MovieChat Forums > Pulp Fiction (1994) Discussion > What kept Vincent from going to the ER, ...

What kept Vincent from going to the ER, or calling 911 when Mia OD'd?

Just curious because most people when dealing with drug overdoes would just call 911 and request an ambulance and let them go to the hospital and deal with it, as long as drugs arent in their possesssion they cant really do anything except charge them for the hospital treatment.

And it wouldnt be impossible to drive Mia to the hospitals Emergency Room and say that Vincent came to her house and found her OD'd on something and not responding, just hope that Mr. Wallace isnt called after the fact.

You could even call the police but that might be a terrible mistake, unless he lied to them and said he found her that way somewhere.

Also what would Marsellous do if Lance had refused to help Vincent after Vincent showed up at his house with Mia?


In the Scottish film Trainspotting, one character ODs or has a bad trip while visiting a drug dealer. The drug dealer phones a taxi, puts the ODing character out on the street, loads him into the cab when it arrives and the taxi driver drives the character to Accident and Emergency of the nearest hospital, after first taking some money from the ODing character's breast pocket for the fare (left there by the drug dealer). It is treated as almost a routine way to deal with an OD. But perhaps Vincent felt he had no such option with a leading hood's wife.

"Chicken soup - with a *beep* straw."


Unless you are prepared to have Mia go to jail and royally piss off her husband, your boss, none of these are good solutions. remember, the movie takes place in mid 90s California and laws were different back then. That's what Lance means by bite the bullet and get a lawyer. Police were notified on OD cases back then by the laws of most states.

Probably a really bad idea to screw up the one easy job you have over the weekend when your Boss' wife is on the line.


Well yes, the Trainspotting solution would not work here. Different society, different laws.
Vincent's character walks a tightrope in this film between charisma and dumbness. Still, the scene where he deals with the OD was one of the best film scenes of the 1990s.

"Chicken soup - with a *beep* straw."


Calling 911? Ving Rhames would've torn him 2 new *beep* for starters.

"It was the best of times; it was the blurst of times."


Why are drug laws not only unfair but changeable? Yeah, looks like indeed there won't be any benefits to having no laws but some laws are not needed.


Probably because not only would Marcellus likely find out about the indicent if she went to a hospital, but the police could trace drugs back to his house, meaning tons of people including Vince would be dead.


I wonder if Vincent could've at the very least, been charged with involuntary manslaughter had Mia died. I mean, it was after all, his heroin from his coat that she snorted, and Mia was on Vincent's "watch".
