MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Question about Trump's NFTs

Question about Trump's NFTs

If they're digital, that would imply that they're basically JPGs or PNGs, or any other image file formats for computers, right?

If that's the case, what's to stop someone from getting hold of one of these files, simply COPYING them over and over again and then selling the copies and getting rich themselves that way?

I mean, does JPG or PNG even HAVE Digital Rights Management? I don't think so! Most likely a custom and/or proprietary image format, I suppose.


Why didn't I think of this years ago, I should have just copy and printed out Bitcoins. I am now rich thanks to this copy and paste technology. I am also in the process of copying Microsoft and Google stocks. The possibilities are endless!!!


There's no need for the sarcasm, Bubba, but I'm just wondering what the Trump NFTs consist of, that's all.


Apologies, I just don't understand why people are always attacking Trump. NFT's have been around for 5 or 6 years.

Sam Bankman-Fried (democrat donor) defrauded millions of people and no one talks about him.


"no one talks about him."

Don't you ever get tired of being wrong all the time?🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

I've heard mention of Sam on the news every single day since the story broke...


On moviechat. Been waiting for someone to say something. Its interesting that the local liberal knuckleheads are awfully quiet. If he was a Republican then I am sure dozens of your kin would be talking about him.


Well, it may not be happening everywhere, but I know that Dems in my state who received campaign donations from Sam are giving that money to charity...


Yeah, I just read dozens of articles about democrats giving the money back. I guess they are trying to remove the guilt by association.


I didn't know NFTs were similar to Bitcoins. I don't get the fuss about either for two reasons:
1. What's wrong with regular money?
2. Why does it take trillions of calculations (graphics card/GPU) to produce just one Bitcoin?

PC Gaming has soared in price because Bitcoin miners have scalped all of the gaming graphics cards in recent years to fund their income, and very few can afford it now. I'm forced to play older games on integrated graphics now, but it doesn't matter because I don't like new games with microtransaction crap in them anyway.


I watched a special on PBS about Bitcoin twice and I still don't understand it. From what I understand its virtual money in a sense. Every Bitcoin, NFT or other virtual money is encoded with a digital signature that cannot be changed. You use a special program to solve blockchains. Again I don't understand any of this.
You have to pay to watch now. Maybe you can find something similar on YouTube.

NFT's are risky because they only hold value when their popularity rises. To me they are no different than baseball cards. The prices are dictated by demand and scarcity.

Anyone can start a cryptocurrency or NFT. You just have to get people to believe that what you are selling has value. You continually need people to buy in to pay off dividends and people selling your crypto, which to me is just a Ponzi scheme.




You be welcome.


If it was just a Ponzi scheme, then Trump probably would have been involved with this nonsense years ago.


1. Regular money is essentally controlled by the nation, i don't dig bitcoin like its fanatics do, but the ideaof decentralized currency is that no one controls it and it is just a trade commodity. The issues with nation run currency pop up more in third world nations where the value of thier currencyb s ghighly unstableAnd varies wildly just based on who is in power

2. mining a bitcoin really is just providing your computer for doing the calulations of a bitcoin transaction

Prople who mine for income are all in competition as the first person who does the calculation gets the fraction of a bitcoin eveyone else gets nothing.

The fractionalamount of a bitcoin you get was designed into the system to follow computing power expected to be availiable at the time and also the amount of bit coins currently in curculation.. basically, it requires more computing power to win as time goes on.


Maybe you should go research NFTs. Why is it you only care about them now?


Lol, I was thinking the same thing. Ironically now, Dems hate Twitter but are pro-War. How things have changed! lol


Nfts are thebmostretarded thing you can possibly imagine.

You pay for a string of characters that confers you no power over the image, it merely is a bragging right to say you own something

It is like buying the mona lisa but only framing the certificate of authenticity and and purchase receipt

You can make an nft out of anything, the only restriction is that it must be a digital file
