MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > What Happened to the Pseudo-High profile...

What Happened to the Pseudo-High profile POC supporters of DJT, Trevian Kutti anyone? Now his Black & Hispanic support is going up?

Pastor Mark Burns? ========= Outed for padding his resume.
Diamond & Silk? ====== Died of Heart Disease (Diamond)
Sheriff David Clark?
Omarosa Manigault Newman?
Don King?
Ali Alexander? ====== Prosecution Coop-agreement post January 6th and banned from Social Media?
Kanye? ========Lost over $1 to $1.5 Billion dollars in banned social media outbursts.
Darrell Scott (Cleveland Pastor)?
Pastor Marvin Winans Jr., Detroit?
Paris Dennard? ======== Fired from RNC
Ben Carson?
Stacey Dash? ====== Lost her Black card and has since reformed. Or has she?
Herman Cain? ===== Deceased
Candance Owens?
Larry Elder? ============ Couldn't win a State-wide office. Still grifting off Conservatives.
Katrina Pierson?
Herschel Walker? ========== Failed senate bid. Not a viable candidate for any office.
Tim Scott? ===================== Might run for president as a Republican (DJT won't allow that)
SCJ Clarence Thomas? ========== Riding High, off of a Billionaire's money.

Forgot Ben Carson
SCJ Clarence Thomas
Jason Whitlock


How many of them died of COVID?


Well, Herman Cain, AKA Mr. 999, sure did pass away due to complications from contracting COVID-45, I mean COVID-19.


And one member of the Diamond and Silk duo.


[–] xanthas (1709) 2 hours ago
And one member of the Diamond and Silk duo.
Let's not turn this list into a Deadpool but yes I will make that update. YIKES!!


Alice Marie Johnson?


Methinks she is a beneficiary of DJT and the Kardashians. You think she is a Trump supporter?


Jason Whitlock?


Gloating over the deaths of people of color... So much for the party of tolerance, huh?


[–] whynotwriteme (6174) 5 minutes ago
Gloating over the deaths of people of color... So much for the party of tolerance, huh?
Where is the gloat in my posting? Will you be able to point me to something I said?

I will apologize publicly for "gloating" if you can point it out to me.


Why even make such a list and especially, why use Bold to highlight the ones who died? That's gloating, man.


[–] whynotwriteme (6175) 10 minutes ago
Why even make such a list
The list was done as a query to what has happened to the POC who supported DJT. Are they out-front supporting him? Did they achieve their own individual goals from supporting him? Are they still vigorously supporting him?
and especially, why use Bold to highlight the ones who died?
The bold is used to highlight text.
That's gloating, man.
Do you even know what the word Gloating means? Here, allow the internet and a dictionary to help you: Dwelling on one's own success or another's misfortune with smugness or malignant pleasure:

So, do you firmly understand that there isn't a single thing that I said, or typed, or intimated that even remotely suggested smugness or pleasure?


What I understand is that you were gloating and when I pointed it out, you backpedaled and denied it.

Those two died and you got some sort of satisfaction out of it because they supported Trump instead of the Democrats you think they are obliged to support. That is why you highlighted their deaths. Gloating. Yes sir.


[–] whynotwriteme (6176) 5 minutes ago
What I understand is that you were gloating and when I pointed it out, you backpedaled and denied it.
What you understand and what you are typing are two different things. Maybe you felt I was gloating but you've yet to show your homework and point out what it was I said or did that met the definition of gloating or was even corroborated by your own definition of what you think gloating means.

I used a BOLD font means I am gloating? I used a bold font in this response to you. Where is the gloat??
Those two died and you got some sort of satisfaction out of it because they supported Trump instead of the Democrats you think they are obliged to support.
Show me in what I typed that demonstrates or even states some sort of satisfaction? Do it!! Please, PLEASE show me where it is stated or implied that I am somehow satisfied?! You can't and you never will.

