MovieChat Forums > Politics > New York City Poison Control Center saw ...

New York City Poison Control Center saw 30 cases about exposure to bleach and other household cleaning products

In just 18 hours after T-rump gave his thoughts at a presser about people injecting bleach and disinfectants to combat COVID19, The New York City Poison Control Center says it saw 30 cases about exposure to bleach and other household cleaning products.

New York Post reporter Anna Sanders broke the news earlier today. According to Sanders, there were no reported deaths or hospitalizations from these incidents. The number of reports are doubled from number of reports taken in at the same time last year. (At the NYCPCC an 'exposure' is regarded as a 'case').

The breakdown of cases coming into the NYCPCC within 18 hours (prior to 3 pm today):

9 cases explicitly to Lysol
10 cases explicitly to bleach
11 cases explicitly to other household disinfectants and cleaners

In addition to NYC, a spokesperson for Governor Larry Hogan (R-MD) confirms his state has seen over 100 calls to an emergency hotline asking about household disinfectants, in the 18 hours since T-rump's presser.


Are these the same idiots that drank aquarium cleaner? Guess you can't fix stupid!


Can’t quarantine it, either.


Christina Cuomo recommends bathing in Clorox! She should be Biden's running mate.


Why Biden's running mate? T-rump should ask her to replace Pence. After all, T-rump is the one theorizing we should inject ourselves with Lysol and Clorox, and blast ourselves with ultraviolet light. T-rump is suggesting this - the moron you voted for, remember ?



The piece of news fails to say how many exposures you see on average, which would be a necessary context here.

Taking into account that the piece of news hides this data, the most likely option is that this is the usual average number of cases and this is just another piece of fake news.


OK, Einstein - whatever you say.


This garbage human has literally no life.


I know the idiotic point you’re trying to make, but your post only pushes the point that a lot of people in New York are really, REALLY dumb. I mean, look at the laws they make...and they elected AOC for fuck’s sake. I could imagine a lot of the citizens drink bleach and eat Lysol wipes. Haha.


Yeah - that makes sense. The people in NY are 'really, really dumb' but not T-rump for theorizing this out loud at a press conference, right ? That's the point you're trying to make ?

And you ignored the people in Maryland - who voted for a Republican governor. They're really, really dumb too - but not T-rump. He's a stable genius.


I don’t think Trump is a genius, especially with public speaking, but he’s not the one drinking bleach.

And yes, the people in Maryland (who voted for a Republican governor), and ANYWHERE in the world, Democrat, Republican, independent, libertarian, black, white, gay, straight, man, woman, gender confused, feminist, misogynist, and ANY other “-ist” words people use today to label other people...if any of them are drinking bleach, injecting Clorox, or shoving a light bulb up their ass to think it will prevent them from getting COVID-19...let me say it for the hearing impaired in the back...THEY ARE REALLY, REALLY FUCKING STUPID.

That’s the point I’m making.

I also think you should just go try to have sex with T-rump and get it over with. Your infatuation is hysterical. I think it’s kind of like the “men who hate women because they are trapped in the closet” type situation. It’s an “I hate you so much because I love you” type thing you have with him. Best of luck sorting that out.


I don’t think Trump is a genius, especially with public speaking, but he’s not the one drinking bleach.

He's the one suggesting it, and you're the one supporting him. You're head it stuck too far up T-rump's ass for you to realize this. Check on his tonsils while you're there.


See, this post is proof that you don’t listen to anything anyone else writes...and you are so off your rocker you’re never worth responding to with your pointless and worthless posts about complete jibberish. When the hell did I ever mention supporting him? I do defend him every once in a while from some of the dreck that people like you and the media constantly throw out, mainly because it’s complete horseshit.

All you hear is “T-rump, T-Rump, T-Rump” as you start to get aroused. It’s ok man, I won’t tell anyone you’re secretly in love with The President. That’s for you to work out yourself. I’m sure you’d love to hear about his tonsils. You’d love to hear anything about T-Rump. Your entire life is spent writing weird stuff about him and everything he does, strangely on a movie chat website. I’m sure you’re on other sites as well, just writing about him all day everyday as your infatuation grows.

