LockardTheGOAT's Replies

lol Will Smith hasn't been a top Hollywood draw for years. Virtually everything he has done in the past decade has flopped except Bad Boys, Suicide Squad, and Aladdin... 2/3 which you can't contribute to him Well, he's old now. No reason he should be the same handsome guy that he was in his 20's or 30's. I wasn't counting her as a villain since she'll end up becoming an ally to Batman Only The Riddler and The Penguin are the principal villians... The rest are just there in minor roles to give Batman easy foes to squash Murray's producer was in the background signaling that they should cut the feed, but Murray just kept engaging with Arthur because he knew it was too good for TV. Shouldn't be that simple to break into someone's home with that much money Glad to see she was quickly reinstated. Too many people lose their jobs unfairly over stupid bullshit, it's good to see it doesn't always happen that way, though If they expected it to flop, then why did they make it to begin with? Dumb If it worked "better than expected" then how could it be considered a flop? Dumb. The emergency lights outside the window of his living room in the next scene imply that he did (paramedics/police arriving after her daughter found her corpse), but the director says that he didn't. In fact, the director says they shot a scene of Sophie watching Arthur on TV when he went on Murphy Franklin's show, but they later deleted it to keep her fate ambigious. Black people don't deserve reparations. People today suffered through NOTHING Wrong! Both contribute to society but the rich need the poor a lot more than the other way around. These jobs aren't gonna do themselves, it's the people that do the work that make the jobs as important and beneficial as they are Your analogy is shit, btw. I'm saying that the ones who do the work are more important than the ones who simply create the opportunity for them. So someone who uses a computer that somebody else built isn't comparable to the lower/middle class people in this case, because they aren't the ones doing any work, they're just benefitting from it. A better analogy following your logic would be saying that a person who creates a computer is more important than the people who simply create the work environment for them to do so... In which case, I would definitely agree, they are! Your last analogy is silly too, because why compare the 1% wealthy to only the 1% poorest? I'm comparing the higher classes with all the poor and middle classes, so trickling down to only the bottom 1% is pretty disingenious. What is your point anyway? 1. Explain what society would look like if no one was working the banks or the airports, if there were no policemen, no firemen, no doctors, architects or construction workers, no one building the lawnmowers, etc. It's pretty much undeniable that these jobs must exist if society is to function the way it does 2. It's a fact because of what I wrote above. 3. lol We're still a ways from replacing humans with robots. And if it were not for the lower classes, then society would never reach the point where we were able to build robots to do our jobs for us in the first place. Btw, robots can eventually replace 99.9% of wealthy people as well 4. Wrong! My argument was that the work the lower and middle classes do is more important than the work than at least 99% of the wealthy do. And that is still my argument. I'm simply saying that it doesn't mater WHY people do the work, only that they do Hollywood and the media love him more than the public does. Still looks pretty hot to me. You must hate her for other reasons and are using this as rationalization to criticize her. I have a lot of sympathy for them considering I'm turning into one of them. It's the sad truth of this cruel, unfair existence we live 1. They are all facts. Break them down and explain factually and logically how each of them aren't. I mean, don't just SAY that they aren't, explain it 2. It doesn't matter if anyone works for the betterment of society or whatnot, the fact is their professions are absolutely necessary for society to exist the way it does, and they are the ones performing those jobs, thus lower class people are still technically the most important people society had to rely on It looks low budget I'm more upset they didn't let Omar kill somebody more important than Savino (who wasn't even properly re-introduced) before dying. Chris, Snoop, Monk, Cheese, even Vinson... Pick one He's by far the most memorable part, but the rest of the film is still 'good', just not great