MovieChat Forums > Politics > A question for Trump supporters

A question for Trump supporters

Does Trump's decision to withdraw US troops from Syria make you question your support for his administration? There is a lot of media speculation that this has caused long-time supporters and fellow Republicans to turn against the President, but I wonder if leaving the Kurds to their own devices against an invading Turkey really makes much difference to those who have stood by Trump and every decision he has made in his term.

Do you see this as a fulfilled promise or an intended diversion in light of the impeachment talk leading up to the next election?


It's faithful to his campaign promises. If Trump wanted to "distract" from the Dems' insane impeachment push he wouldn't be constantly talking about it. Don't believe your own side's delusional echo chamber nonsense. I've been critical of Trump's decision, it's basically repeating Obama's mistake but on a smaller scale, but it doesn't make me or likely any Trump supporters less likely to vote for his reelection because he's been very good on balance and there's no viable alternative. The leading Democrats are literally pushing to dissolve the USA's borders, scrap all private healthcare plans, wage a war against fossil fuel energy that could cause a new dark age, impose tax hikes including racial taxes ("reparations"), aggressively restrict free speech and freedom of religion to appease fringe special interest groups, nominate activist judges, give felons and illegal aliens the right to vote, roll back gun rights, and turn the USA into a permanent leftist nation. Trump must win reelection or that's likely all she wrote, at least for the union as currently constituted.

Since I answered let me ask you a question: Were you critical of Obama when he withdrew from Iraq?


Thank you for your reply. To clarify, I’m not a Democrat.

I believe allied forces were sent to Iraq in 2003 under false pretences so yes I agreed with the decision to withdraw. If you are asking if I blindly supported every decision made by the Obama administration, no I did not.

My question was honest and based on not believing media reports that this decision could be catastrophic for Trump’s support. You confirmed I was right to question, so thank you again.


Your claim about 2003 is debatable and, while predictable (I almost preemptively addressed it), doesn't speak to the 2011 decision to withdraw. It's quite possible to have opposed the 2003 invasion at the time or in retrospect, and yet still view Obama's 2011 withdrawal as a mistake once we were at that point in those circumstances after the success of Bush's surge and the military warning of dire consequences if the US and its stabilizing presence withdrew. In fact it's very similar to Trump's decision to withdraw from Northern Syria.

But you answered my question. You supported Obama's decision to withdraw from Iraq, as I suspected you probably did. So I appreciate your honesty on that score. For the record I was critical of Obama AND Trump, and have maintained a consistent position. I think if you looked you'd find that few or no Trump supporters agree with "each and every decision" he's made. If his support appears unwavering, it has more to do with Democrats making themselves unelectable to traditional Americans, particularly those typical of the Heartland.


Can I just make one small suggestion, perhaps try not to be as caustically condescending when someone engages in a conversation with you. We can talk about this without you trying to elevate your own opinion by looking down your nose with phrases such as "predictable" (which your views could NEVER be accused of being I'm sure) and "I almost preemptively address it". You asked me a rhetorical question in light of my original post just so you could say "I knew it all along". That doesn't make you seem clever, just a little high maintenance and bitchy.

I find the devotion to Trump interesting and a force seemingly stronger than logic and reason at times. The amount of outrageous statements, endless inflammatory tweets and questionable ethical behaviour that is overlooked, accepted or even praised by intelligent people fascinates me. That's honestly why I wanted to know if something that is generally regarded by all world leaders and political commentators from both sides as a potentially catastrophic error of judgement is something that gives supporters pause for thought. I suppose only time will tell, I just wanted to get a feel of how you guys are reacting to it.


Sure, nothing condescending or bitchy at all about lines like "those who have stood by Trump and every decision he has made" or "I find the devotion to Trump interesting and a force seemingly stronger than logic and reason at times", LOL.

If I might make a small suggestion, stop trying to play posturing games. You aren't good at it and even if you were it wouldn't be substantively productive. At best you'd be manipulating people into agreeing with you through trickery. Assuming you have some scruples you shouldn't want that.

