MovieChat Forums > Politics > Does anyone believe Biden would finish o...

Does anyone believe Biden would finish out one term as president, let alone two?

Biden himself has indicated he might not. Does anyone here think he would? He's pushing 80, seems old and senile even for his age, and has spent almost the entire campaign hiding in a basement. Picturing him holding up for years actually doing the demanding day to day job of president seems far fetched.


My parents made it to their 90s


Was either of them president? What jobs were they doing at the time?


I think he could do 1 term but definitely not 2.


He would maybe last a month or two. If he doesn't willingly step down, his handlers will poison him. ☠️☠️☠️


Biden is just a place-holder for Kameltoe and the radical left. I don't see him finishing his first term. (And, he better hire someone to test his food!)


That's exactly what the left has planned and its not hard to see that.


Yes, Reagan was the same age when he left office as Biden is now. Granted Reagan was going senile by then. But Biden, in spite of what the Ultraright is saying, is in good health and a sharp mind. And the Ultraright loves to forget that Trump is the oldest so-called President ever to be sworn in!
Anyway, yes, definitely he can serve one term. If he serves two terms he would leave office at age 86. But realize 86 is the new 66! He could definitely do it. I can't guarantee that he won't decide not to run in '24 though.


Reagan left office after two terms at around the same age Biden is now. It's not just the "ultraright" that has observed Biden's obvious mental decline. Unlike Reagan, who was truly sharp and physically robust enough to survive a gunshot wound doctors said would have killed most people (the tough bastard's Secret Service code name was "Rawhide" for a reason), Biden looks even older and more incompetent for his age than average. I know sharp, fit 80 year olds. Biden doesn't qualify.

Trump, meanwhile, who's several years younger, is amazingly robust and energetic for his age. Heck, for any age. The man even just conquered covid in a few days like it was nothing.


How did he conquer COVID?
Maybe he can share his secret with the millions suffering


He did. Trump, the most transparent president in history, even talked about taking the Regeneron cocktail.... experimental drug of the kind he has repeatedly pushed to be allowed for "compassionate use" by Americans that Democrats have attacked him for promoting.


According to that article, he' s still infected.

More BS from our liar in chief


The article was from a week ago. More BS from yatzo376, a serial board liar.


"Stand back and stand by" Junior


After getting crushed in such humiliating fashion like that on every point you made I'm not surprised you're apparently trying to completely change the subject, apparently to the Proud Boys, another target of leftist lies, a group that has done nothing but condemn white supremacism and has members of all races.


You've really gone off the deep end !

Does your mom know?


You're just embarrassing yourself.

Yours says "hi", btw. ;)


and yet he is still kicking Trump's big fat ass! lol


LOL! Biden isn't kicking anyone's ass. He's been hiding in a basement all year and barely knows where he is. The election is between the establishment, including virtually the entire media, and regular Americans, represented by President Trump.


yup, and the fat orange turd is getting beat!


No, polls have discredited themselves in recent years with wrong predictions and aren't the election anyway so no one is "getting beat". Neither of us knows what will happen in the election, but neither Americans or democracy is "orange" and most aren't even "fat".




Don't think he would last 1 term.His age isn't the issue.It's his cognitive health.The guy forgets where he is sometimes and mixes up his words a lot.If his mind is that bad now how do you think he'll be in a year or 2.Declining cognitive health isn't something that improves with age.


He wouldn’t even make it to the State of the Union. It would be sad to watch. Fortunately we won’t have to endure that. Pence made sure of that when he wiped the floor with Kamala. Did his best Willie Brown imitation.
