Palpatine should have returned as a force ghost and Ghost Luke could have fought him

If they insisted on bringing back Palpatine, they should have made him into a force ghost to help Kylo Ren. And that in turns gives Luke, also a force ghost something to do to fight against him.

I think that would have worked better. Because the movie doesn’t really explain very well how he had survived ROTJ.


I think that might have been better than what we got; but I also think that no matter how you do it bringing back the emperor in any way undermines the climax of the OT and the final redemptive moment for Darth Vader. The impact of that scene in the Death Star Throne room will always have less punch if you know it doesn't really matter because the emperor comes back in some way. But at least with a force ghost version he is actually dead. But then there are some continuity issues, as far as I know Dark Side users cannot become force ghosts. It is not about power to become a force ghost it is more like a form of enlightenment.


This was my original idea too. Or, have Palpatine be resurrected ON SCREEN by Kylo before the third act. Maybe Kylo discovers Palpatine’s past and goes to that planet to bring him back to life.
