juviejay's Replies

I always think of it like a pyramid of intelligence with John at the top, then Hans and his crew, then the FBI, then the cops. Although, at times, the bottom 2 layers seemed to switch. I don't know how police stations work, but I'm guessing one of the first things they do in this type of situation is to set up a perimeter, and put snipers in nearby buildings. Perhaps these are the so called "spotters." Also, wasn't John and Hans' conversation being blasted to the cops as well? So, by inference, then, I think Powell could have surmised that it was John, and not the terrorists, who caused the explosion. They made a deal with the battery company. They had trouble financing the film so the battery company threw in a few million, but insisted they had to call the film "Die Hard." They wanted Bruce to be dressed as a rabbit in the beginning of the film too, but that was cut in editing. https://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images?p=bruce+willis+as+a+rabbit&fr=yset_chr_syc_hp&type=hp-banner-v2Aug27&imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2F736x%2Fea%2F53%2F11%2Fea5311e45d7951e9fa52beb270cfebc6--bunny-suit-bruce-willis.jpg#id=11&iurl=https%3A%2F%2Fd1w8c6s6gmwlek.cloudfront.net%2Fdesignteamshirts.com%2Foverlays%2F344%2F691%2F34469159.png&action=click He's not the best actor, but not the worst. What made Die Hard so great was that he was in it. Not some indestructible muscle man like Ah-hold or Sly, but someone human, vulnerable, an everyman. He showed his fear and his pain, but he overcame it. That's what makes the movie so great, and the title so apt. Especially since he did his own stunts. And, I would say, he's also got great comedic timing. He was great in Moonlighting. That's something that actors talk about as being difficult. I agree his later movies and performances were nothing to rave about, but Die Hard is one of the best action movies of all time, and he's a big reason why. Too bad "Woke Hard" is already the title of another movie. It's about my teenage years. Psycho Killer? No More Lonely Nights? Thank you, and you are correct, of course. 1980s Words to memorize Words hypnotize Words make my mouth exercise. Two Out of Three Ain't Bad -- Meatloaf Wrapped Around Your Finger -- The Police Correct. 1987 Well, I'm a West Coast struttin' One bad mother Got a rattle snake suitcase Under my arm. Yes, I'm a mean machine Been drinkin' gasoline And, honey, you can Make my motor hum. Styx, Too Much Time on my Hands I'm guessing Nirvana, but I don't know the song. Or, that one with the video about the girl dressed as a bee. Field of Dreams isn't that good. Neither is The Shawshank Redemption or The Green Mile. Eminem is the GOAT as far as rappers go. I agree. Watched all those "best of SNL" players and his was the funniest. I agree Pink Panther wasn't funny, but Steve Martin's a genius. Did you see The Jerk? The Lonely Guy? Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid? The Man with Two Brains? I take it you haven't. Well, try this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uVUSBi3u0E