GretchenRoss's Replies

"I won't watch a movie if a long dead group of people isn't depicted exactly how biased settlers wrote about them 150 years ago" She just did a movie as a Disney villain, I don't think she thinks she's hot shit just because she won an Oscar. Don't see how the title sequence is very different from the first one? She was wearing a fat suit in Little Miss Sunshine Uh, I mean, both, I guess ... ? I gotta be honest with you, I read all of this four times and I don't even know what you're saying or asking. Juliette was 22 - 23 in this movie and has already been in plenty of movies where her character was in a rough situation including rape and incest. I'd say she was long past feeling nervous or uncomfortable in general in acting situations, let alone something as tame as naked dancing women. Nice commentary from someone who hasn't even seen this movie lol. I don't think so. It could be interpreted that way, maybe. But I think it's a little homophobic in itself to think bullies who target gay people are secretly closeted. Some people are just incredibly hateful. What Terrel probably really gets off on is harassing someone weaker than him, someone who he views as disgusting and an affront to his own masculinity. He was violent toward other people besides Chiron (we see him pushing random dudes & the story of how he used to get Kevin to hit other kids), so it's not like Chiron was the only target of his hate. I see that as just a hateful person. Head trauma can change people's personalities for sure. But it's usually something more extreme like a car crash, I kind of doubt anyone could change that much from bumping their head on a counter and drawing blood. I agree, unrealistic for someone who is too shy to say anything to even hurt Mary Elizabeth's feelings. I guess you're supposed to think it was one of those wild, in the moment, call of the void moments and that he impulsively knew it would end the relationship without having to say anything. But why would he risk losing all his friends over something like that? Just made for a good drama moment in a teen movie is all. I agree, it was really strange. Threw me off when she said "oh buggar", like excuse me Cate are you trying to be British orrrr? She's a great actress but weird accent in this movie Surely you must be trolling, although reading your post history I'm afraid you might be sincere. The cyberpunk genre has existed since the 80's. Blade Runner and all movies of its ilk look about the same when it comes to their cityscapes (and cars). Not to mention Cyberpunk 2077 has been in production for nearly a decade, way before this movie was ever made. Aaand this movie was based on a series from the 90s, so if they took inspiration from anything it was surely the original source material. The suicide theory is tired, especially since she mentions earlier in the film her literal fantasy of leaving town on a bus and never looking back. That's what she did. Honestly I see her turning out like Seymour since they had so much in common. Begrudgingly ending up in an office job and maintaining her niche interests, lonely, unable to connect with people. It's hard to shake such a cynical outlook at such a young age. You don't really grow out of that, unless you're lucky. Ok, well that's your experience, not everyone's. I'm inclined to agree most men would appreciate that happening to them, but that's the double standards of our society. Um, No? It's not doing him a favor. Doesn't matter the gender, a wiser, more experienced high school kid taking advantage of a middle schooler's lack of experience for their own sexual gratification is ... bad. No matter what excuse they have. If it turned into a hostage situation / the perp refused to leave the building and barricaded himself into it, it would've been means to communicate to him. No Ok, so what would you name it? Do all movies have to have an obvious title? I think you're overthinking it or it's been a long time since you've seen it. She says in full, "She got a place of her own. She don't tell me where. One night I follow her in a taxi and she goes to this fancy house in Coconut Grove. ... (I don't know) if there is a man there ... There was this car in the driveway. I know if I go in there, she kill me. She's like you. You better talk to her Tony, she don't listen to me ... she says to me, mira, shut up, mind your own business, exactly like you ... why do you have to hurt everything you touch? Why do you have to destroy everything that comes your way?" Like what else do you need to know? Pretty concise reasoning spelled out completely in the dialogue. She is scared, frantic, does not know what her daughter has gotten herself into.