yes, a young, healthy person dying is somewhat rare, but it still happens. My opinion is that any rare complications from the vaccine vastly outweigh possibly ending up on a ventilator and suffocating on my own fluids.

A few examples from my area:

I needed to get some work done on my chimney, so I called a handyman I've used in the past. Fucking dead. In his 40's and healthy.

A 15 year old high school student with the rest of his life ahead of him. Dead because his parents didn't get him vaccinated.

A retired town Selectman, well known to our community and retired to Florida, dead because he didn't get vaccinated.

These are just the people I know about, so I'm sure theres more. So again, do what you want, I honestly don't care.


Take this test and tell me your results.

Mine were 0.035% for Hospitalization, and 0.0025% for death.

This test is based on the Covid Prime strain.

I had the original covid in March 2020. I have natural immunity, I'll be just fine.
