BurningSun's Replies

1. 3 hours 4 hours who cares. Math is stupid and pintless. 2. NO!! I fought in a war. Have you? Call me a sissy to my face, punk!. 3. People are obsessed with crap like Kevin Hart, George Lopez, Amy Shumer and other libtards. Kevin Hart’s whole shtick is going “IM BLACK AAAAAAAHHH” and audience goes nuts. No style or substance. Remember Larry the Cable Guy? He was actually fun and related to people who worked, like me. 4. I don’t watch a lot of porn anymore. It’s disgusting. Millennials are into licking asshole and feet and just gross crap. Besides, Scarlett is just totally sexy anyways. 5. Well there were some dumb SJW shit but I mean the women mostly got their sweet asses kicked by men, which made it realistic and redeemable. 6. Uh what? The COD games are AMAZING!! I can sit and play COD for hours. Much better than shit like GTA where you just run around and shoot people. No plot or story at all. COD is realistic and educational. Stick to Care Bears, sissy. 7. Who is Leo? Another libtard shill? 8. This is hilarious! You think libtards would actually want to fight? They piss their pants and cry at even the sight of a gun! Every single one of them. It’s “gutter trash”. Just admit you’re wrong. I just watched the captions and they say “gutter trash”. The official script also says “gutter trash”. It’s a fairly common phrase. Stop being an immature idiot. You people will never understand that you are far more annoying than those SJWs. Who goes out of their way to bitch and moan about what they THINK somebody else would bitch and moan about? Just ridiculous I do agree that SLJ plays Jules Winnfield in pretty much every movie. But he’s very good at playing Jules and I enjoy seeing him in pretty much anything. The theater I used to manage played the first Jumanji til mid April, and was playing alongside Rampage, which came out that year. Oh, Maul. Those accursed SJW’s have gotten you all riled up and...*ahem*, TRIGGERED, haven’t they? Your post is stupid, surprise surprise. Notice how Gran Turismo has caused ZERO controversy in recent years? That’s probably because those pesky SJW’s don’t give a shit. If it was really that worthy of a “PC shitstorm” the movie would be banned. But hey, it isn’t. In fact, I’ve never heard a SINGLE liberal complain about Walt Kowalski’s dialog. I have, however, heard tons and tons of right wingers complaining how “this movie could never happened today thanks to them Obamers”, and you be one of em, People have been offended for eons, this shit didn’t just start in 2014. And this is a pretty good movie too. The acting isn’t good from the secondary characters but Eastwood does a great job as always and the film delivers a unique message: it isn’t what you say, but what you do. I think most people with a brain understand that before starting a shistorm, which is why most leftists have never complained about Gran Torino. Hope you’re enjoying your quarantine, you now have plenty of time to rant about blue haired millennials while jerking off to anime cat girls. I always get a kick out of how quickly and unnaturally the confrontation between Arnold and punk gangster (?) Bill Paxton goes. “Laundry day?” “Give me your clothes” “Fuck you, asshole!!!” *pulls out knives* Ghosts of Mars and LA are both cheesy but fun and entertaining as all hell. Memoires is boring and ruined by Chevy Chase’s infinite douchebaggery. Agreed, they need to make more realistic movies! Like all main characters are white males, the black guy is a stupid villain, and the women are only there for sex and sandwiches. This was my original idea too. Or, have Palpatine be resurrected ON SCREEN by Kylo before the third act. Maybe Kylo discovers Palpatine’s past and goes to that planet to bring him back to life. Agreed. Kasdan is hailed as some genius because he CO-WROTE, not even single handedly wrote, the script for ESB. Has he done anything good since? Look at what he did to TFA. Just awful. John Carpenter - Memoirs Of An Invisible Man Probably because not only would Marcellus likely find out about the indicent if she went to a hospital, but the police could trace drugs back to his house, meaning tons of people including Vince would be dead. The role was actually written for Steve Buscemi, and QT had also tried to cast James Woods and Jeff Goldblum in the role. Neither were available and QT filled the position at the last minute. So it wasn’t just an excuse for him to drop some n-bombs because he intended for others to say them. I think the line is meant to be referencial to 70’s exploitation dialog, where side characters randomly dropped the n-word in ways that seemed totally pointless and unnecessary. This is a great one! It was one the goriest moments I had ever seen in a big budget, critically acclaimed blockbuster at the time. The entire audience in the theater yelled in horror after that, followed by some nervous laugher. It was great. Typical liberal? Ha. I guess Trump is a typical liberal too, as he’s said those exact things multiple times. Oh wait, I forgot it’s totally okay if someone you like does something stupid... If a millenial liberal did this because Sanders mentioned it, we’d see it plastered on every corner of the interwebs and on Fox. But boomer conservatives did it because Trump said so? *tumbleweeds* What kind of conservative doesn’t like booze??? They love the economy so much that they fucked it up for every generation beneath them. Millinials are 80/90’s kids, so why are you addressing them as if they’re younger?? But I checked it out, and wow, you weren’t kidding. I posted in there to rile them up a bit. Should be a shitshow of exponential proportions, much like KK3.