BurningSun's Replies

India cinema is viewed less as traditional film writing and more as sweeping epics. Every film combines pretty much every genre together, includes musical numbers, wont be under 120 minutes, and has like 30 plots. Bollywood cinema is typically very hard for western audiences to digest, simply because they’re so much. Gangs Of Wasseypur Parts 1 & 2 are both masterpieces. Don’t get me wrong, I do enjoy Empire. If you turned it on the Tv, I’d probably watch it til the credits. My issue is that I simply don’t see what makes it better than Episode 4, or one the best sequels of all time. I don’t think any of the action scenes top that of 4 or 6, and the endings of 4 and 6 are far more exciting than 5, etc. Boba Fett isnt THAT awesome, he’s just a standard threatening villain with a gravely voice. Vader’s twist isnt THAT shocking. The ending isnt THAT sad. I dont know, everything feels half satisfying to me. It’s a good 7/10 movie, but 4 and 6 are much better 9/10 films IMO. Also, the line “I love you” “I know” is cringe. Not sure why people love it. Such a douchey line. ...And Justice for All. Riffs harder than anything else they ever did, and is the most matured sounding of their first four. Not a single moment that doesnt get the head banging. Their first four are all excellent, and Load is sadly underrated. He might have been a summer or august birthday, or he may have skipped a grade. I skipped an early primary school grade and entered college at 17. Revenge on the shark that kills her son at the beginning of the movie? Not a movie, but Dwight Shrute from The Office is an open fan of Metallica, Slayer, Carcass, Black Sabbath, Motorhead, and I think Motley Crue is his favorite band. He may be naive, but he’s certainly portrayed as an honest, hardworking, sophisticated man and the company’s finest salesman. I think people forget that Tom Cruise has been nominated for multiple Oscars. Anybody who think Cruise “cant dissapear into a role” hasn’t seen Born On The Fourth of July. Even Tropic Thunder gave him a near unrecognizable face! Paxton had that sexy protective 40 year old stepdad thing going for him. Some younger ladies might be into that. He was defintely a cool dude One took itself too serioulsy, the other didnt. One was going for the Oscar gold, the other wasnt. One is an hour too long, the other wasnt. Hmmmmm I wonder which film is which? None. Fusing with any animal would be as equally horrifying as it was with Brundle and a fly. Vineyard Vines hipster douche 2019 Marty McFly would go back in time to 1980’s Hill Valley. He would accidently invent (or inspire) the smart phone, Uber, Twitter, and Netflix. He plays Gucci Gang on stage at the school dance. The Delorean is a Tesla. Marty has to explain to Doc what a meme is. At least 5 reference to Donald Trump being president. Marty rejects his mother’s advances because he’s gay. Okay, since the answers are so glaringly obvious: 1. How does Sally have the ability to see into the future? Is this even one of her abilities? When does the movie establish this? 2. Who is The Boogeyman? Why does he hate Santa Claus? Why is he obsessed with casinos? 3. Why is Jack bored of Halloween? 4. How does Jack get from his world to the center of the universe by walking through the woods? How does he get to the real world? 5. When does it show that Jack realizes it’s “meant to be” with Sally before the final song? Since it’s so obvious and doesn’t need explaining, care to do it for me? I appreciate your reply because you actually TRIED to give a valid arguement, unlike everyone else who just shat on me for giving my honest opinion. I genuinely thank you. Though, I must say I don’t agree with you. The art style and animation ARE incredibly well done and easily the best parts of the film. Many of the shots admittedly had me spellbound at the creativity behind them. I understand that this film was revolutionary at the time of its release and I can definitely see why people at the time were blown away by what this film presented...at the time. Nowadays, stop motion animated feature films are far more commonplace, and most are better. Caroline and Kubo, fore example, are leagues better than this film because A: they have well written characters, B: they have well written stories, and C: they’re not boring or padded out. Both of those films had great critical reception, but why aren’t they held on the same pedistool as this one? Because there isn’t as much nostalgia for it? Regardless, many people have pretty much been saying “who cares about the writing? The animation is great!” Yes, true, the animation is more than great. But I’m sorry, the story and writing will ALWAYS come first. Independence Day has amazing CGI, but that doesn’t automatically mean it has an amazing story. A good writer can make simple characters while also adding depth to them. In fact, most movies have simple characters with great depth. And the whole fairy tale defense doesn’t make much sense to me either. Like, I get what you mean because this movie does have that sort of “bedtime story” feel to it, but this isn’t a bedtime story, it’s a feature length film. Regardless, Snow White, Pinocchio, Cinderella, etc all have much better writing than this movie does. In Cinderella, we see why she’s troubled and why she wants more. In this movie, Jack Skellington decides at random that he wants more after already having everything.