B1cKsurN's Replies

These are the forums. They just don't exist there anymore. People are starting to use Dissenter as the new IMDB boards. It's pretty sweet. They don't, that's why they hate themselves and take it out on the rest of us. My thought: When a movie sucks, endlessly debate the money it will/will not make. If the crime is real....yes I'd bury that motherfucker. Famous or not. My children are NEVER for sale...maybe yours are, but you do you. MJ had vitiligo...the skin treatments were to fix the blotching....FFS READ. What proof do you have that he hated his own race? If you have kids all you have to do is ask yourself this... If my child is molested, do I make sure the book is thrown at the perp, or do you put a price on my child and settle for money? MJ is innocent. Weirdo, but not a molester. Look in the mirror buddy....you stink of hate. Wow, I'll be sure to steer clear of this franchise then lol. They are deleting reviews by people and stuffing the box with copypasta bot reviews. Its so pathetic and sad. Nothing online is real. Raw unedited footage or it didnt happen. Gotta be around 60k deleted user reviews so far. RT now has zero credibility. Marxism only can exist with a dehumanized boogeyman...hence this alt-right crap. Disagree? ALTRIGHT. Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia. Lol, trolls. Make a better movie. The bot brigade only proves the "trolls" correct. At least you admit it's an agenda. It's also not just incels that are against it. Remember that. Lots I'm sure. People are scum. Every industry has it's underground bullshit the public doesn't see. People are stupid. Buh buh buh his documents... WHATABOUTISM. He whom without sin may cast the first stone. You people think you're all Jesus Christ and actually have a right to criticize anyone else. PLEASE. That fact that you guys are so worried about it making money, and not actually being good says a lot. It's a female fantasy story. Progressives define any sort of criticism, or trying to hold women accountable, as misogyny and you're a virgin incel or someshit.