MovieChat Forums > Politics > St. Louis Gun Couple to Speak at RNC

St. Louis Gun Couple to Speak at RNC

The McCloskeys drew national attention in late June after they were seen in a viral video brandishing guns outside their mansion at protesters walking on a private street en route to demonstrate outside the St. Louis mayor's residence. The Missouri couple was charged in July with unlawful use of a weapon, a class E felony.

The White House has defended the couple on multiple occasions, with White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany telling reporters at the time that President Donald Trump "said it is absolutely absurd, what is happening to the McCloskeys."

Maybe they'll explain why everyone has a right to aim a firearm at black people.

The Covington kid will be there too, maybe to explain how a kid making a stupid face on video shouldn't go viral because it could hurt his feelings.

This will be one helluva circus.


What does race have anything to do with it? If pillagers, regardless of their race, threatens your property and well being, do they have a right to defend their property, yes or no? Are you saying pointing a gun at non-black pillagers would've made it okay?

You consider SMILING a stupid face? What should he have done? Scowled like a BLM pillager? Is that what you do?

Do you go out of your way to avoid the obvious, or do you just not know? Either way, it's quite telling, innit?


Maybe he should have David Dorn there. Oh wait...


Or Breonna Taylor. Oh, wait...


Or that guy BLM tried to kill on Sunday.


Or Herman Cain...


Or all of the injured people at the Biden-Protest-Rally's sponsored by Burn Loot & Murder in Portland and every other Dem ran city.


Wonder if Mr. McCloskey will shoot his dick off on live TV, to show off his 'Trump masculinity' ?


I'm glad he's having all of them there. The McCloskey's have been getting the negative attention when they were WELL within their rights.

Nick Sandmann is wiping the floor with the fake news....soooo happy for this young man. Maybe someday he will run for president and win!

He should have David Dorn's family there too, along with all of the other innocent cops families whose lives were lost due to these domestic terrorist organizations. Another good choice would be those owners of the gym in NJ. Also the doctors and nurses who've been blowing the whistle on the fake information pushed about COVID by the media and leftist politicians.

Lots of great choices.


The McCloskey's engaged in a class E felony. They are heroes to Trumpers because that felony was committed against black people.

To Trumpers, black lives don't matter.


They were INJUSTLY charged.

Um, whites were there ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

To leftists NO LIVES MATTER.


The arrest was unjust to you because the felony was against black people.

To Trumpers, black lives don't matter.


They weren't all black.

It was JUST to you because WHITES were being threatened.


I'm racist against whites without mentioning whites? Interesting take.

I'm racist against whites even though I'm Irish, English and Finnish, pale as a ghost and perfectly fine with it even with friends and family saying I should get a tan? Interesting take.

Funny thing is I never even said you were racist.

This is what I was talking about in the other thread. BLM. Antifa. Marxist. Communist. Socialist. Terrorist. Racist. Trumpers just can't get enough of their labels. They throw every one of them at me on here. Yet I don't call anybody a racist.

All I have to do is call you a Trumper to get under your soft skin.


"I'm racist against whites without mentioning whites?"

What color are the McCloskey's? What color are the people who threatened to kill them, their dog, burn their house down, oh and live in their house after they're dead?
They sure weren't all black surrounding their home. Who broke the gate and trespassed even though there was a sign "No Trespassing" as plain as day?

"I'm racist against whites even though I'm Irish, English and Finnish, pale as a ghost and perfectly fine with it?"

Whites are always being told they're the only ones who can be racist. Don't you know your own rules? Are you ashamed of your own race because I really don't see you standing up for yourself?

"Funny thing is I never even said you were racist."

I get accused of being racist on these boards just for having an opposing belief. Just giving back the same medicine the right receives day after day. How does it feel to be falsely accused? Do I really think you are? No. No matter what you never want to find common ground with me, even when I respond to some of your posts saying I agree with you on this or that. You'd rather NOT get along.

"This is what I was talking about in the other thread. BLM. Antifa. Marxist. Communist. Socialist. Terrorist. Racist. Trumpers just can't get enough of their labels. They throw every one of them at me on here."

Those things are true about BLM, Antifa, the Democrats...
The left has PLENTY if labels for us.

"Yet I don't call anybody a racist."

No, you just call us a DEATH CULT.
I don't follow anyone around like a lost puppy dog. I don't agree with every thing Trump says or does yet you claim I do.


"What color are the McCloskey's?"

That's stupid, and definitely not what racism is. You don't get to say someone is racist towards white people because they got arrested waving guns at black people.

