MovieChat Forums > Ishtar (1987) Discussion > why dos everyone hate this movie

why dos everyone hate this movie

i undertand that the movie was way over budget and it doesn't have the most coherent plot but i still think hoffman and beatty and even charles grodin are really funny in this movie and as a screwball comedy i think it deserves more recognition than it recieves



Saw it for the first time tonight expecting an unwatchable sh*tfest and was surprised. Not a cinematic masterpiece nor particularly memorable, but still a bit better than generally regarded. I'm a Warren Beatty fan and it was certainly entertaining to see him going against type.


Because it is abysmal!

It is a truly awful movie. I am mystified that anyone can actually think otherwise.


I'm a movie buff that doesn't suffer bad films gladly. I had known about it's reputation ever since it had come out and never got around to seeing it until a few days ago. Frankly, I started it up expecting the worst and was ready to jump on the hate bandwagon. But, in my opinion, it's nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be. It has it's charms at times and kind of grew on me a bit.

That being said, it's not my type of film and I would place it with all of the other "crappy, leave your brain at the door" 80's comedies. Really, is it any worse than a film like "Spies Like Us" or "Three Amigos"? Yes, it probably cost a lot more than those, so one can quibble about that I suppose.

So, I would put it in the "crappy" category, not the "awful" one :)


Because they don't like it.


Because they admitted to playing the accordion and now no rock 'n' roll band will hire them.


I started to drift in and out of focus towards the end of the movie. IMO, had they played up the 'two very bad singers' theme more often and just made it about Rogers and Clarke and their misadventures in the desert, I think I would have liked it more.


It's a 4/10 comedy calculated to succeed on its star power of the day. Mostly empty and stupid but it has its moments. A terrible movie that is no way the worst movie out there. There are thousands of movies that deserve 3/10 or less.


Wow! I am replying to a post from 17 years ago!
