
Good evening :)

I have seen this film last tuesday.
It was really very good and so I came to this site to look for some information about it.
It surprised me, that a man /I don t know who is it/, who has commented it, wrote, that it is a commedy.
Film "Spalovac mrtvol" is not a comedy at all, though there are some scenes that make you smile /2 or 3/.

That s my opinion about this film. :)

from Slovakia


Hi Dominika!

I am angry that the man did not understand a minute of this great film!

Z druhe strany hranic:)


Then you misunderstood the film. If this was a serious film do you honestly think they would have included the married couple with the crazy wife. Ok, you missed some of the subtler humor and the humor for more "required taste" but that should have been a pretty big give-away.

Somebody here has been drinking and I'm sad to say it ain't me - Allan Francis Doyle


I agree. This is a serious film. Technically very sound especially editing and camera angles innovative. But you need patience to enjoy it.


Just watched it and Im glad it’s over.
Gallows humor involving the holocaust is never funny imo
