GretchenRoss's Replies

Why would it be? Every single adaptation of Little Women has been played by actresses older than the characters. In the 40's version a 32 year old plays a teenager. Most teenagers don't have the acting chops to play older women as they appear in the second half of the story, so they have older women play younger girls. It's just how things are always done. Look at all the high school shows where the actors aren't even close to the same age as their characters. Laurie isn't supposed to be a manly man, so what difference does that make? Or do you just hate seeing actors who aren't manly men? Just because you remember Chris Cooper as someone from another movie means he was miscast? I never saw the Jason Bourne movies, I bet the most of the target audience for this movie hasn't either. Not to mention he has an extensive acting history playing all types of characters. Again, just because you know Bob Odenkirk as Saul means he was a strange casting choice? Maybe you need to watch these actors in more things before you start criticizing them for NOT being typecast What you said makes no sense. Alcott wanted her to be free to love who she wanted, so that means she's a lesbian? And of all the actresses who have played Jo, who has been rumored to be a lesbian? That's absurd. Louisa herself never married but had a brief romance with a man, even if she didn't I guess that means she's probably a lesbian by your definition. Most people don't know who is with what agency ... so yeah I doubt that effects the "believeability" of the movie lol. "Are you insane? We are trying to make young minds believe they are super heroes and the real world doesn't exist!" Yeah, cuz an affluent teen running a whorehouse from his home for a weekend without getting caught is just as realistic/something we want "young minds to believe" 🙄 The fact that you thought for a second he was being sincere means you would be as easily manipulated as an eighth grade girl. 🙄 Even if he was being sincere, performing a sex act on a young girl just so she can be "experienced" is not "doing her a favor", jesus christ. He asks that guy about how much money he spent on a date and he didn't get sex from the woman. He was illustrating to them that it is cheaper to buy a prostitute where you will be guaranteed sex. He was basically being a salesman to all his friends about his new brothel.