Be straightforward and honest about your own views and engage in truly good faith discussions with a fair and open mind. Asking Trump supporters what they thought of the Syrian thing and whether it might cause them to not support him, sans the other stuff, is perfectly fine. I answered that question and added other substance.

My question about whether you criticized Obama's withdrawal from Iraq was certainly legitimate too. I'm sincerely fascinated by people who suddenly sound a lot like I did back in 2011, and I'm wondering how many of them sounded like that when "their" president was in the White House. Your answer certainly underscores the validity of my question.


Ok, I get it, you don't like me or what I say. Thank you again for your words.

I'd still be interested to hear other people's thoughts.


Sure I like you, bananaman. I think you're terrific.


oh obviously! As long as I don't unsuccessfully try to posture (I'm not good at it) or trick people into agreeing with me, or heaven forbid make a joke (because I'm not funny and should not consider stand-up comedy as a career). I pity people you find less terrific.


Wait...I'm starting to think your comments about me supposedly being "caustically condescending", "bitchy", "defensive", "grumpy", and "trying to elevate (my) own opinion" by "looking down (my) nose" at others' means you don't like me. Oh well.


I know your thread wasn't for me as I'm not a Trump supporter, but this whole mess with the Kurds is an example of Trump wagging the dog to take eyes away from his Ukraine call. Its unfortunate that a president would turn against allies to do it but that is the current state of panic this white house is in.


So sick, some of those stories. All those dead men, women and CHILDREN...all because of a fat, orange slob and his ego.


Welcome to krl97a. Allow me to get you up to speed on this poster: he's your typical online Trumper: hostile, trolling, argumentative, strawman extraordinaire, gaslighting clown.

You canNOT properly debate with the clown squad around here. It will always turn into deflection tactics, spin and strawman.

They will take your words out context, spin everything you say and try to gaslight every topic of yours. It's what they do.

See, Donald spends his entire presidency engaging in smoke and mirrors. Naturally, it stands to chance that his main supporter base would defend him with similar smoke and mirrors methods. It's what they do.

You presented a perfectly-reasoned post and look how he systematically derailed the entire thing almost immediately and then turning your (natural) response of bewilderment against you. This guy will lie and claim he's not a biased Trump supporter. He'll call posters like me a "troll" and claim he's "just out to stop the Trump-hating trolls" and yet--look what he did to you and your thread. Took a big, steaming dump on your well-reasoned, rational thread.

Now you're acquainted with one of the members of the Clown Squad. Welcome to the Politics board of Moviechat. Now that you know what you're up against, join the rest of us sane posters in pointing and laughing at the Clown Squad. :)


dteam6 (about Trump and Mitch McConnell): "Try again to defend the Antichrist and his False Prophet."

That was just three hours before the BS you posted here about "sanity", "lying", and trolling, you clown.

But I seriously would like to get bananaman's opinion of your support for the push to have the government officially declare the NRA a "terrorist organization". No smoke or mirrors. Just curious what his take on that is.


Thank you very much for making my point. :)

Bananaman? That's classic krl97a right there. He does this a lot.


Quote your own words and support my claims with linked evidence, lol? I have done that a lot, but it hardly makes your point so much as undermines it.


Krl97a, you literally do all the work for me. I need only to sit back and allow others to observe your behavior. :)


Funny, I was thinking the same thing about you. I basically just cited your own comments so honest people can observe your behavior.


Not one single reputable poster of good character has ever said anything against me. I'm feeling pretty confident from where I'm sitting. :)


Guess we'll have to agree to disagree on that, lol.


I guess we will, krl97a. :)


Of course I won't try to criminalize your disagreement or endorse government moves to declare you a "terrorist" for it, me being a supporter of freedom and all. The freedom to speak openly and disagree with people in the arena of ideas is the cornerstone of our democracy.


Whatever you say, krl97a. :)


LOL! Poor krl97a!



