Girl speaking English??

So how did Johanna suddenly start speaking English towards the end?
She spoke zilch of it throughout the movie and starts mouthing sentences while being dropped at her aunt's?


She started remembering some German words partway thru, and then she was with Hanks almost constantly and he was teaching her thru gestures and simple conversations in English. Kids pick up on a new language much easier than adults.


She definitely was not long enough with him to learn and start speaking a completely new language. If I remember correctly they were on the road for 2 weeks or so. Moreover, she never spoke English throughout the journey but only while being dropped. There's a reason the movie is not that, well-liked by people. This is a part of that. It's simply not that well made.


She literally said a handful of very simple english words, and it's established that they spent their time traveling teaching each other language and stories. They were also established to be on the road for well over a month. It's not that crazy at all, and if people dislike this movie I highly doubt it was because "the little girl knew too much Englush!!!!!"


Well, for me this was one of the reasons. It simply adds unnecessary "cringe" to the movie which already was a cringefest from start to end.


It seems you just "cringe" very easily.


Learning languages is a thing that people do. Tom Hanks starts learning Kiowa too. They've been traveling a long time together. Plus, she does know German and English is Germanic.


Hanks speaks very little Kinowa from the experience of his travels. The guy is middle-aged and not new to the language and even then he is not that good at it. While the girl never knew English and just some german.


"English is Germanic" - not untrue, but it's a long journey from Beowulf to Hamlet, with many sidetrips.
