MovieChat Forums > Politics > Is the notion that "diversity is a stren...

Is the notion that "diversity is a strength" actually bigoted?

I'm talking about racial diversity, as the phrase is unfortunately usually used. I'm all for something becoming racially diverse if it just happens as a natural result, like ending past discrimination for example.

But is it fair to artificially push "diversity" through racial discrimination of your own, based on the rationale that a racially diverse group is superior to a racially homogeneous one?

Isn't it racially bigoted to judge people by the color of their skin and deem one group "inferior" because it's not as "diverse"? Are Japan and Sweden racially inferior to more racially diverse countries like the US or Brazil? Is a group of 10 white people.....or Asian people.........or black people....automatically inferior to a mixed group of 10 people?

Race is a dead end. People should stop obsessing over it and move on to things that actually matter. No one should have his skin color used against him as a weapon, no matter what that color is.


As someone who has lived in 3 or 4 other countries, i'll never understand why they use the word "diversity" theres no diversity in europe, it's islamization, we're not seeing some nice beautful blend of cultures, races and people, it's islam, and only islam. and thats the same as whats happening here, we're not hearing about the joys of polish immigration, australian, french, it's the same people, it's the same people, the same countries...

but to answer your question, the left aren't the best when it comes common sense, they say race is nothing more than skin color, ok, it is. but then use these little things to create culture wars, they say race is irrevant, then something like this. totally hypocracy.


Yes, it is bigoted for the reasons you describe. I also believe diversity being a strength is a fallacy. Unity is strength, no matter what our color or heritage. What can we unite under? A common enemy? The flag? The Constitution? God? American values like hard work, independence, and freedom? I believe we've lost that in the once great United States. Hopefully it will only be temporary.


The divide between Americans may be even deeper now than it was between the colonists and British in the 1770s. At least the Brits believed in God. We seem to be on a trajectory toward national dissolution, whether peaceful or violent, possibly with different states going their own ways. One hope this might not happen rests in the likelihood that the segment of the population rejecting those core, unifying values you mentioned is actually a small enough minority that, although it largely dominates the establishment class and tricks a certain percentage of Americans who don't share their values into voting their way, it can be overcome with persistent effort.


God willing.


We actually didn't have an issue with diversity of cultures and other ethnic groups until the leftist elites started pushing all this social justice crapola in order to divide us up and buy voters. Before, that, we were okay with it. It wasn't until the liberal elites started feeding old angers and animosities that a lot of people had put aside and inflamed the issues we now have today, that diversity took on a whole new, evil meaning.

These days, the leftist definition of "Diversity" basically means "white, straight, Christian people are evil and should be eliminated from everything." Of course, since they are the paragons of double-standards, racism against whites doesn't technically exist. Racism only exists [to them] if it's a white person discriminating against everyone else, not the other way around.


This garbage started in the early 70s once communism was able to get a foothold in big education in the late 1960s.

The study of different cultures would be fine. It isn’t about that to the leftwing education industry/media. Its about celebrating other cultures and crapping on US culture.

Compare the desperate people of Hong Kong waiving American flags singing the National Anthem. Fighting for their lives to avoid the communist boot of on their throat of China. True refugees needing asylum. Then you have everyone south of the border waiving Mexican flags, making demands of the US, doing nothing to assimilate. Being encouraged to not even learn the language. That’s not immigration, that’s an invasion.

The left’s “diversity is strength” is just another sign of their obsessive hate for the US.


Diversification at a company is just a code word for white genocide or white hate.


The bigoted comments under this topic explain why there is no diversity among Republicans and Trumpists.


Quote these alleged "bigoted" comments, liar.


Well said. I'm actually reading through these inane comments, and can't believe this train of thought even actually exists in the 21st Century. Sad to say - they really do. I need to bleach my eyes from such bigoted comments and posters.


Maybe you can succeed where Keelai failed and quote these allegedly "bigoted" comments.


To you, anyone who doesn't think like you is a racist. It's mind boggling that someone can think like you.


Sweden and Japan seem to do OK. The diverse United States does well too, though.


I don't get the whole diversity is our strength thing. What strength is that? Many times there is conflicts within said diverse groups as you can see around the world when there are different groups living alongside one another but are in constant wars if not violence in general. This is why you see places like Chinatown or Little Italy and the likes where people separate themselves from other groups or gather together because they're of the same culture. Now I am not saying this is always the case but it is mostly the case. Far fewer to see homogenized groups than each their own.


Diversity of ideas and experience is strength. Peoples skin color is irrelevant when it comes to a groups “strength”.

Obsessing over skin color is ignorant.


Which is what liberals love, obsessing over skin color and gender.