"Whites are always being told they're the only ones who can be racist."

Not by me. Yet you just called me racist. Like Trump, you do the things you accuse others of doing.

"I get accused of being racist on these boards just for having an opposing belief."

Not by me. Yet you specifically called me a racist against whites without me even mentioning the word white.

"No, you just call us a DEATH CULT."

Ahh, since I call MAGA a cult, you had to fabricate the modifier "death" to it because you know "cult" in its original form, the form in which I use it, applies perfectly.

So not only do you falsely accuse me of being racist, you have to lie about the labels I use so you can play the victim card.

MAGA cultists in a nutshell, folks.


"That's stupid, and definitely not what racism is.
You don't get to say someone is racist towards white people because they got arrested waving guns at black people."

FINALLY you get it! ๐Ÿ™

MSM told their version of the story but they made the McCloskey's the bad guys.
BLM broke in to their gated community. Did you see the mangled gate? They had no business being in there. The McCloskey's called for help but none came. Have you seen all the violence going on everywhere that BLM is involved in? Were they supposed to just be sitting ducks? Did you hear what they were saying to the McCloskey's? Someone was picking what room was going to be theirs while others talked about burning their house down. BLM threatened to kill them and their dog. Should they have just given them their house?
There's a 2nd Amendment for a reason. They were protecting themselves and their home. Did you know some of them also had guns & weapons? Did the McCloskey's use their guns on BLM? No. Did BLM use their weapons on them? No. So why are the McCloskey's the only ones in trouble? They just wanted them out of there. They were outnumbered too. Hundreds of them and the McCloskey's only had each other and thankfully, their guns.
What would have happened to the McCloskey's had they not had guns?
BTW, not that this is the point but her gun wasn't even operable but they didn't know that. We've seen a lot of the ugly that can happen to the defenseless lately. The McCloskey's knew what BLM were capable of. What gave BLM the right to break through a gated community and threaten those who live there?

"Ahh, since I call MAGA a cult, you had to fabricate the modifier "death" to it because you know "cult" in its original form, the form in which I use it, applies perfectly."

I confused you with Keelai who uses that term. I do apologize for that, UV. You do admit to calling us a cult though, which isn't much better or even accurate.


"FINALLY you get it!"

Ahh, backpedaling I see. In your post above you claimed I was specifically talking about white people, which made me a racist, even though I made no mention of their race. Now that I've proven your logic wrong, you still can't show evidence that I've called you a racist. You want me to have done it so you can play the victim, and you've been checking your posts looking for it, but for some reason you just can't find it :)

The only person I've called a racist on here is Kingswood who said Michelle Obama and other black people in Obama's administration were token wookies. Good luck defending him. I still have the link.

"You do admit to calling us a cult though, which isn't much better or even accurate."

Oh no?

"In modern English, a cult is a social group that is defined by its unusual religious, spiritual, or philosophical beliefs, or by its common interest in a particular personality, object or goal."

You're saying that's equal to death cult? My god, norms. You have serious victimhood issues. Trump fits in perfectly as the particular personality of the MAGA cult, and the wall fits in perfectly as both object and goal.

Here's the absolute truth that you're not going to get from anywhere else. Trump, a corporate democrat, is someone who hates black criminals sooo much, that when the black criminal is proven to have not committed the crime, Trump will look for something else that black person has done to justify his original hatred.

It happened with the Central Park Five after they were exonerated of murder, and it happened with Obama after he proved his birth certificate was real. If the suspect is black, he will not let it go. And the problem with the MAGAs is they think the same way, which is why they feel Obama is a "bad president" why by all accounts he was a return to normalcy from the disastrous Bush administration.

He supported the Clintons because they were tough on black criminals in the 90s. He supported Kamala because she's been tough on black criminals her whole career.

The McCloskeys are heroes to Trump and MAGAs because they made the same judgment about black people by aiming weapons at them. MAGA is more than a cult. It is a tribalistic response to a belief that people of color are inherently dangerous to white people.


You've proven diddly wrong. I was trying to show you how calling people a "racist" is so overused and no longer has any value because it's used at any turn by the left. I thought you were finally seeing that but I guess not.

I don't see the McCloskey's as "heroes." The left used them as villains when in reality they were closer to victims.

If they didn't have their guns, they very well could be dead right now, badly injured &/or their house robbed, destroyed, defaced, burned down, etc. because BLM are savage beasts.

Sorry to disappoint you but I don't play victim hood like the left is notorious for.


