MovieChat Forums > Kimmie > Replies

Kimmie's Replies

Golm repeately tells Padriac that he prefers him drunk throughout the film Similar hobies? Padriac lies about reading as a better use of his time than harassing colm in his own home because he i s afraid to admit he is too dull to have a conversation about things other than pony shite. He didn't understand anything. If padraic had merely left colm alone as he had asked to padraic to colm would have all his fingers Padriac was self centered in the friendship he only cared about getting colm to actl like the dull drinking buddy he used to be when colm was going through his own issues in life Padriac couldn't have cared less about col as a person, he was too dull for existential conversations or helping adepressed man the only wayhe could by fecking leaving him alone No iit is chrimahunaquanzika they have nothing in common. Amd can oly tolerate each other while drunk A friendship is more than an aquantiance Colm wss a drinking buddy nothing more What is mean about cuttingexcess baggage? Colm isn't borring he just doesn't want to hear about pony shite Padraic had Dominick for all his shitetalk but even he couldn't keep that relationship working This is the only sane answrer move on, don't keep harassing the man Padraic was an absolute idiot, they clearly had a completely superficial friendship based on drinking together Colm and padriac have nothing in common other than being drunks... Since when has taking the contra positive of an argument and proving it wrong as a method of proving the argument wrong been a political stance? So if i hate one or more ideas does that make me a leftist Or f i only hate one idea does that make me a rightist since i don't fulfill the requirements for being leftist Is it reallyscapegoating if you realize your so called friends are really just idiots who follow you around like a puppy expecting a treat and are a total waste of your time but won't fecking just leave you alone now thatyou've given him a few treats But idiolla is what people remember 40 years later, intellectuolla gets forgotten as we decend into the yahoos who remembers or cares about some 18th century knob anyway? The entire point of the movie is don't be a dullard or you will discover all the nice people in your life have ambitions other than meaningless small talk and will abandon you when you need them most. This is a very artsy movie to fully appreciate it you need to be a colm Nfts are thebmostretarded thing you can possibly imagine. You pay for a string of characters that confers you no power over the image, it merely is a bragging right to say you own something It is like buying the mona lisa but only framing the certificate of authenticity and and purchase receipt You can make an nft out of anything, the only restriction is that it must be a digital file 1. Regular money is essentally controlled by the nation, i don't dig bitcoin like its fanatics do, but the ideaof decentralized currency is that no one controls it and it is just a trade commodity. The issues with nation run currency pop up more in third world nations where the value of thier currencyb s ghighly unstableAnd varies wildly just based on who is in power 2. mining a bitcoin really is just providing your computer for doing the calulations of a bitcoin transaction Prople who mine for income are all in competition as the first person who does the calculation gets the fraction of a bitcoin eveyone else gets nothing. The fractionalamount of a bitcoin you get was designed into the system to follow computing power expected to be availiable at the time and also the amount of bit coins currently in curculation.. basically, it requires more computing power to win as time goes on. Vegans areagainst all animal products including milk They should atleast use l blue people to voice the blue people It wasrinse and repeat, with random new elements I expeect avatar 34to bring Jake's son back to life with whale brain juice and praying That he showed he didn't need n physical rehab confirms that grandpa joe was just lazy If he had actualy been bedridden his muscles would have deteriorated into nothing and no song and dance would have restored them in time for the factory tour,he musthave beenetig ou to of bed and exercising He could have helped around the house at any time Totally your style as it is exactly what you are doing