MovieChat Forums > Kimmie > Replies

Kimmie's Replies

If the cattle industry is shut down like they want then you don't need to change minds, it isn'tabout superiority, it is about he beli that humans should nt be exploiting and killing animals As you point out he is llegally boatcasing material do the les tme he soends on air the less likely he is to be caught. It is a hobby speding a few thousand on an antenna for fun is okay Was meaimg setting uptheprogramming and broadcasting which a modern computer can do easily Have you never used a telephone? I thnk ifirst you need to get men to carry purses Lets be truthful here when you say children most people don't think about teenagers, and heterosexual adults use sextoys too There is nothing here to link this to lgbt This is a typical sex ed course, nothing special about this one Sx ed courses show photos of genitalia, which should be more disturbing than sextoys What is the fuss? About this sex ed course, in particular They are teaching children about sex in sex ed! I bet he does it just for the fun of it, Have you never wxnted to choose your own line up for a tv station? With modern technology it doesn't cost you much to put up an antenna and broadcast whatever you want You don't need much to hold books, particle board and glue works for that, but if you want to move it particle board wont survive as easily as solid wood. Cheap ikea furniture isn't that bad, and they last a long time if you are sensible Yeah, show would much beter off without the addams family tie in The Wednesday we all know and love is being murdered by this show Opposites attract I e magine someone e like enid being the attraction of the school wouldn't strike you as odd That is an odd release, unles the pentagon was in contact with extraterrestrials how would they know what they look like No this footage of a ufo doesn't look like a flying saucer from the 80's but it does appear to move faster than anything we have ever seen. i want power So can i run for potus and buy votes here is your $1000 remember to vote for me You should buy imdb then merge movie chat with imdb But cruel and unusual pinishment prevents us from doing that Yes, people living in the United statescan survive on much lower sincome than people ouside of america, due to our capitalist economy which puhes the prices of nessisary goods down, You are still rich, just not the richest person in the United states No, they do not value creations of man But they aren't illiterate so you won't see themscreaming about how people need to dumb it down when what they are reading is already very basic english Regardless you dscribe a psychological probellem intr9s0ectowouldreval more about You're AROUND the top 1.5% on the global rich list Assuming 50k income He bought tesla , his envolvment wss little more than funding and stealing the credit for what tesla had already done But it is a private company musk can do wht ever he wants Yes, we just need to admit both sides are retarded and both are corrupt as hell. I doubt people do anythingmore than check which side a politician is on before voting, the politician's goals while in office do not matter, just if it has anR or a D