You as a white person and your white privilege, shouldnโ€™t you give up your assets and job to them? Shouldnโ€™t you open your door to the illegals crossing over?

If you havenโ€™t yet, why not?


In Missouri, a Class E felony is the least severe class of felony in terms of punishment. A Class E felony Missouri is punishable by up to four years in prison, or one year in jail. The court also can impose a fine up to $10,000. There may also be a chance for probation under this felony class.

Class E felony offenses in Missouri include:
Involuntary manslaughter in the 2nd degree
Assault and domestic assault in the 3rd degree
Harassment in the 1st degree
Parental kidnapping
Child abduction
Stalking in the 1st and 2nd degree
Child molestation in the 4th degree
Driving with a revoked or suspended license
Deceptive business practices
Engaging in pyramid sales schemes
Invasion of privacy
Tampering with computer data to defraud or obtain property

I would only agree they were unjustly charged if the protestors got off scot free for trespassing and breaking the gated door (Class B Misdemeanor).


They were fined and had their guns seized.
Great, now BLM can come back and finish the job. Maybe they should build an electric wall around the perimeter of their house.


You Trumpers sure are obsessed with walls.


I wrote that just for loose cannons like you!


Glad to know I live in your head, rent free. :)


No, the McCloskeys are knuckle draggers who wanted to get on the news. They wanted the spotlight. They got exactly what they wanted.

I can't wait for January 20 when all the Trump neanderthals will be forced to drag their knuckles back into their orc caves where they belong.


I hope they reprise their roles by waving guns around. That's an image that'll really stick with anyone who bothers to watch such a ugly crap show this is going to turn into. Maybe they'll have that Sturgis gang doing security.
Oh and we all know that well-organized militia group antifa will be milling about wanting to cause trouble. Simply because pubs need to feel persecuted while committing mistake after mistake after mistake.


I especially hope lady McCloskey waves her gun around because the awkward way she holds it is class A entertainment.


If they came and surrounded your house by the hundreds and threatened you and your family, you'd ๐Ÿ’ฉ your pants, snepts.


And WHY would they surround his house in the first place, genius?


Do you know the meaning of the word "if?"


Sure do. Do you know how to properly convey a point? I'm just asking because using an example scenario of something that doesn't even make sense within its given context isn't exactly the best way to convey your point there, chief.


BLM are so unhinged that they're even bold enough to go through gated communities. What's to stop them from going to any random neighborhood across the country to cause problems? That's why I said IF they showed up, surrounding his house, threatening him and his family, the police didn't show up, etc. he'd ๐Ÿ’ฉhis pants.


God, I seriously SERIOUSLY hope most of you Trumpers around here are just trolling around because it's scary to contemplate the possibility that you're being serious with these ridiculous posts.


Are you living in the Twilight Zone?


Sure am. Thankfully, that will end this January. :)


Yeah, a well-organized militia group of over-50 fat, sweaty, ugly, hairy, half-apes from Sturgis. All old. All overweight and all "lovin' them some Trump".


They had a right to defend their property. Sandman settled big facing the fake news smear against him. I hope he can be a voice for young conservatives.


They waved their guns at unarmed protesters standing on property not owned by the McCloskeys, a class E felony.

What you're saying is it is okay to aim a weapon at protesters on the sidewalk if you have a feeling they might vandalize your property, which basically means you can aim a weapon at any protester on the sidewalk.

It's amazing how many rights you lose just by being a protester.


Their home is their private property and on top of that the protestors were trespassing on a private street in their gated community. The Missouri Attorney General is working to get the case dismissed.


It's very simple. Were the McCloskeys aiming their guns at protesters who were standing on land not owned by the McCloskeys?


"The Missouri Attorney General is working to get the case dismissed."

I hope he's successful.


MSM failed to tell people that some of them were armed with guns and other weapons too.

What rights have they lost? They're out there every day Burning, Looting and Murdering!


You can't aim a gun at a protester who is not on your property. It's that simple. It doesn't matter if there's another protester on your property, or another protester with a gun. The second you aim your gun at an unarmed protester not on your property, you've broken the law. Luckily for the McCloskeys, the unarmed protesters aren't pressing the issue.


So an entire unruly mob of pillagers yelling and throwing insults and racial epithets at them, isn't assault? You don't think their lives and property were endangered? If they didn't have guns, do you think the outcome would've been different?


They should have stayed indoors and whipped out their guns when the mob approached the house.
They were looking for trouble


So one is not allowed to protect ones property?


They should have stayed inside like everyone else.
They were knuckleheads


You still didn't answer the question. Are they allowed to protect their property, yes or no?


