So is Buffalo Bill….

A woman? The reason I’m asking is the definition of a woman seems to be very “fluid” these days.


No, he's something that doesn't even know what he (it?) is. Lecter explains that he's not a true transexual and that he's just trying to fit in somewhere desperately without success....

"Look for severe childhood disturbances associated with violence. Our Billy wasn't born a criminal, Clarice. He was made one through years of systematic abuse. Billy hates his own identity, you see, and he thinks that makes him a transsexual. But his pathology is a thousand times more savage and more terrifying."


But he’s showing what society generally considers to be “womanly traits”, wouldn’t that make him a woman?


Go dispute that with Lecter. You wanted an answer, the movie provided one.


Yeah that wasn’t much of an answer, but thanks for trying.


It was the answer in black and white. Maybe the idea that it wasn't the answer you were seeking has more to do with you than the answer.


Naw it all has to do with receiving a logical answer. You tried, kid. I’ll give you that.


Nothing illogical about it. You have some trans obsession and you're trying to get your fix in the lamest of ways.


How do I have a trans obsession? All I did was ask a question. You replied to me rather quickly so it seems you are the one with the trans obsession.


You have a trans obsession because you're going out of your way to deny the fact that the movie clearly states that Bill is not a transexual but you keep claiming that it's not good enough of an answer. Even to the point that you claim it's illogical. Somehow I think what's illogical here is your trans obsession and not going about it in a mature fashion.


Except the quote you provided doesn’t confirm that. Also the standards of what constitutes a woman seems to have changed between 1991 and now so quotes from the film don’t really answer the question. Please stop trolling


Solid answer estcst, never mind this basement troll.


"Look for severe childhood disturbances associated with violence."

That describes most trans.

"Billy hates his own identity, you see, and he thinks that makes him a transsexual. But his pathology is a thousand times more savage and more terrifying."

That also describes most trans. Maybe Lecter was fcking with her like he did throughout the movie.


There was a lot of self hatred, too. He wanted to become someone else, which had something to do with his obsession with the moth's, why he put them in the mouths of his victims.


No, he was not a woman, just a creepy psycho killer, little tiny Agent Starling gave him a well deserved bullet, she gunned him down on his home field in the dark👍
Good kill.

The movie was pretty great but if you enjoy reading the novel is excellent as well. I’ve read it twice, it’s a pretty scary book, Red Dragon is also a tense serial killer story by the same writer. They made two movies based on Red Dragon, both are really good.


Yes - psycho killer, not a woman and it was a very satisfying kill


Starling straight up blasted that freak. She was quite a shooter, put that weirdo right out.


That she did!
A great thriller that held up well.
I saw it in the theater and loved it, the book also


A cross dresser, not a transexual




I don't think so. But I also don't think it bears much thinking on. This was made in a time when gender issues weren't really given any consideration other than to be a punchline or plot device. In asking this question, you're probably giving it more thought than the writers did, I would guess


I see


He was indeed a transgender, but the Liberal standard is to disavow any transgenders who do negative things. Despite the fact that deadnaming and misgendering and all that are considered cardinal sins, this only applies to transgenders who display acceptable behavior.

There are plenty of people and fictional characters who fit all definitions of Transgender, but are rejected by the Liberals because their appalling behavior would give transgenders a bad name.

These include SotL's Buffalo Bill, the Nashville Trans Mass Shooter, Canadian Trans activist, Jessica Yaniv, and Internet celebrity and incest-committer, Chris Chan.

Because they are horrible people who do not project the right image, these bonafide Transgenders are denied their Trans identity and described as "just confused" and not really Trans.


Where'd you get that? I'm liberal, I've never once heard a liberal use crimes as a reason for it to be okay to deadname someone.


Of course, as I said, they claim it's NOT deadnaming and misgendering when they refuse to acknowledge these unsavory people as trans, because they claim they are NOT genuinely trans, despite what the person in question insists.

The news refused to identify the Nashville TransMan Killer as trans for days and days and days and referred to the person by their female birth name. Liberals claim the fictional Buffalo Bill is not really trans, and that Yaniv and Chris Chan are just claiming to be Trans for attention.


It was explained better in the book. Apparently he failed the tests and the doctors said he was not transexual, but he wouldn't accept that.

