MovieChat Forums > Theman > Replies

Theman's Replies

I am a retired Army Infantryman. People need to go to jail. If it doesn’t matter why don’t they keep it a secret if no one cares. I was about to post the same thing. Not as easy as finding footage of the FBI gassing the place. That was network television. I don’t know if napalm footage exists or not, but I question your comment as you say two of us mentioned it when there is no mention of napalm in any of my posts. Tell that to the Nazis they bring to Justice at age 90. No you are wrong. Many of the tortured and dead were innocent children. The FBI, military, and Bill Clinton tortured them even before the fire by playing sounds of animals being slaughtered during the night for two months. The government broke the law by having military being used inside the United States. The law only allows the National Guard to being used and there were non National guard units used. Even if you think the government did not start the fire which is debatable given all the laws that were broken and lies the government told, using so much gas is both painful and can cause innocent children to be knocked down to the ground unable to escape a fire. One time in the Army they threw a gas canister into a building I was inside and I almost collapse to the ground and I was one of the top runners in the company. I never fell out of an army run during my whole Army career. All my info is from so called respected sources and is generally well known. The whole thing could have been over day one by driving a radio controlled tank to knock down the walls doing what they wanted with Koresh. Instead, Bill Clinton wanted to torture and ultimately murder the children. I had a lot of harsh training even in arctic conditions, but I was never in combat. If you have multiple combat tours many extended as our boys were when the country won’t institute a draft even when the country was overwhelming in support of starting the war you would change your tune. You can get away with murder, cough Bill Clinton, if you are a Dem. If you know all the facts why refer me to someone else. Something’s not right here. Wait? You answered without knowing any of the facts? People do that on the internet? Yes. People make more than one post on message boards. Thanks for filling us in. Anything else you want to enlighten us with with your otherworldly wisdom? Ok. You’re so smart what would the law say here, big shot? Now I am more confused. I think a lot of people here don’t understand what you mean. I think you misunderstood my post. I am saying this happens all the time so how come it is never prosecuted unless it is ok. You know I was thinking about this the other day and I am unsure about the law but it could very well be that Joe Biden could be convicted of murder here. He broke US law by bringing in illegal immigrants. It’s like if you are in a car full of people and you break the law and a murder occurs you could be sent to jail even though you had no direct part in the murder. Maybe someone more familiar with the law could weigh in. A whole lot of nothing. Almost all defendants say they are innocent so in essence they are calling the plaintiffs liars. There are claims Bill Clinton raped women. Please, have some self respect and don’t equate murder with defrauding business partners. Donald Trump is not a murderer. There is a difference.