MovieChat Forums > Harrison Ford Discussion > He Should Make A Film With Steve Martin ...

He Should Make A Film With Steve Martin Before He Dies

Already posted this on Steve Martin's board but placing it here as well just in case the people who need to see this to make this dream a reality land up on this board... Anyway:-


They look so alike they'd be well cast as brothers.

Harrison Ford could play against type as some fun loving wild old dude, with Steve Martin as his straightlaced brother.

I suggest that Steve Martin's character has been recently widowed, with his brother Ford - who he's barely seen in a number of years - just coming off his upteenth divorce.

Ford initially struggles to pull his depressed brother out of his malaise but Martin eventually succumbs to reconnect over a road trip somewhere - perhaps a favourite childhood holiday location, where they'll scatter his wife's ashes.

They hire an open top car and a heartwarming, life affirming road trip across America ensues...

I'm almost in tears just imagining the pair of them laughing away in that open top car... Who can we put this high quality concept to to ensure this gets made before it's too late?


Extra casting:-

I'm thinking J.B. Smoove would make a great addition to this.

But again, against character, I'd like to see him play his part in a more down to earth manner.

I think Smoove would be well cast as playing a car mechanic who would come to help them out when the old open top classic car (which would be the same model their father used to have when they were kids) breaks down.

At the point in the film Smoove joins proceedings, the brothers are still at odds and not yet fully reconnected. Perhaps an argument breaks out re how it was a stupid car to hire in the first place, resulting in Ford storming off.

Left with Smoove, Martin would berate his brother and say he wished he'd never have agreed to come along. At this point, J.B. would deliver the centre piece speech of the film, talking about his own brother, how they'd fallen out over something stupid and that he'd do anything to reconnect with him as he'd died in an accident before he got a chance.

Martin, at this point, sees the error of his ways and subsequently the two brothers reconnect, having a lot of fun before the film ends on a somber, yet heartwarming moment with Martin asking Ford to help him scatter his wife's ashes...


Possible sister:-

I believe that the brothers should also have a sister in what would be a slightly expanded cameo appearance near the start of this movie.

Perhaps she would play a role in persuading the reluctant Martin to join Ford on their road trip.

Thus far I am considering Diane Keaton as the right person for the role but I'm not 100% certain.

Any other suggestions for the role of the sister or do you think Keaton would carry this off nicely?


Don't just give your ideas away for free!


That wasn't really my intention - I was hoping to get some traction from Steve Martin / Harrison Ford's people, maybe through some of the listeners we have on here, so I could pitch the idea.

Sadly though, I haven't heard anything back yet and my initial huge enthusiasm for this has somewhat waned. A shame as I'm sure this would be a winner...


It sounds exactly like the kind of movie they should make now, which is why I would suggest you pitch it directly to someone in Hollywood.


It sounds exactly like the kind of movie they should make now...

Did you mean "they" as in Hollywood or as in Steve Martin and Harrison Ford?

I posted this on the Steve Martin board initially and said on there that I think it would be a beautiful way for Harrison Ford to get a bit of redemption and perhaps finish his career on a high, after the less than beloved final outings for his Indiana Jones & Star Wars characters.

But if you meant Hollywood, then yes as well - a nice kind of throwback soft comedy we don't get so much anymore.

Anyway, I don't know anyone in Hollywood to pitch it to, so if anyone on here reading this does and can let me know it would be much appreciated...


I would watch



Do you know anyone in "the biz" I could send this to? I'm sure once it lands in the right hands it will be a goer...


i do not


Wait. I am confused. Who dies in this far fetched scenario? Steve Martin or Harrison Ford?


Neither of them.

Steve Martin's wife has died near the beginning of proceedings. Subsequently we discover that JB Smoove had a brother who died at some point in the past.

But both the main characters make it to the end.


Same response I gave on the Steve Martin board. I don't see it happening. They don't look alike.