I suggest you go shove a stick of dynamite up your ass and light it to get rid of a runny nose, or maybe mix up some cement and drink it to get rid of diarrhea.

So are you going to do either of these things? Or are you a (barely) logical thinking human who knows that those two things would not turn out well for you? Do you see what I’m getting at? No? Yeah, I figured.

Take care toolbag.


Why do you and other T-rump supporters always say you're not T-rump supporters? What had he done to you to put you in such advanced self-denial ? It’s ok man, I won’t tell anyone you’re secretly supporting The President. That’s for you to work out yourself.

It's going to be an uphill battle for you to get your dignity back and sense of self-worth, but we're all here to support you and cheer you on.


You have generalizations coming out of your ass, don’t you. I forgot that you’ve never been wrong, and know everything about everything. What a douche.

I support America. I root for whoever needs to do well to see our country succeed. That doesn’t mean I voted for them. But if wanting The President to succeed upsets you, that’s fine with me. I also wanted Obama to do well, Bush to do well, Clinton, etc. I don’t blindly follow a political party like you do.

You openly root for our country to fail because you don’t like a politician. It’s disgusting and pathetic.

But, once again, you speak nonsense. You don’t have anything. You just enjoy arguing. Nothing more. This time, you basically copied things I wrote in my previous message, and didn’t say anything of value or substance, and didn’t defend anything you say with any kind of logic.

I’ll give you credit. You’re the troll of all trolls on this site. I’m done with this pointlessness. Enjoy jerking off with your tweezers to the love of your life...President Donald Trump.


Again, I'll reiterate: We're here for you! You can do it!



Touche’! I could not have said it better! He lives, eats, sleeps, dreams T-rump 24/7. He is possessed or infatuated with Trump. He hasn’t come out of the Trump closet yet. He sits in his little space tapping a keyboard over & over about T-rump this or T-rump that. He goes through small dim light bulbs like crazy. What is that adage? It goes something like this: “I think the Doggie doth protests too much!” or words to that effect. It’s the Napoleonic Complex thingy!


Geez, how much Clorox did you drink this week ?


REALLY, REALLY STUPID! You nailed it! AOC has brain power...NOT! “They’re drinking from toilets!”. Priceless!

“T-rump for theorizing this out loud at a press conference”The knuckleheads on this board believe he suggested doing this. The clip showed he turned and ASKED his science director if it would be possible to check into and test disinfectants for human body internal use. That’s all it was a go ahead to use! Lordy me! Stupid is as stupid does! Through our lifetimes ALL of us has pondered whether something would work to solve a problem. Hey, it might be dangerous, but what the heck.

As kukuxu wrote prior: “ If Trump said that people should quarantine in their home and some idiot starved to death because he thought he couldn't abandon his house to do the shopping, the media would say it's Trump's fault.”


Yes, he should consider all Americans who are listening to him (smart and dumb - especially the dumb which makes up his base of supporters) and be careful with what he says. The onus is on him. His words are strong - especially with his 'very low IQ' supporters.


Hey, I believe you have working gray matter. He did not suggest doing it. He inquired of his science director IF if could be checked into. And you’re wrong again as usual. What else is new? I’ll put the IQ of his voters up against the anti-Trumpers any day of the week. You see most of the anti-Trumpers are like media hounds. Don’t know s*** from Shinola! After all the couple who ingested the fish tank additive were two ignorant strong Democrats!


He publicly theorized about it - at a televised press conference. And then he said he was 'being sarcastic', with nearly 50,000 dead Americans. This is on him. It will always be on him - especially in November.


I agree he made a fool of himself. As I’ve wrote...he needs to SHUT UP!


Trump supporters no doubt.
Image = LOL!


Those are some dumb democrats, wondering if Groumo will force old people to do this next.

TDS is incurable.


Clearly it's only Trumptards who are doing this, so I don't really see the problem...