The Clown Squad is really borning. I miss the IMDB trolls. They put up so much more of a fight than this.


"Fight", lol? You're protesting too much.


Of course I won't try to criminalize your disagreement or endorse government moves to declare you a "terrorist" for it, me being a supporter of freedom and all.

How humble of you!



LOL! You of all people being his chief defender isn't doing him any favors, doggiedaddy.

"reputable poster of good character"?


Wrong once again...I wasn't defending him at all.

I was commenting on your supposed act of humbleness.

It's hard for a Narcissist like you not "to criminalize your disagreement or endorse government moves to declare you a "terrorist" "... but you did say you'd 'try'.


(Sorry - I tried so hard to stifle a laugh, but I just couldn't keep it in.)



"Humbleness"? More like illustrating a contrast with his support for San Francisco's edict labeling the NRA a "terrorist organization", that context being obvious to any at least reasonably intelligent person reading the thread, but I'm not surprised it went over your head.

Poor doggie.


Kid...not one--not ONE--poster around here outside you ""Trumpers"" has addressed that issue with me. Not one. Why? Because no one cares. Everyone either knows the context of what I meant or simple already knows the type of bs and gaslighting you spew with every post.

You have no credibility around here. If you did, people might take your posts seriously. :)


Huh? It's a slow traffic board and multiple posters have called you out for that* and other stuff, not that that's a substantive defense anyway.

*For example:

On credibility you can't cite a single lie I've told and pretending no one takes my posts "seriously" is petty nonsense. On the NRA, please feel free to explain the context of you endorsing the SF government's edict labeling them a "terrorist organization". I'm genuinely listening with an open mind, especially since I'd like to believe you aren't really as strident and totalitarian minded as you come off.


Not one single poster outside this small group of ""Trumpers"" (sorry, I'm not buying it. I think they're just trolls--not real Trumpers) has called me out on the NRA thing. Any normal person knows what I meant and what the context of it meant.

To be honest, I find it adorable that he keeps throwing it around as if it's some damning statement or something. No one is bringing it up. No one cares beyond him and the other fake-Trumpers here.

I miss IMDB. Remember the good old days when they tried harder than this?


LOL! So basically you dismiss all the posters who rightly criticize you for that or anything else as "trolls", and you can't even be bothered with making a substantive argument.

Again, you're making my point for me. :)


You're kidding right?

If I thought for one moment that you were looking for anything other than another opportunity to belittle my every word I might be tempted to converse. Even then, I certainly wouldn't be drawn into a conversation I had no prior knowledge of. Who cares what I think of dteam's post? It's hardly relevant to my original question.

So thanks anyway, but this light has plenty of gas already.


I would ask what your own stance on San Francisco's move is if we were having a conversation, but since you made it clear we aren' you were conversing with me.... I guess I won't. Maybe another time.


Maybe not


Careful. We're in danger of conversing.


I'm to the left of the democratic party, and it's a stupid line of attack to me as well. But these are the democrats corporations love.


He shouldn't have allowed the Mattis resignation to delay the withdrawal. It should have been done earlier and it should be happening everywhere U.S. forces are currently deployed in the Middle East, except for whichever air bases are deemed strategically useful for the long-term.


At the expense of America’s allies though? That’s what I hear is troubling Republicans and other countries considered allies most.


We were caught between two allies in this case. Extricating ourselves from this part of the world, whether it's Syria, Iraq or Afghanistan, was never going to be a clean and easy process.


It certainly wasn’t. Thanks for sharing your thoughts Jack.


I have a question too.

WTF is wrong with you?


Excuse me? How do you mean?


Does it matter what they think? Trump voters that remain supportive of him are either just plain stupid or selfish or both. Let's stop coddling them.


Of course it matters what they think. I don’t know any Trump supporters personally so I thought I would ask here to see if media reports about wavering support is true. Having a conversation isn’t coddling, what do we have without communication?

I guess anyone who isn’t interested can look away.


You don't know any Trump supporters? Which coast do you live on?