You are no mind reader, and you can't read anyone's heart. I don't have to backpedal on anything that I have stated or justify anything to you. Your heart is so dark in going there that you've already telegraphed what you think, believe, and feel. Projection is not a useful attribute for you to attempt to use. Projection tells more about you when you attempt to use it.

I'll accept your apology for being wrong.

I wasn't gloating. Death isn't something you should gloat about. I am anti-death penalty for a reason.
That is why you highlighted their deaths. Gloating. Yes sir.
One last point to you.

This is a silly accusation and debate (Hill) for you to die on.


I stand by what I said. You were gloating over their deaths because they supported Trump. You highlighted the fact they were dead in bold letters because you feel they deserved to die for their political opinions.

It's your hill, and you're the one dying on it.


[–] whynotwriteme (6177) 2 minutes ago
I stand by what I said.
You can stand, sit, walk, or lie down over what you said. It doesn't change anything. I wasn't even trying to change your mind or your feelings. Clearly truth and facts are meaningless to you. Especially when you are wrong.
You were gloating over their deaths because they supported Trump.
Nope! And this denial also doesn't suit you well. This single post is a paper-trail of truth-serum against your wrongness.
You highlighted the fact they were dead in bold letters because you feel they deserved to die for their political opinions.
Nice bit of OVER projection on your part. Have you wished Death and Destruction to people opposed or different to your political beliefs or aspirations? I haven't. My posting history is quite clear along with my posting conscious. Do you have a clean bill of posting-health whynotwriteme? Do you? Do you? Should we check?

Methinks thou doth protest and project TOO much!!
It's your hill, and you're the one dying on it.
I see nothing but fields of green and smooth sailing.

P.S. Still not gloating!


Methinks thou doth protest and project TOO much!!

Pot, meet kettle.

You're the one writing frantic, novel-length posts in order to backpedal on your gloating over the deaths of people of color whose politics conflict with your own.


[–] whynotwriteme (6178) 5 minutes ago
Pot, meet kettle.

You're the one writing frantic, novel-length posts in order to backpedal on your gloating over the deaths of people of color whose politics conflict with your own.
Again, reading AND comprehension are probably lost on you. Show me in a posting that I am backpedaling? Do you always use words or phrases that you don't know the meaning of?

Pot, meet Kettle
is an informal and humorous phrase that is used to highlight a situation in which a person accuses someone of or criticizes someone for something of which they themselves are guilty.
I am accusing you of not knowing the meaning of Gloating, you are the pot. Where is my Kettle?


I see you have reached the bottom of your arsenal.

The fact remains, you were gloating over the deaths of Diamond and Herman Caine and now that you've been called out on it, you are backpedaling and also trying to distract from your original problematic post with immense posts making the feeble attempt to claim I don't know the meaning of gloating and backpedaling. All you are doing is making your own hole deeper.

No amount of obfuscation can change this. You've outed yourself as the worst kind of hypocrite and racist: Someone who only values people of color when they can back up your preferred party with votes. Otherwise, you hold them in contempt and wish them dead.


[–] whynotwriteme (6181) 40 minutes ago
I see you have reached the bottom of your arsenal.
I don't have an arsenal, what I have is a conversation. You on the other hand have a narrative that you are more than willing to progress whether it is necessary or not to even be said.
The fact remains, you were gloating over the deaths of Diamond and Herman Caine and now that you've been called out on it, you are backpedaling and also trying to distract from your original problematic post
Uh, no, and NOPE What you state isn't a fact.

