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Russia is allies with how can Putin be tight with Trump?

Explain this one.....


Easy. Why would Putin want to make Trump his puppet when the entire Democrap party is already his bitch? In fact, Trump is actually the worst thing ever to happen to Putin, if you look at what's happened to Russia since he became President. Imagine all the benefits he would have gotten from a Hillary presidency by comparison.


Trump is in Putin's pocket!


Why did Obama cancel our missile defense agreement with Poland and other European allies, and why did Trump reinstate it?

Answer that, slimone.


T-rump left his pocket after the 2016 election, and is now lodged up his ass. He's so far up there, he can see Putin's tonsils.



That’s the hilarity of the entire Russian collusion hoax. The Democrats have been communist admirers since the 60s.


Even before that really, though the far left has had a stranglehold on the party for the past half century.

"Bill, I don't dispute your facts; they are accurate. I don't dispute the logic of your reasoning. I just have a hunch that Stalin is not that kind of man. Harry [Hopkins] says he's not and that he doesn't want anything but security for his country, and I think if I give him everything I possibly can and ask for nothing in return, noblesse oblige, he won't try to annex anything and will work with me for a world of democracy and peace. - FDR, 1941

"Why should the Russians have all the fun remaking the world?" - socialist Stuart Chase in his 1932 book A New Deal, who along with fellow future FDR adviser Rex Tugwell was part of a delegation that visited the USSR in 1927 and came back impressed, giving glowing reports about the communist nation.


A stranglehold! That's why centrist Bernie Sanders was cheated by evil socialist Hillary Clinton. He was just too right wing for the party.


It's why the party has been trying to destroy America and replace it with something else for several decades, through open borders, socialization schemes, anti-constitutional judicial activism, and replacing education with cultural Marxist indoctrination, regardless of which individual politician it's using as a front at the time. Socialist Hillary Clinton spearheaded the effort to nationalize one fifth of the US economy, putting the government in control of people's healthcare. She only lost the 2008 primary because she was the wrong skin color, another sign of the party's radicalism.


Trump's aggression toward Iran (and Yemen) has always been at the direction of the Saudis and Israel.

Russia's alliance with Iran is because Iran gets along with Syria. Iran is merely a secondhand ally that Russia can ditch at any time.

As long as we're moving away from Syria, Iran is a chess piece Putin would happily sacrifice. We knew this ever since Trump squashed the Iran deal.

The problem with Trump is he's being puppeted by both sides, neither of which are US intelligence agencies which Trump's cult considers to be the bad guys because they made negative comments about the cult leader.


His supporters are so stupid it's literally headache-inducing. When gas and grocery prices hit the roof (and they will as a consequence of Agolf Twitler's distraction war) his idiot supporters will STILL defend him and probably find a way to lay 110% of the blame on Obama. And, if that doesn't work, they'll just guffaw and say: "As long as libs are crying, I'm happy".

But one thing is for certain--no matter what happens during Burger King's war, they will NEVER--and I mean EVER--blame their burger king. NEVER.


Trump is clearly Putin's puppet. Putin and Trump had yet another secret phone call within the past few days. Trump's action actually helps Putin. Again.


God help us if we don't get this burger king out of the White House in January 2021. God help us...

All signs point to yet another recession in 2021 and we'll (as usual) need a democratic president to mop up yet another republican president-started recession.

While I refuse to conform to either parties, I must admit that this is becoming something of a pattern now, isn't it?


Forget flip flopping from year to year, Democrats flip flop from one discussion to the next and back again, as they've shown on topics from James Comey to accepting election results to Putin himself. Democrat Senator Chris Murphy attacked Trump for the decisive, precision strike on Soleimani two days after attacking Trump for supposedly being "impotent" in the face of escalating Iranian provocations.

Democrats: "We are at war with Eastasia. We have always been at war with Eastasia."