The east coast. Of Australia.

I know plenty of conservatives, just none who openly support Trump. Unfortunately your president has a bit of an image problem over here, although I know there are supporters out there, maybe even a few who post here, who knows? Our Prime Minister seems quite chummy. Pauline Hanson LOVES him. If you don’t know who she is, look her up, I guarantee you she’s a treat.


Australia. Interesting. I live in the mountains of east tennessee. Just a mile and a half from north Carolina. I guess you could call me a redneck ;). I'm 54 and I've waited all my life for a President who actually gives a damn about America. He didn't have to do it. Gets paid nothing for it. Gave up actively making money to do it... And the numbers speak for themselves. I understand how some don't like what he says. Personally I love it. Sounds a bit like me ;). I'm a little roughshod. Look...the guy's not trying to make friends, he's definitely kissing no one's ass. Big change. I'll vote for him again and whoever he promotes afterwards. Hope it's one of his kids lol.
Damn fine talking with you. Have a great day!


I'm from Oklahoma; I'm a redneck. You are a hillbilly lol.

Keep America Great
TRUMP 2020


My little brother lives in Norman!
Okay so I'm a hillbilly lol! If living in one of the most beautiful places in the world and being able to do pretty much anything I want (walk out the backdoor and open up with my 5.56, 12ga, 10mm,etc) makes me that... I like it!


The Tennessee mountains! Beautiful place to live, I’d love to visit your part of the world one day.

I’m from the country too and I know what you mean about having a leader who has the common touch. Personally my biggest concern with Trump is his impulsiveness, and that I’m not sure if he has America’s or his own best interests at heart.

But hey I appreciate you being straight up and you have a great day up there in the Mountains too.


I think if he was more interested in what benefits him he would have stayed out of it.


Maybe, or he could just need to be number one at any cost. I hope you don’t take that personally or think I’m being disrespectful because you’ve been friendly to talk to, I just worry about what could happen next.


What's happened for the last 50 years has been what worries me. These bastards go into politics strictly for the money. Just look at their incomes up thru their careers. Disproportionate to the offices held. It doesn't happen without screwing with American people. China is an example that just screams for attention. Over 35 years the U.S. has not only not made a profit on our international trading.. we haven't even broken even! Not a company in the WORLD would stay in business 6 months that way. And yet the politicians get rich. It makes me sick. Like I said.. numbers speak for themselves. Obama's numbers show him to be the worst President in history. Trump is pulling us out of deals obviously made by political hacks only interested in lining their pockets. Numbers numbers numbers.


I know of an Australian lady who supports Trump: Daisy Cousens. She is a conservative YouTube commentator.


Never heard of her! But I wouldn’t seek out conservative commentators on the net we have enough in the media, a few very vocal ones.


She's hot though...


I’ll take a look. For research purposes.


We have no idea what’s going on in the Middle East. Every time they need a war someone gets gassed in Syria.

It’s funny to see the Democrats pro war now that they have financial interests in military action as well.

Wonder which fake war footage the democrat media will show us next.


Are Democrats really pro war though? That seems like an exaggerated generalisation, but I think I’m missing the context because I don’t know what financial interests you’re referring to.

To me it seems Republicans and Democrats spend way too much time blaming and shaming each other. Seems very much the Divided States of America right now. It’s sad to see. Australia has similar divisions I suppose but it’s not like a war between Labor and Liberal supporters. It’s more a division on issues rather than division between each other.


Go on YouTube and check out Tim Pool's channel. He is a moderate liberal but a lot of his videos are kinda pro Trump.


The division has always existed. The difference today is the right is done ignoring the corrupt international Communist run Democrat Party and their world wide media.

We have an ignorant left as a result of decades of corrupt mis education that we are now having to take a stand against so we all don’t end up like Communist China. No freedom. No rights. Slavery.

We all know what Democrat leadership wants. As long as they’re empowered theyll give away the farm. Their voters are too ignorant to know better.
