MovieChat Forums > Politics > There must be legal immigrants who murde...

There must be legal immigrants who murder. Right?

All this talk about only the illegal aliens who murder has me thinking that there must be legal ones who also do.
So why aren't they as controversial?


There was controversy.
For example, many of our best scientists unwittingly 'emigrated' after WWII.
As a bonus the US also got our best serial killers.
Now they're integrated. 👼​


German scientist serial killers?

There is a lengthy list of German serial killers but they are not specified as "scientists."

I have heard of a couple of German serial killer scientists, but none that I recall that "emigrated to the USA after WWII", or are you personally considering them "serial killers" because of their roll in the war?


I didn't equate scientists with serial killers. ☺
Our best serial killers came as an additional "bonus" with the scientists.

But true, it's a bit shocking how many serial killers in the USA have German roots. 😳​


Because if the far left wasn’t refusing to secure the border then the illegals wouldn’t be here and the people they killed would still be alive.

If the far left wasn’t actively refusing to prosecute violent criminals who arent illegal immigrants then they would still be in prison and the people they killed would still be alive.

That’s why.

It’s too bad Laken Riley wasn’t a drug dealing thug. You people would care about her death if she were.


Downgrading felonies to misdemeanors and re-released to commit more violent crimes. Because somehow, they are the victims.
Ass-backwards liberal mentality.


It's a Mind-Virus.

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


If we didn't have this huge problem of completely unvetted people flowing across teh border,

then yes, the issue of BADLY VETTED people LEGALY flowing across the border would and SHOULD get some attention.


Not only that I’m apparently not supposed to be allowed to have a gun to defend myself against these thugs and criminals that they are releasing from prison. Guess I’m just supposed to let them kill me and my whole family.


Because there isn't much that can be done about those ones and there are laws on the books already to get rid of the illegal ones.


You want to invite people into your home who are nice, won't shit on your floor and murder you.

Maybe it's an expectation of a bygone era but I bet most people don't welcome just anyone into their home.


No. This has never happened.
