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#MoscowMitch has 250 bills waiting on his desk

As of today, when the Congress returned from a 2 week break, Moscow Mitch has 250 bills sitting on his desk, passed by the Democratic controlled House since January. Everything from healthcare to the economy is sitting in those 250 bills on his desk.



Sounds like the dems are busy legislating while repubs are busy vegetating.


Then they will say the House did nothing since the Dems took over. Such snakes.


He's a lazy treacherous fuck.


That could apply to Donald OR McConnell. :)


Do any of them not suck?


What difference does it make?


Exactly. Their quality means ZILCH. Turtle is supposed to send them to the floor for a vote and is neglected his duties.

If Turtle refuses to do his job then he should NOT be receiving a paycheck.


That’s what I’m saying. It could be the most insane bill on his desk but his job is to send it to the floor and let them decide on it.

Notice krl97a won’t answer this simple question?


It doesn't fit his spin tactics to answer that. You know the Trumper patterns:

1.Normal person makes and excellent point about Trump and something Trump is doing wrong.

2. Trumper chimes in with some deflection to Obama/Hillary/some other "lib" about how they did such and such and such and such.

3. Normal person remarks how that doesn't change what Trump did/absolve him of anything.

4. Trumper either disappears or chooses to deflect some more.

5. When all else fails, the Trumper just barks "Trump 2020!" and "MAGA!" and runs away.


You got the formula down correctly.


That's how all the Trumper androids are programmed.


His job is to pass them to the floor for a vote. Your question is irrelevant as that has no basis on whether or not they get a vote.

Try again to defend the Antichrist and his False Prophet.


She is ignoring the question as she’s made a fool of herself once again.


As all Trumpers do.


Oh look, doggiedaddy is so upset by being repeatedly eviscerated and humiliated in debates that he's resorted to calling me "she" when he knows I'm a man, the way a third grader might if he couldn't come up with any better insults. That's adorable.


Why do you assume I know you’re a man? And why are you so sensitive to having your gender mistaken on an anonymous message board?

Fragile as a snowflake?


Poor doggie. I just said it was "adorable".


Avoiding the questions once again.




Actually it's not the Senate majority leader's job to waste time mindlessly putting every bill up for a vote, or else it would be automatic anyway. These are largely show bills, like the House Republicans used to pass too in fairness, that they know won't pass the Senate and/or be signed by the president.

It's funny that you're feigning outrage over this when Democrats won't even hold a vote for their own stupid impeachment inquiry, or on the USMCA despite it being painstakingly negotiated and agreed on by three different countries. Instead they're claiming they want to tinker with the latter, making changes that would require Canada and Mexico to sign off on, and they're even dragging their feet on that.

Try again to defend the Antichrist and his False Prophet.

We'll at least you're well grounded in reality and aren't insane or anything, lol, making you a reliable narrator.


Republicans needed to be removed from office since they are obstructionists. The only two things they did were to give rich people a huge tax cut and put an alleged rapist on the Supreme Court.


The only two things they did were to give rich people a huge tax cut and put an alleged rapist on the Supreme Court.

This is so true. And people like krl97a find nothing wrong with this.


LOL! And you're not butthurt and obsessed with me at all, no sir. My constantly owning you hasn't gotten under your skin one bit. Nope. Not at all.


You joined in the conversation that I started. Who’s obsessed with whom?

Try again, with less self importance if you can. And maybe you can answer the question I asked above.


I asked a brief, pertinent question. It's hard to avoid all your threads since you post about half of the ones on the board, lol. Doesn't mean you've got to raise my name out of the blue in a bitter-sounding post in a completely different section. Again. Not that I'm complaining. It's just funny.


Your question was answered by me with another brief pertinent question and you failed to answer. So your name came up again in the same thread, since you joined in. If your ego needs boosting and you want to use this thread to do it - be my guest.


Literally the only defenders you have on this board are a small group of clowns that everyone hates. Just what exactly is it that makes you feel so special?




Actually the numbers seem roughly equal on this little board, not that quantity is quality anyway. But I don't need "defenders". You do because you keep getting thrashed. That you even think like that is telling as to your insecurity and dull-witted immaturity. That butthurt little doggiedaddy of all people is currently providing that service, and that you apparently feel reassurance and validation from his demonstrably mindless replies, is both sad and hilarious.


Actually, no--you "trumpers" (I put that in quotes because I highly doubt more than 10% of you professing to be Trumpers actually even support the man) make up a vocal minority on this board. Easy for anyone to see.


Nah, it seems to be several regulars on each side with the occasional pop in or one time drive bys maybe even leaning conservative. What throws you off is probably the sheer quantity of leftist posts, mostly from the aforementioned tragic case of doggiedaddy, and our new straitjacketed friend joi2049, who alone are responsible for spamming up the board daily with most of the new threads.

Again though, quantity isn't quality.



But I don't need "defenders".

Anyone with a Narcissistic personality disorder, such as you, certainly does believe that.


LOL! Really?

dteam6: "He makes the mistake of thinking I even "need" a defense."

Whoops! Doggie got under his master's feet and tripped him up. Of course that delusional moron dteam6 really is narcissistic blowhard who hilariously boasts about how his own allegedly glorious "reputation" and "quality as a poster" can be attested to by all these imaginary witnesses of sterling "character", while baselessly dismissing anyone who disagrees with him as a "troll".

I don't do crap like that. I don't need defenders simply because you lot can't construct a cogent argument and you get crushed in debate after debate.


If you slap your hand on that stack, I bet it a massive plume of dust would burst into the air.