Of course, but walking outside waving weapons is just stupid and dangerous. Even you wouldnโ€™t do that! ๐Ÿ˜…


Thank you. Was that such a hard admission to make?


These Trumpers are very child-like--just like the miserable FUCK they worship. Children have a tendency to deflect blame to others. "Wah!!! Why should the McCloskeys get in trouble for aiming guns at people who weren't even coming after them? WAH!!! It's all the protesters' fault! Wah!!!"


If you think about it, it absolutely has to be a crime. Because if either of them pulled the trigger and killed someone, it's premeditated murder one. Even if the gun went off accidentally, it would be too hard to prove. And self defense would not apply thanks to the video.


We know with your your white guilt and you white privilege, had it been you, you would've welcomed the pillagers to pillage your home and beat you wife and yourself. You would've even stated that you believed in their cause while they did it. You would've even made lemonade and handed it out to them throwing up your puny white fist in solidarity, right?

The real question is, why haven't you donated your time and your income to their causes? Your job you have is ill gotten by white privilege. Why don't you step down since you're occupying a job that could be held by a person of color?


Indeed. You don't do what they did unless you're LOOKING for a reaction.

Maybe they were even hoping for a "chance" to "defend" themselves.

Completely unsurprising that the Trump cult is all too eager to invite them to their convention.


"Maybe they were even hoping for a "chance" to "defend" themselves."

That's how I take it. They weren't in any danger, but wanted to flex their guns they'll probably never get to use on "libtards" and were delighted when some showed up on their street.


Yep. We've seen enough Trumpers over four years now to know two things: most of them are insane and most of them are just itching to kill.


They were aiming their guns at people who were doing nothing to them. Their attention wasn't even on this idiot couple until they drew attention to themselves by threatening the protesters with guns.

Of course you Trumpers jump right to defending the instigators as usual.

Now if they protesters were trashing their car or property or what have you, that would be a different story.

You don't aim a gun at people passing by on the street and then act like you're an innocent victim.

God, you Trumpers are so fucking far removed from reality.

We NEED Trump OUT this January so this freak show can end. 65 fucking million Americans have mass delusions and fucking cult mentality. Jesus...


These two knuckle draggers knew EXACTLY what they were doing and what would develop when they trained their guns on the protesters. They WANTED this attention and now they have it.

In reality, all that they have done is headline their own stupidity and psychotic natures to the entire world. Trumpers, however, do not operate within the confines of reality.


D-League, I love reading your triggered and unhinged posts. It's so amusing reading you wigging out over things that have zero effect to your own personal life.๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ


Don't trespass on private property, castle doctrine laws need not apply... Pretty simple really.


True, but there were people not on McCloskeys property that were unarmed and had guns pointed at them. That's a class E felony, but requires the protesters to push for it, which I'm pretty sure they wouldn't bother with.


The entire street is private property, they trespassed. Case closed.


It doesn't matter. The street would be treated as property owned by the McCloskey's neighbors. You can't legally aim a firearm at a trespasser on your neighbor's property, especially if it was their lawn or something similar. In this case, we're talking about a street. They can have their firearms by their side or even in their hands pointed down. But you cannot aim them at the people on the street who are unarmed. Because if the gun goes off and kills someone, it's murder one, and not self defense. Now if they aim at or shoot someone with a weapon, that's different. But you know as well as I do that unarmed people had weapons aimed at them.

You probably also know the McCloskeys were perfectly fine inside, but had to go outside with weapons to show off and have their MAGA moment. In that moment, MAGA mentality got the better of them.


๐Ÿ˜…MAGA moment! ๐Ÿ‘


Let me ask you something. Did anything happen, yes or no? Do you think it's because he had a firearm, yes or no?

Now let's look at Portland. A guy gets out of his car to aid a TRANS PERSON and his wife gets assaulted and he gets assaulted. Then they attempt to leave without provocation, and later is dragged out of his car and beaten. You think if he had a firearm, things would've been different?

Now I know you suffer from white guilt and have white privilege, yet you do nothing rectify it, but do your best to dismiss your snowflake viewpoints. If that guy in Portland had a firearm, tell me the exact moment you would find it acceptable for him to have pull out a firearm?


Sounds like both parties should have firearms so they could have a fair firearms fight. And the bystanders should have firearms so they could choose who they want to shoot in defense of whatever color or creed happens to move them at that moment.


I donโ€™t see an answer to my question. I donโ€™t know why you want firearms in the hands of pillagers, but not law abiding citizens.