What you have is an opinion and or interpretation or feeling or maybe even an impression. What you don't have is a fact. You're also an unreliable story-teller as to what transpires in a conversation and or debate. 😞 You make things up as you think fits your narrative. I haven't then or ever have gloated over the deaths of Cain and Lynette Hardaway (Diamond). Your faux-outrage over something that wasn't said and or implied speaks volume as to how you feel. I'm not worried because I'm sure you'll reveal more. 🤣 P.S. It's Herman Cain and not Caine. At least type the man's name correctly and show him some respect. 😞

Speaking Truth to Power you do seem to bring up their deaths a lot in this back-n-forth.
with immense posts making the feeble attempt to claim I don't know the meaning of gloating and backpedaling.
Like I said, you seem NOT to know the meaning of backpedaling or just how to use it correctly.
All you are doing is making your own hole deeper.
You've picked this hill to die on and now you've moved on to a hole to hide in. Me? Nothing but smooth sailing.
No amount of obfuscation can change this.
How am I obfuscating when I have stayed clear, focused and to the point? I haven't gloated over anything and YOU can't show that I have.
You've outed yourself as the worst kind of hypocrite
Now I have OUTED myself? Talk about doubling-down on a narrative that you just wanted to espouse!! Now I am a hypocrite? (Name call much) or are you just judgy-judgy because it makes you feel good? Got plenty of stones for that glass house you dwell in?
and racist: Someone who only values people of color when they can back up your preferred party with votes.
Let that black heartlessness freak flag fly. Do you feel better getting that off your chest?
Otherwise, you hold them in contempt and wish them dead.
Look at the words you use, the lines you draw and how you speak of others. Go back and check ANYTHING that I have ever typed. You won't find ANYTHING like that.

You project EXACTLY what you think and feel.

You'll NEVER apologize, and you lack simple self-awareness.


Another novel in the best-selling "Frantic Denial" series.

What was it you said? "Methinks thou doth protest and project TOO much!!"



[–] whynotwriteme (6183) a minute ago
Another novel in the best-selling "Frantic Denial" series.

What was it you said? "Methinks thou doth protest and project TOO much!!"

What makes my response "Frantic" and clearly there is nothing for me to deny. You've made an ill-advised accusation and followed that up with additional ill-advised accusations.

I've updated the original post and added SCJ Clarence Thomas. Nothing bold there to say about him, positive or negative!


You're writing this constant stream of huge, pointless screeds to throw up a smokescreen over what you did in your original post. I call that frantic.

This is your lonely grave on that hill you like to talk about.


[–] whynotwriteme (6192) 3 hours ago
You're writing this constant stream of huge, pointless screeds to throw up a smokescreen over what you did in your original post.
Hmmmm, let's digest that. My original post is still there.

Everything in the post remains along with the Bold formatting. The additional responses are to you and to anyone else who bothers to read the exchange. You deem my responses as pointless because you read with your eyes closed, you listen with your ears covered, and you think with the feeling of bad-energy. Re-read what you type. Nothing but bad ju-ju energy.

You are also prone to being judgy-judgy. Tsk, Tsk, tsk. When you know better you should learn to do better.

Again, no hill, just smooth sailing, and a clear sky.


I certainly hope you are better at handling disputes in real life, because if this is the limits of your abilities, you would be better off remaining home with mama.

Your faked adoption of a "taking the high road" stance is very weak and would get you nowhere in a face-to-face debate. At home in your room, you can pretend otherwise.

And you still haven't done anything but lie and misdirect about the glee you have taken in the deaths of those Trump supporting people of color.


[–] whynotwriteme (6193) an hour ago
I certainly hope you are better at handling disputes in real life, because if this is the limits of your abilities, you would be better off remaining home with mama.
No, you don't hope that at all. Why make up some silly statement like that? It again shows your dark heart and empty character.
Your faked adoption of a "taking the high road" stance is very weak and would get you nowhere in a face-to-face debate. At home in your room, you can pretend otherwise.
I've offered you a Win-Win solution, I've suggested an off-ramp, I've used the Put-Up or Shut-Up approach and you still refuse to apologize for being wrong.

