GretchenRoss's Replies

Pretty insane for you to call this 1950's maid's boss her "master" lol ... Hipsters haven't existed since 2015, you sound old as hell That's how they weed out boring idiots, guess it worked Yeah because she ends the movie staying a slut and not settling down right? You all have the cognitive skills of children Not sure why you think you're supposed to feel sorry for her. She was mean and bitchy before she was possessed, she was mean and bitchy after she was possessed. The only time she is empathetic is when she thinks she's about to be assaulted and is then sacrificed. I imagine we're supposed to think being possessed has made her even less empathetic than she may have been before. She laughs and jokes about the people who died in the fire, she doesn't care about who she kills or their families. She's meeting the consequences of being a teen girl who thinks she understands the world and can handle themselves around older men who obviously want to prey on her. This whole movie is pretty metaphorical for growing up, sexual assault, and female friendships, so I suppose any empathy you're supposed to feel can be found there. I think there's a couple layers. Her body is a vessel for a demon. Her body is objectified by men. Her body is her own pride and tool for seducing men before and after she is possessed. (Her appearance in general is basically the only beautiful or desirable thing about her since she has a bitchy personality.) And the word "body" just calls to mind something both horror themed and sexual. Honestly, there could have been a better title, maybe one more punny and clever that references being a teenager, demons, succubi, etc. But if a movie wants to have a weird, unclear title, that's fine with me. These days so many movies and titles are dictated by SEO rather than creativity, it'd be nice to see something odd more often. I know this is an old thread but it makes me laugh how inaccurate this is. Her hair is not blown out at any point and barely styled at all throughout this movie. Midway through the movie it's in a very messy, dirty looking ponytail and she's wearing no makeup when Alan tells her to get a lawyer. She doesn't wear makeup for the rest of the movie. Even on the film poster her hair is in a messy ponytail and she looks tired and haggard. I 100% thought they were shaved until I looked up production and promotional stills of her for this movie lol. They JUST missed the era of bleached hair and brown/dark eyebrows being acceptable in these kinds of productions, like Daenerys. Would've been a bit formulaic/predictable, don't you think? What happens in the third movie, the deaf girl dies, then the kid in the 4th, then the baby in the 5th? There's a lot more talking than the first one. I don't know why you need talking to enjoy a movie. You must have missed when Emmett saw the boat had reached the shore of the island. The monster was on it, and had gotten loose. She does make noise and attract a monster, so you are correct in that there is no way she would have made that journey without dying. She just got lucky and was saved by Emmett. It's not like she was miraculously quiet and did it all by herself. Not sure what kind of answer you expect here. Of course it didn't occur to him, that's the point of his segment. Whoa, that's quite a leap. In the original text (as this movie uses), she's just describing her appearance and what she assumed likely happened. There's no reason why she'd want her dead ... she even mourns her death and says she hoped she'd marry Hamlet. She truly wasn't that bad, it's insane how low my expectations of her were based on all these criticisms. Her worst scenes are the longer ones with Al Pacino because she obviously was nowhere near his level. But there were only like 2 of those. The rest she was perfectly fine. Surely if it was any less tame it would have earned an NC-17. The MPAA is strict about sexual things. The fact that they got away with showing cunnilingus in 1992 is pretty crazy. She was only around 33/34 years old when this movie came out, so probably 32/33 when it was being filmed. Women's bodies don't fall apart the second they hit 30. It's not even like she was stacked or anything. Are they still "aggressive and warlike"? Do they describe themselves that way? 🤔 Would they describe their ancestors that way? Hostiles is pretty similar, and True Grit She literally said a handful of very simple english words, and it's established that they spent their time traveling teaching each other language and stories. They were also established to be on the road for well over a month. It's not that crazy at all, and if people dislike this movie I highly doubt it was because "the little girl knew too much Englush!!!!!"