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anti-vaxxers should be denied health care coverage when they get sick

prove me wrong


I agree 💯.


How about we deny you health coverage instead, for being a douche? No loss for the rest of us if you get sick and die. Then we won't have to hear from you again.

prove me wrong


Dead anti-vaxxers aren't a real world problem, let them die like darwin wants them to.


Don't tell him that since the vax rollout, all-cause death has gone up 20%.


Why would I go to a hospital for a cold?


There will be a special place in hell for the Covid tyrants.


Now do fat people.


Then so should drug addicts, people who drive drunk, people who don’t work out a lot, people who are morbidly obese, etc.


Spoken like a true fascist.


I'm going to assume the clarification of "when they get sick from COVID".

I'm going to also assume the clarification of "those who don't pay for their own health care", i.e. that which is publicly funded.

I understand the sentiment, but it's counterproductive to assign such extreme criteria or conditions to an unfairly targeted application of policy. It must be applied to all matters across the board, and within the full scope of all publicly-funded services.

For example, perhaps the following should also be true, if your statement is:

-The fully capable unemployed should be denied government-funded benefits when they refuse to actively look for a job.
-Women who willingly engage in sex should be denied financial abortion coverage when they refuse to use protection or abstain.
-Looters should be denied no-cash bail when they're caught committing a crime.
-Drivers should be denied health care coverage when they're injured in a car accident without wearing a seatbelt.
-The willfully uninsured should be denied health care coverage when visiting emergency rooms.
-Women who choose to stay in abusive relationships should be denied police protection.


Perhaps the collective as a whole would be better off if "personal accountably" was required for everything. It certainly would save a hell of a lot of tax dollars. wouldn't it? There's a strong argument to the notion that pervasive and excessive safety nets have conditioned our society to expect to be coddled by government instead of standing on their own two feet. But if there's denial of benefits/coverage for one thing, there must be for all things. You can't pick and choose based on your bias; not if you want to strive to be fair-minded.

So, which is it? 1) "free" health care coverage for everyone (for a population our size that wouldn't be sustainable, but that's another topic)? 2) no tax-funded health care coverage for anyone who is clearly responsible for their own circumstances that lead to needing that coverage? Or maybe your preference would be option 3) no health care coverage for anyone who disagrees with your worldview?

Or perhaps you didn't think your post through very thoroughly. Prove me wrong.
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.


Don’t worry, you won’t hear a response. OP isn’t capable.