You'd be better suited deleting your posts because your own words just don't serve you well. You do realize this is a public forum in which everyone can see that you are disingenuous, don't you?
And you still haven't done anything but lie and misdirect about the glee you have taken in the deaths of those Trump supporting people of color.
What have I lied about? Please point me to where there is a lie. You're one unintentionally funny poster. You've gone through Gloating to Satisfaction and now over to Glee.

Oh, let's check a response that I had with another poster on death
[–] xanthas (1709) 2 hours ago
And one member of the Diamond and Silk duo.
Let's not turn this list into a Deadpool but yes I will make that update. YIKES!!
That sure doesn't sound like Glee to me. 👈


You do realize this is a public forum in which everyone can see that you are disingenuous, don't you?

All people will see from this is that I wasted much of a day baiting a person with OCD.


Bless your heart. You're seeking validation from me that you exist. No worries, "I see you"!😉

[–] whynotwriteme (6194) 4 hours ago
All people will see from this is that I wasted much of a day baiting a person with OCD.
Baiting, wasted, OCD all in one sentence and your clueless monitor is stuck on maximum.

I have an update to the current status of SCJ Clarence Thomas to add to the original post.


Bless your heart. You're seeking validation from me that you exist. No worries, "I see you"!😉

Without a doubt, you are one of the most "special" people I have ever interacted with here on Moviechat. I hope you will be OK, and can handle whatever is affecting you.

I genuinely feel a bit guilty over getting you worked up into this state.


Without a doubt, you are one of the most "special" people I have ever interacted with here on Moviechat. I hope you will be OK, and can handle whatever is affecting you.
Looks like SCJ Clarence Thomas won't have to answer for his largesse lifestyle.


Maybe SCJ Clarence Thomas might NOT be able to ride out the brewing storm.


Pro-Trump Pastor Mark Burns Quotes Bible to Justify Possible Violent Return to Power

What a nice Man-Of-god saying such hateful things!! Just the kind of POC that DJT needs to stay out of jail.


[–] whynotwriteme (6832) 9 months ago
Gloating over the deaths of people of color... So much for the party of tolerance, huh?

Trevian Kutti needs your support. Won't you PLEASE donate to her defense fund?

MAGA POC supporters are a terrible resource to waste!


Do you REALLY believe that POC support, especially Black support, is picking up for DJT enough to beat Biden?


I don't know about that, but if it grows to the point that it can't be dismissed, that will be an important milestone right there.

Right now, our...civil discourse is TERRIBLE.

ONE of the elements of that is the weird... assumptions and demands made about the way people think based on race.

If we can weaken that paradigm, we will be making our society healthier.




Isn't Chachi of Italian descent??


One of the high-profile POC's in the above post spends a LOT of other people's money and it wasn't DJT's.


Terrible human-beings, but no less Black than Obama or Kamala Harris, just because they're assholes.


For your Black enjoyment:


[–] HarveyManFredSin (4877) 8 months ago
Terrible human-beings, but no less Black than Obama or Kamala Harris, just because they're assholes.
Another keyboard provocateur that has mysteriously vanished. 🤔


[–] HarveyManFredSin (4877) a year ago
Terrible human-beings, but no less Black than Obama or Kamala Harris, just because they're assholes.
Another MovieChat-Agent-Provocateur disappears. I wonder if the poster is okay. I don't think he/she was from the USofA though. Not that it mattered. 🗽🤔


Trevian Kutti connected to Ye is now on the list. 🤣


Did many of these POCs ever have any true access to the reins of power with DJT or even any intellectual sway or social access to people of color that warranted any exposure by the media?

Permanent fixture, Candance Owens though still hangs on through Grifting off of a Right-Leaning audience wanting to hear demonization of all things Quote-Black-Unquote.


It is telling that you consider only the "intellectual sway" said "poc" could have, with regard to "PEOPLE OF COLOR",

as though their ideas or what they said or did, only mattered if they brought their specific group of "poc" with them.

I hear, Candice Owens, or Larry Elder talk, the last thing that I care about, is if or how many black people agree with them.
