MovieChat Forums > Politics > What Makes Someone Vote Republican

What Makes Someone Vote Republican

I have to ask this to get insight.

If you are rich, it should be a win/win due to your business and yourself getting generous tax cuts.

If you are middle class/poor, it does nothing for you. Unless you are a middle class business owner or a poor business owner, you may get a tax cut to help you survive.

So if this is the case and people really need help, even you; why deny it and not vote Democrat?

If more of the poor and middle class voted Democrat, it would be a landslide victory every time. This is based on the assumption that the 1% would always vote Republican and maybe about 25% of the middle class, who are business owners.


We should just kill republicans and trump supporters...they obviously aren't humans, amirite?


The Democrat corporation is getting out of control...95% of the media, 95 % of silicon valley, 95 of hollyweird.

Very Orwellian. Not how a gov should run.

Democrats rarely if ever fly American flags at their events anymore.

Democrats voters are antifa, BLM, LGBTQ, illegal aliens, muslims.
So people who are tired of those groups runiing the show, vote Republicans.

Defund the police dems, no way.

Back the blue Republicans

Overweight, purple haired , no deodorant wearing women.
Or the hygienic


Jeff Bezos
Bill Gates
Warren Buffet
Reed Hastings
Jack Dorsey
Jeff Zuckerberg
Sundar Pichai
Michael Moore

These people are all in the the 1%. What party do they belong to? Pray tell?


And Oprah Kerry Steyer Soros.

There’s a reason these billionaires gravitate to the party that’s for sale.


Pelosi, Clinton, Gore, Biden and Obama are all 1%ers. Do they secretly vote republican??? I think Bernie might be a 1%er too.


Um there are like 10,000 posts here explaining it.

Here’s a nice start courtesy Mikey.

*Lowest unemployment rate for black Americans in US history.
*Moved the Israeli embassy to Jerusalem, something previous Presidents, including Pres. Obama, promised to do but did not.
*In the past month Pres. Trump has been nominated 3 (THREE) times for the Nobel Peace Prize.
*RECORD BREAKING GDP growth (just last week) of over 33%. The previous record almost 70 years ago was about half that number.
*Lowest unemployment rate in 50 years.
*Over 500,000 manufacturing jobs added, jobs the Obama/Biden administration said were gone forever (magic wand??)
*2.5 million Americans lifted out of poverty, including 1.5 million children.
*Lowest poverty rates for African Americans and Hispanic Americans
*Pres. Trump’s Operation Warp Speed will likely result in a vaccine for Covid 19 in record time.






Democrats suck! I've never liked the Democrats. Republicans may have many bible thumpers within their ranks which I'm not, but I admire their ideals more than the Dems. One thing I hate most about Democrats from what I understand, is they're predominantly prochoice. I'm prolife and proud of it.


Not wanting to keep reading about idiots. But this happened a couple of days ago and I'm now seeing it. I really need to stay away from news sources because really it is going to get worse.
