LockardTheGOAT's Replies

How was Joker not a manic? He fit the very meaning of the word! And I listed a number of different ways that he acted like a clown. And I don't see how behaving rationally means he's acting out of character either. Joker among other things is still a very intelligent character; he doesn't just always go off and spontaneously do shit without planning anything. TDK Joker was even partially based off the original Joker of the first couple issues Never appears maniac? How about killing X amount of people, blowing up buildings, trying to turn society into a jungle? Just because some of what he says about people is sensible doesn't mean his way of trying to prove his point isn't crazy He does act clownish, just not cartoonishly so. He dressed like one, for one thing. He wears a few gadgets on him (including blades manufactured into his shoes.) He laughs plenty and giggles in a rather whimsical way at times. Has a dark sense of humor. Showed enough traits of a clown to pass for a realistic take of The Joker. This seems to be a really forced way of hating on Ledger's portrayal of the character. But to each his own. No, I legitimately think people are so enamoured by celebirities that they really do feel they deserve extra pity and sympathy when they go. We place way too much artificial value on fame, status, wealth, etc. and especially on the importance of the lives of those that have it How was Ledger's Joker a pervert? He wasn't a sexual deviant at all. Just a nihilist who wanted to poison and corrupt everything 'good.' I thought it was a great bit of dark humor lol People always expect you to feel extra sympathy when the person that dies is a celebrity for some reason What can I say? I'm glad that he's dead, I don't have to be sad just because you and so many others are, especially given his dark past "damn, why not Lebron instead?" lol This was actually one of my very first thoughts. I won't miss Kobe, but I would have taken LeBron instead Sure. Anything you need to tell yourself so that you only have to acknowledge the good that he did, not the bad lol Never even heard of the other two Hope Floyd Mayweather or John Cena or someone is next Either Arthur or Randall could easily have acquired the gun illegally from someone and then the movie would still work Besides that, there's a difference between movies and reality His "successes" are a lot fewer and far between than his failures, bruh I'm not rooting for or against him, just telling you how it is Well, maybe they will after about 10 more movies flop with him as the headliner (other than when he's resuscitating old franchises like Bad Boys or Men In Black.) Smith has such a reputation in Hollywood that the industry isn't gonna just write him off easily. But that doesn't mean his recent string of flops isn't a telling sign either If the films were successful for reasons beyond him, then yes, they can be dismissed And when 85-90% of your movies over nearly the past decade have flopped, then it's time to start thinking maybe you're just not the star you once were It is completely accurate since almost everything he's done in the last six or seven years has flopped. Gemini Man, Concussion, Collateral Beauty, After Earth, Spies In Disguise, etc. Suicide Squad and Aladdin were successful, but so what? They were successful in spite of him, not because of him. Suicide Sqaud is a huge comic storyline (and Harley Quinn was the most memorable thing about that film, hence why she got her own solo movie and Deadshot didn't) and Aladdin is a huge Disney property. I know. I want to fuck her so bad Then how do you explain this film? lol You don't make any sense