MovieChat Forums > The Godfather Part III (1990) Discussion > Why did Sofia Coppola's dad, Francis kee...

Why did Sofia Coppola's dad, Francis keep her after seeing dailies?

Did he really think she was doing a good job? And why not just get a real actress anyway? The excuse is always traced back to Winona Ryder flaking out, but you would think that many young actresses would have been killing each other in airports to get to that set within hours. It doesn't make any sense and never has.


Agreed. At least with his sister, Talia, she could act. Plus I didn't like the who story between her having a relationship with her first cousin. Weak writing. I love GF 1 & 2. The storylines on GF3 was weak. Plus seriously they should have paid more $$ and signed up Robert Duvall.


She truly wasn't that bad, it's insane how low my expectations of her were based on all these criticisms. Her worst scenes are the longer ones with Al Pacino because she obviously was nowhere near his level. But there were only like 2 of those. The rest she was perfectly fine.


I also found her scenes flirting with Vincent super cringe, terrible acting from her.




the same reason will smith made a 130 million dollar box office bomb called After Earth for Jaden.


"You don't turn your back on family."
- Dominic Toretto
