B1cKsurN's Replies

The thirst is real. Only losers like you crave victimhood. [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ib889nSZVU[/url] It's hard to watch. 1 has visual evidence, with a visual trail of events, a preposterous setup scenario, and has occam's razor so sharp you can stick it in between megalith blocks. The other is a tinfoil hat conspiracy created by our corrupt AF government, that blatantly plays on the populace's stupidity, to keep crazy violent progressives from rioting in the streets over the butthurt of a duly elected President that they hate because they've been brainwashed by the media... and it isn't working very well: see antifa. Civics, how do they work! "The goal of socialism is communism." - Vladimir Lenin He's been indicted on a felony charge. The FBI has been involved from the start. Like with a cloth? Their opinions are still valid. You guys sound like Scooby Doo villans... "The movie would have made billions, if not for those meddling net trolls!" Hilarious. They desperately need this narrative to be true...so much in fact they WANT hate crimes to happen in hopes it fits the narrative What a fucking time to be alive. They need to keep driving the lie that men are bad mmkay, and white men are really bad mmkay....until it actually comes true. So this will be forever. Helen Slater as SuperGirl is hella sexy mmkay. 16 year old girls that don't subscribe to the warrior-ing of social justice, tend to be very attractive at top fertile age. Imagine that. They think they've been promised a seat at the table. If they actually read history, they'd know the first ones removed after the revolution will be them, the useful idiots that helped complete it. The irony is that they'll be right next to the rest of us in the gulag telling is how racist we are and they aren't, and their death is different somehow. If you have to add the connotation "credible" to something, its probably the complete opposite. And Tawana Brawley!!! If anyone wants more hoax stories. Here's a nyt video : https://youtu.be/T78DwdFUq0c Butt-double. Yes, to the idiots in Commiewood it absolutely does matter now...and that's why people hate it. Intel committee is higher up than Mueller, obviously. 100% Correct. Butt double!!