MovieChat Forums > Kimmie > Replies

Kimmie's Replies

If you want to pretend slippery slope isn't a fallacy you have to accept unfounded accusations about your beliefs as well therefoeryou just want to ban freedom. No onei s making bookcs about how good it is to be ltgbt, this comic has nothing to do with lgbt, it is just a gross and creepy idea that dc thought up And forsome reason unknown people have begun pretending it is connected to lgbt This guy is a creep.. no way she agreed to this before her death, no one dreams of becoming a sex doll He provides a finite source you can easily test a finite negative there is no coffee in this cup You cannotprove there is no waY to test a negative lol How much should the securitgy guard be paid to deal with a bank robber what is his life worth $15, an hour? Can he even do anyting legally? Is he even allowed to be armed these days? Bet if he touched the bank robbe the bank would be sued for damages crazy times we live in Slippery slope is well accepted as a fallacy regardless of who is using it. So first you want to ban comics because they are gross to you, then you will want to ban them because they dont respect your political ideology, slippery slope is just a way of avoiding the issue which is what exactly that the comic is gross? A man throwing up a sentient peiece of mud is designed to be gross if it is too gross for you just don't read it or just don't buy it for your kids If i understand this nonsense, she is trying to claim blxck people are naturally fat and white people are naturally shinny and in shape So any pressure to look in shape is pressure to look whiter The Metkayina use sign language don't they? They aaid that about avatar 2, humans are fwilling to keepaying to see a ewai love fest kill themmilitary over and over aasin In avatar 3 the military will deorbit rods of iron to wipe out all life on the planet without rendering the planet unusable B If sully didn't have to szvebhis kids every 30 seconds there wouldn't be a movie lack Keeping a backdrop in constant focus ahould just render the foreground out of focus, s fight scene where you can't see the fight is absurd! Intel as a company isn't likely going away, so what is wrong with future intel chips? CAPS ON IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN THIS BAD CAPS OFF remember imdb forums shut down because of us. Home alone those dumb meatheads, the smart and weak are only more awesome when they take down the dumb and strong The weak invented guns to mow down the strong and dumb Bieng strong doesn't convey much of an advantage for long Require id for main stream porn sites but not the social media sites pedophiles are using to prey on children #bringbackthe90s But what about the prisoners were they coached to demean each other and become self loathing, or was that from the environment of the experiment? One of tge prisoners gor sick and the irger orisi ers began chantibg the prisoner's sumber the experinenr had gibe our of xontrol, said prisone did not want to go go.e becausehe viewed himself s a person derzerving of the treatment he was undergoing Even the idea that you can get college students to be agressivejailers gainst orher college students tells something about human nature BY READING THIS DOCUMRNT YOU ABSOLVE THE SERVICE PROVIDER HEREIN REFERED TOASMOVIECHAT MOVIE CHAT IS NOT RESPONSIBLE TO ANY DAMAHE DONE TO YOUR COMPUTING DEVICE AND OR BRAIN MOVIE CHAT CANNOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR THE MISUSE OF CAPSLOCK AND MOVIECHAT LAWYERS VERY MUCH APPRECIATE THIS BUTTON HOLDING SHIFT FOR ALONG TOME CAUSES .CRAMPSAND EVERYTHING WE TYPE NEEDS TO BE ALL CAPS Stanford prison comes back again, Leave students unsupervised and tell them to pretend to be jailers and prisoners and they imitate what they saw on tv Including the prisoner the other prisoners picked out just to try and bully to death bad prisoner Unsupervised humans often become horrible I woul takmore out of the systems of government they decided to emulate once they realized the adults were not comming back than trying to derive any meanings on gender here way too small sample size. Take awyth adults aka the government and humans will becom horrible tashing the plcebbeatingup other people and starting gangs Dr. Money's experiments showed tabula rasa was bull though that isn't to say society pushes gender roles